I voted for George W. Bush--and every GOP candidate going back to Ronald Reagan. But I was so disappointed and frustrated with him and his administration that I haven't voted for a Republican candidate since.
Bush borrowed money from China for two wars that destablized the Middle East for decades and for what?
W. spent even more money on pork, to get those war votes, as well as allies. But in W.'s defense, the .COM bust pretty much proved the US has nowhere near enough industry and productivity to keep up with its consumerism and spending. His first recession had nothing to do with him.
His second was the housing bust, which everyone should have seen coming. Regulatory issues are always going to be issues when no one is held accountable. W. should have not spent all that pork, plus the war costs -- especially not Iraq. Right-wingers that tried to equate Iraq to 9/11 got old.
Of course, Hillary and Obama had Libya and Syria, so it was hardly W. alone. On that note ...
Nothing, nadda, zippo. Instead of focusing on Bin Ladin, he tried to 'finish what his Daddy started' by taking on Iraq based on bogus WMD fear-mongering. For all of Bush's war-mongering, it was the Obama Administration who ultimately got Bin Ladin. Let's not forget it was the Bush administration who was asleep at the wheel while the banks were screwing the country for their benefit. I swear, I was never more ashamed of a vote than I was of mine for GWB.
Although I completely agree on Iraq, I think you're giving way too much credit and too little of blame to Obama elsewhere.
Regarding Bin Laden, most of the intel was already in front of the Obama administration by the time they got in. They sat on it. Now it was also Republicans in committees in Congress too, but Obama gets way too much credit. It was a multi-administrative effort.
Regarding the banks, Obama didn't rectify many things that happened well after W. was out of office. He let the bonuses awarded after W. was well out continue. That alone made me sick.
But at least I wasn't stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump. I'm sure there are a lot of folks who are really ashamed of that one now.
Both Hillary and Trump were jokes. Just putting a 3rd party into the debate would have at least forced them to focus on the real issues, just as Ross Perot caused in '92.
Over-spending has only gotten worse since the Great Recession. At some point we won't be able to afford our debt. I don't see how Hillary makes things any better or worse ... sans the corporate tax rates had to come down (I could care less about personal).
So few would invest in the US with the tax rates where they were. Even pro-LGBT, very Progressive, new-age companies are in agreement on that.
When people stop solely blaming the left and right, we can start solving the real problems. Until then, it's one serious f'd up mess we're in, and it's only getting more partisan.