Knightline NOW: Frost: Opt Out of Oregon ASAP

link has video of Frost saying he is not a Candidate for Oregon and that he's happy at UCF.

"My wife loves Orlando" The Happy Wife Happy Life Trump Card that isn't talked about enough during these coaching carousels.

also Bianchi continues being a douchebag Troll, he was doing everything to bait him into a comment to make a headline

Bianchi always has the dumbest questions than goes on the radio and brags about how cool he is for asking the "toughest questions".
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Now that Frost has decided, I just have to disagree with some on here. If the statue was a distraction to the players- the go away puffball. If it meant the players were dwelling on last year, then get rid of them FAST, because they're the type of player that would dwell on the last Int he threw, or the last time the WR beat him, or the missed block etc. etc. i.e a really bad player. My bet, no 1 player was distracted. You could tell in their early responses to Frost football- "football was fun again." That means in their minds, they burnt last seasons tape. Secondly, isn't it better that the damn thing is done and cemented in place 6 or so games into Frost's tenure rather than have this idea constantly floating around for years until it finally got done? Now, we all can damn well forget about it. Done and gathering dust- now we all can completely move on. At least UCF is acting quicker in honoring ex-coaches- it took a century to finally honor McDowell who saved the damn sport at UCF.
So fleck is probably the prime candidate but I think Willie has a chance. Can this drag out long enough where willie gets a huge raise and this is used against him on the recruiting trail?