Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
Originally posted by KnightrousOxide:
85, are you trying to say that because we have a volunteer Army, we as citizens should not be concerned whether or not they are deployed, because it is what they signed up for? Not being a smart ass..just wanted some clarification....
No, of course not.
What you described is what people like marino would love you to believe, but it's not true and it's bullshit.
All that I'm saying is that we cannot, and should not, base foreign policy on the basis that our front line soldiers MAY be hurt or killed in combat. If that were the case, we would have never taken up the cause of a single war, ever.
What I'm saying is that the soldiers fighting in combat zones are tehre because they wanted to be there. There are no secrets or deceptions in the military- if you become an enlisted or officer in the Rangers, Marine Corps, SEALs, 101st, etc you know that your job is to fight. Period.