
Sir Galahad

Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2004
I normally do not watch the news and if I do it would never be nbc that I would watch. I'm sitting g at a restaurant in New Hampshire last night and they have the news on NBC so I'm just glancing up at it. The first story they lead with is;

"Trump may have not paid taxes for 15 years."

After 10 minutes on that story the next one was

"Hurricane Matthew may cause castosrophic damage."

Wasn't the point of the news to take the "may" out of the headlines and actually investigate? Just how bad are nbc and others that they would lead with s story and use the word "may?" That is not news, that is speculation and could be used for anything. Hillary "may" be drinking the blood of children to stay alive.

I overheard a father talking to his daughter at the table next to me and said something very scary. He said "when a political party and the news outlets work together it's a scary time." I don't like Clinton and I've never really cared for network news but I had no idea it was this bad.
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I normally do not watch it he news and if I do it would never be nbc that I would watch. I'm sitting g at a restaurant in New Hampshire last night and they have the news on NBC so I'm just glancing up at it. The first story they lead with is;

"Trump may have not paid taxes for 15 years."

After 10 mi Utes on that story the next one was

"Hurricane Matthew may cause castosrophic damage."

Wasn't the point of the news to take the "may" out of the headlines and actually investigate? Just how bad are nbc and others that they would lead with s story and use the word "may?" That is not news, that is speculation and could be used for anything. Hillary "may" be drinking the blood of children to stay alive.

I overheard a father talking to his daughter at the table next to me and said something very scary. He said "when a political party and the news outlets work together it's a scary time." I don't like Clinton and I've never really cared for network news but I had no idea it was this bad.
Sounds Fair and Balanced to me.
Scandal (read: audiences need for judging others) and fear drive the news. Most news viewers watch to feel morally superior and "prepared." It pretty much encompasses all political ideologies and is the reason the BLM movement is such profitable news. They get to judge the black people that they fear will take away their stuff.
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I normally do not watch the news and if I do it would never be nbc that I would watch. I'm sitting g at a restaurant in New Hampshire last night and they have the news on NBC so I'm just glancing up at it. The first story they lead with is;

"Trump may have not paid taxes for 15 years."

After 10 minutes on that story the next one was

"Hurricane Matthew may cause castosrophic damage."

Wasn't the point of the news to take the "may" out of the headlines and actually investigate? Just how bad are nbc and others that they would lead with s story and use the word "may?" That is not news, that is speculation and could be used for anything. Hillary "may" be drinking the blood of children to stay alive.

I overheard a father talking to his daughter at the table next to me and said something very scary. He said "when a political party and the news outlets work together it's a scary time." I don't like Clinton and I've never really cared for network news but I had no idea it was this bad.

You were sitting g in a restaurant? Are you an OG, sir gal?
After years and years of lies a new poll finds just 29% of American voters trust liberal media fact-checkers.
Nice try.

Time magazine has described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group."[83] The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster."[84]John Zogby said that Scott Rasmussen has a "conservative constituency."[85] The Center for Public Integrity listed "Scott Rasmussen Inc" as a paid consultant for the 2004 George W. Bush campaign.[86]The Washington Post reported that the 2004 Bush re-election campaign had used a feature on the Rasmussen Reports website that allowed customers to program their own polls, and that Rasmussen asserted that he had not written any of the questions nor assisted Republicans.
Now you have the NY Times committing a felony by printing Trump's 21 year old taxes. Just how corrupt does it have to be before some of you wake up and realize that the media is being run by a political party? I'll go a step further and say that the Clinton camp knew of these taxes the NY Times received because it's too much of a coincidence that she spoke in such detail about his taxes and less than a week later the times has copies of his taxes. One step further, I have little doubt the leaker of the taxes was no other than the IRS.
Now you have the NY Times committing a felony by printing Trump's 21 year old taxes. Just how corrupt does it have to be before some of you wake up and realize that the media is being run by a political party? I'll go a step further and say that the Clinton camp knew of these taxes the NY Times received because it's too much of a coincidence that she spoke in such detail about his taxes and less than a week later the times has copies of his taxes. One step further, I have little doubt the leaker of the taxes was no other than the IRS.
Lol, as I learned at the Nicholson School of Communication. One of the reasons for owning a media company is so that people will hold the same views that you hold. Conspiracy theories aside.
Now you have the NY Times committing a felony by printing Trump's 21 year old taxes. Just how corrupt does it have to be before some of you wake up and realize that the media is being run by a political party? I'll go a step further and say that the Clinton camp knew of these taxes the NY Times received because it's too much of a coincidence that she spoke in such detail about his taxes and less than a week later the times has copies of his taxes. One step further, I have little doubt the leaker of the taxes was no other than the IRS.
And he merging of Sir G and Boston is finally complete.
The troubling part to everyone should be the public release of someone's private info with zero consequences . No matter what side you are on this is not a good thing
That was my point, the never Trumpers are no different than the Hillary supporters. They don't care how Trump is taken down as long as he is. The IRS gave Hillary and the NYTimes Trumps tax returns, if that does not scare you, you're not paying attention. You now have the federal government working hand in hand with the media and one political party.
That was my point, the never Trumpers are no different than the Hillary supporters. They don't care how Trump is taken down as long as he is. The IRS gave Hillary and the NYTimes Trumps tax returns, if that does not scare you, you're not paying attention. You now have the federal government working hand in hand with the media and one political party.
Could've been the Russians or the Chinese. How can you say it was the IRS?
Please BT. Wikileaks has been all over Clinton for the last 6 months. There were no complaints about them releasing her info.

The difference is that Wikileaks admitted to leaking Clinton shit. We don't have evidence of where the Trump leaks came from.
Please BT. Wikileaks has been all over Clinton for the last 6 months. There were no complaints about them releasing her info.
If that is your argument than you're not paying attention. Wikileaks is not a government agency. The IRS leaked this or at the very least someone at the IRS leaked it. What comes next, the EPA gets ahold of your personal emails when you apply for a wetlands permit?

It has been proven that the IRS was used against certain 501C3, when does the government corruption start to concern you?
This is so stupid. The best the IRS could do was a tax return from 20 years ago. Either their source at the IRS is incompetent or Trump hasn't filed a tax return for 20 years.
This is so stupid. The best the IRS could do was a tax return from 20 years ago. Either their source at the IRS is incompetent or Trump hasn't filed a tax return for 20 years.
I've realized that you either must be pretty young or just not experienced in life that much, either way not a big deal, good for you for being engaged in the process. The reason that year was leaked is because that was the year he took the deduction. That year was chosen specifically for that reason, that is why it must have been the IRS that leaked it. Now something no one is talking about is, to take that much deduction as hillary is claiming than Trump would have to make that much as well. That is to say, to claim that much of a carry forward deduction, one has to make at least that much.

Also to say he paid no taxes is like saying Hillary did not lie today. Trump's property tax bill alone has to be closed to eight figures a year, he pays sales tax, employee tax, social security and so on and so on. Either way, those were leaked by the IRS, working with the Clinton campaign as well as certain news outlets.
Trump "may" have Bill Cosby'd some women.
Hillary said in her Wall Street speeches that she would say one thing to the people in public and another thing to those behind closed doors. Notice I did not say "May." But the idiots out there are more concerned about what Trump said about women behind closed doors.
I've realized that you either must be pretty young or just not experienced in life that much, either way not a big deal, good for you for being engaged in the process. The reason that year was leaked is because that was the year he took the deduction. That year was chosen specifically for that reason, that is why it must have been the IRS that leaked it. Now something no one is talking about is, to take that much deduction as hillary is claiming than Trump would have to make that much as well. That is to say, to claim that much of a carry forward deduction, one has to make at least that much.

Also to say he paid no taxes is like saying Hillary did not lie today. Trump's property tax bill alone has to be closed to eight figures a year, he pays sales tax, employee tax, social security and so on and so on. Either way, those were leaked by the IRS, working with the Clinton campaign as well as certain news outlets.
yeah, sure. They picked that year because they know it would be easy to explain to people that he can use the deduction to offset his taxes for 18 years. 90% of the American people don't know how to calculate the amount of change to give you back when you pay with a $20 (younger generation) or didn't know how to balance a checkbook.
BTW, if they had access to tax returns for other years, would have been better (and easier) to use one where he used the deduction and probably didn't pay taxes?
Hillary said in her Wall Street speeches that she would say one thing to the people in public and another thing to those behind closed doors. Notice I did not say "May." But the idiots out there are more concerned about what Trump said about women behind closed doors.
Trump "grabs them by the pussy"
When cooligans stop worrying about the hurricane and look at other news we can talk about that
yeah, sure. They picked that year because they know it would be easy to explain to people that he can use the deduction to offset his taxes for 18 years. 90% of the American people don't know how to calculate the amount of change to give you back when you pay with a $20 (younger generation) or didn't know how to balance a checkbook.
BTW, if they had access to tax returns for other years, would have been better (and easier) to use one where he used the deduction and probably didn't pay taxes?
I'm trying to be nice to you but you're making it very tough. Yes any other year would be different, it would only show the offset loss moving forward based upon the amount of money he made that year. The reason only three pages were leaked is if they actually showed the entire tax return it would show things like property tax paid, City income tax, state income tax and so on . You're falling for exactly what they wanted you to fall for. Ask questions.
Trump "grabs them by the pussy"
When cooligans stop worrying about the hurricane and look at other news we can talk about that
And more Hillary emails were leaked today about her speeches to the Wall Street firms where she said she needs to say one thing in public about Wall Street and another thing to the public. But hey, you're worried about a guy that said something about a women pussy as if 99% of the men on this forum have not said such things. Grow up and realize that the issues facing this country have nothing to do with what Trump says about women and more to do about the economy, foreign relations. Here is one for you, for the first time in 50 years the United States is not the dominant military in the Middle East. This past week Syria signed a deal with Russia that allows their military to stay in that country for as long as Russia wants. They moved missiles that can shoot down planes and sink ships into Syria and have warned the U.S. not to fly over Syria. That is what is important, not some comments made in 2005.
Hillary said in her Wall Street speeches that she would say one thing to the people in public and another thing to those behind closed doors. Notice I did not say "May." But the idiots out there are more concerned about what Trump said about women behind closed doors.
Yes, it's smart to talk about policy the exact same behind closed doors as you do to the public....Those transcripts aren't getting traction because ultimately, they make sense and are reasonable things to say. Her talking about how she likes the European health care. Oh wow, how terrible is it that people don't have to face bankruptcy in order to stay healthy.

Trump, though, just added to his existing bigotry and misogyny. I bet he wishes his microphone was having "issues" then. This simply broke the camel's back. The destruction of the GOP before our eyes is a great thing to watch. I love it. No "may" there either. GOP and Trump are also in bed with Russia which is anti-American given it now has been confirmed they have been trying to influence US elections and hack certain officials. GOP as a whole for removing language from the platform against Russia is anti-American.
Yes, it's smart to talk about policy the exact same behind closed doors as you do to the public....Those transcripts aren't getting traction because ultimately, they make sense and are reasonable things to say. Her talking about how she likes the European health care. Oh wow, how terrible is it that people don't have to face bankruptcy in order to stay healthy.

Trump, though, just added to his existing bigotry and misogyny. I bet he wishes his microphone was having "issues" then. This simply broke the camel's back. The destruction of the GOP before our eyes is a great thing to watch. I love it. No "may" there either. GOP and Trump are also in bed with Russia which is anti-American given it now has been confirmed they have been trying to influence US elections and hack certain officials. GOP as a whole for removing language from the platform against Russia is anti-American.

This is so awesomely hilarious considering the arrogant asshole Democrats mocked and laughed at Romney just 4 years ago when he called Russia our biggest foe.

I guess your party was anti American then too, hmm? After all, you guys were idiotically trying to hit "reset" with Russia while Putin used Clinton and Kerry like absolute clown puppets to get what he wants.

So cute to hear the Ds acting tough on Russia now.

Please cut the shit
But hey, you're worried about a guy that said something about a women pussy as if 99% of the men on this forum have not said such things.
I don't know what deplorable circle you hang around, but, no, it is not normal to talk about sexually assaulting a woman. Or really, most other stupid stuff that he has said.
All you whiny libs keep crying about this stuff yet ignore Hillary actually doing much worse, not just talking. At the end of the day this won't hurt Trump. He's been saying dumb shit for a year and a half and he's still only 2 points back. What does that say about the person you're voting for?
I don't know what deplorable circle you hang around, but, no, it is not normal to talk about sexually assaulting a woman. Or really, most other stupid stuff that he has said.
Talk, I know people like you get scared by talk. Do you need a safe space? Hillary actually got people killed, lied to congress and destroyed evidence in a government coverup. But hey Nona, go to your safe space and cover your ears.