WHat? You denied it happened and are now saying you were referring to it?
My God you are thick! I literally said that's exactly what
I figured you were referring to and, when you confirmed it, I re-assert it is
not remotely anything close to what Trump said!
'dual-loyalty' argument is that people are loyal to more than one nation. What Omar said was well beyond that. Huge, huge difference!
It's one thing to question US-Israeli policy. It's another to question loyalty and affecting their objectivity. But it's then completely different to
question if they are Americans at all. That's what she did.
Now I've taken issue with other things Trump has said, but he calls out people who literally are constantly making anti-US statements, not just policy questions. That's when Trump questions if people are Americans.
Again, I don't agree with Trump on it, but it's a massive, massive difference from Omar! It actually requires people to constantly berate the US, and often hypocritically, considering the policies of the nations they even claim to represent. I don't see the people Omar is questioning are Americans bashing the US like she does.
Even Rand Paul had enough of it to make a similar point, and it was not only utterly missed, but Omar had the balls to highlight violence against Paul in retaliation. That was the lowest I've ever seen anyone go ... even lower than Trump. I mean, Paul was literally saying -- taking her own words -- and saying, let's go see how 'tolerant' the nation and people you are claiming to represent are of others, and all their issues as a result.
The point is that Omar should really re-consider her words about the US when she looks like a hypocrite from Palestinian policy and realities. I mean, let's talk policy, that's what Rand was saying, and Omar literally didn't just dodge it, but basically said Paul deserved the violence he received.
Again, it was an extremely objective argument made by Paul, far more so than Trump's. I literally could not believe what she did with that. And it pissed a lot of people off, not just me. Because a lot of people stopped to read what Paul actually said, and said he'd join her in Palestine too ... to hear their grievances, but also to show her how the US is different too.