@UCFKnight85 is a partisan joke of a poster. He's the most untrustworthy poster on this board. He was a Never Trumper when his party told him that was the cool thing to do. Then his party told him it wasn't cool anymore so now he's a huge Trump nutswinger. He'll literally support any measure to tow the party line and he has no original ideas. He's supported sexual abusers, child molesters, criminals, and now he's concocted an insane conspiracy theory to try and give Kavanaugh an out when he almost certainly did what he's being accused of.
You can't trust any post that this man makes he's bat shit crazy and will distort reality at any chance he gets to advance the partisan agenda. No morals or values will get in his way.
You can't trust any post that this man makes he's bat shit crazy and will distort reality at any chance he gets to advance the partisan agenda. No morals or values will get in his way.