We may be dumb...but we can read. The Mueller Investigation's written response to the Buzzfeed report was, and I quote,:
"BuzzFeed's description of specific statements to the Special Counsel's Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen's Congressional testimony are not accurate."
I didn't read any description there of "hot garbage" or "fake news." If you want to make assumptions of what Mueller's statement means, that's your right. Just know that if anyone here is being obsessive in their comments, it's you in your blind defense of Trump.
You've claimed over, and over, AND OVER again that Mueller is the devil on a witchhunt --- until his office says something you can grab a hold of for a time. It's amusing that he's become your 'go to' guy for now. But be careful about buddying up to him. My gut tells me he's going to once again become a secret Democrat hellbent on destroying our beloved President again with his witchhunt lies before you know it.