Ill give you my best guess based on my insurance background which doesnt include health insurance. In property&casualty insurance insurers can price easier based to risk by looking at actuarial data, loss experience, and even credit to determine rates. For example, in florida the homeowners market makes alot of money for decades and then much of it is wiped out from one storm. So insurers need to stack money when they experience good years and reinvest it to offset bad years and keep premiums reasonable because after all, if people cant afford the insurance then it unravels.If someone can give me a reason why insurers and hospitals both agree to keep this secret that doesn't involve screwing patients I would love to hear it.
So with health insurance i tend to think of it as more of a bucket of money that you will draw from often, especially for those who need prescription drug coverage because you as an insured arent sustaining a catatrophic loss but merely using the insurance to cover a portion or all of your drug costs. This is very much against every law of insurance. Having said all of that, i suspect drug companies and doctors may be lining their pockets and manipulating their costs to insurance companies. I dont have proof of this but this did happen a few years ago when body repair shops were overbilling insurers for fender benders.
Long response for you, but crazyhole i would support your thought that drug companies may have something to hide...