Soccer is just yet another sport that gets ruined by a game clock. I think a lot of sports would be better and more exciting if they got rid of the game clock and went to a score-based or innings-based termination of the game. Imagine how much less standing around and time-wasting there would be if the following sports declared victory by the following:
Basketball: 1st team to 100, win by 2 (keep shot clock to avoid on-court timeouts)
Soccer: 1st team to score 5 goals (yes, I know most teams don't score that many, but that's because there are a lot of stalling tactics used once a team gets up by a goal or two lead)
Football: Each team gets 12 offensive possessions. (keep play clock to avoid on-field timeouts), if still tied after 12 innings, then go to CFB OT rules where possessions start on opponents' 25.