My New Stance: Medicare For None

You nailed it, Cubs79!

That's why I had to laugh when people talked about how scary Warren's and Sander's various plans were. Every one of them was pure fantasy. They all had about as much chance of becoming law as me making love to Emma Watson or Scarlett Johansson (although, I still dream.)

Warren would have been a lot more affective in getting things done IMO.
Bernie is no more a socialist than Biden is.
But you don't hear Biden saying stupid-ass sh*t about Fidel Castro for crying out loud!!! That was one of the most idiotic, un-forced campaign errors I've ever seen. It's no wonder that after that stunt, Democratic voters went to the polls and voted in waves for Joe Biden.

I agree with your take on socialism. We live in a society that embraces many socialistic programs. But you've got to get your head out of the clouds and face reality. Biden is the one candidate in the race who can beat Trump -- and Trump damn well knows it too or he wouldn't have risked his entire Presidency in an effort to smear Joe.
You do know that Biden will get called a socialist the whole election too right?

We're all socialists in the eyes of fox news. Want potholes filled? Socialism. Want national parks? Socialism. Want new bus routes? Socialism.

Bernie is no more a socialist than Biden is. He's proposing ideas that are successful in capitalist based countries. You're just falling for the noise but I assure you that Joe Biden will be a socialist by September.

You are counting on Medicare when you're eligible. Why should you get it if you don't want anyone else to have it?

I'm confused. You said socialism is only when government takes over an industry, so how is filling potholes socialism?
But you don't hear Biden saying stupid-ass sh*t about Fidel Castro for crying out loud!!! That was one of the most idiotic, un-forced campaign errors I've ever seen. It's no wonder that after that stunt, Democratic voters went to the polls and voted in waves for Joe Biden.

I agree with your take on socialism. We live in a society that embraces many socialistic programs. But you've got to get your head out of the clouds and face reality. Biden is the one candidate in the race that can beat Trump -- and Trump know it too or he wouldn't have risked his entire Presidency in an effort to smear Joe.
I heard Obama say the same thing about the education system in Cuba. Obama is a socialist too actually if you remember a few years back so it makes sense.
Ok so why should boomer dems who vote against a Medicare for all candidate get Medicare? Let's just end the program if it's such a bad idea. Biden won the over 45 population by like 65% to 15% on super Tuesday. If only 15% of people who are around medicare age think Medicare is a good idea then we should see how popular it would be to get rid of it.

See, you guys aren't too worried about healthcare because you know you have a government plan waiting for you. You don't want "SOCIALISM MEDICINE" but the withholdings from my paycheck pay for current Medicare that likely won't be there when I retire. For being afraid of big bad socialism I sure don't see older centrist dems quick to fight against Medicare for themselves.

First off it isnt "you guys", I voted for Warren and I voted for Sanders in 2016. I am not who you have to convince. But this reply is typical of the hardcore Berners in that is their way or the highway. The public option, would be better than what we have now, so there is absolutely no reason to burn down the entire house because you didn't get to add an addition you wanted.

IN saying that, I could easily argue the Bernie people aren't truly worried about progress either, since it is obvious a lot of them can't even bothered to vote or comprimise on anything. Pretending to be revolutionary on twitter is meaningless in the real world and this supposed large base Bernie had built doesnt appear to have come to fruition.

And if you want to tell older African American's in South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, etc, many who lived through segregation, Jim Crow, fought for civil rights, etc that they don't deserve medicare because they disagree with a bunch of young white people, then you might want to rethink the strategy.
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I heard Obama say the same thing about the education system in Cuba. Obama is a socialist too actually if you remember a few years back so it makes sense.
A few years back? Show me a quote from Obama about "all the good things Castro did" when he was running for President in 2008 or 2012.
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i think chicken forgot to take his meds today. its been really fun to watch. the only thing thats going to top this level of outrage is when biden finally wins and bernie drops out. oh and then again in november when trump wins in a landslide.
I'm confused. You said socialism is only when government takes over an industry, so how is filling potholes socialism?
It's not. Everything gets called socialism by the right. Every democrat president we've had in the last 30 years has been a socialist. When Biden is the only one left, he'll be a socialist. You can't have any functioning government without conservatives saying it's socialism.

Great Briton is socialist
Germany is socialist
Japan is socialist
Canada is socialist
Mexico is socialist
France is socialist
South Korea

All socialist by the measure of their healthcare system.

And the thing is, even our democrats like @DaShuckster start to actually believe this. He's in here calling a program that he himself intends to use in a few years socialism.

We're the only country that doesn't have it but it's just too radical for Shuckster. Don't get me wrong, it's fine for him but just not for anyone else.
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i think chicken forgot to take his meds today. its been really fun to watch. the only thing thats going to top this level of outrage is when biden finally wins and bernie drops out. oh and then again in november when trump wins in a landslide.
Landslide, Wayne???!? LOL You're a good one to talk about somebody else forgetting to take his meds. :)
Landslide, Wayne???!? LOL You're a good one to talk about somebody else forgetting to take his meds. :)
just wait for joe to start talking about corn pop or little kids touching his leg hair during one of the national debates.

or better yet, have one of trumps superpacs just air joe talking about kids touching his leg hair in its entirety as a commercial non stop until election night.
A few years back? Show me a quote from Obama about "all the good things Castro did" when he was running for President in 2008 or 2012.
I wasn't aware you were only allowed to have honest opinions about the successes of Cuba in off election years.
First off it isnt "you guys", I voted for Warren and I voted for Sanders in 2016. I am not who you have to convince. But this reply is typical of the hardcore Berners in that is their way or the highway. The public option, would be better than what we have now, so there is absolutely no reason to burn down the entire house because you didn't get to add an addition you wanted.

IN saying that, I could easily argue the Bernie people aren't truly worried about progress either, since it is obvious a lot of them can't even bothered to vote or comprimise on anything. Pretending to be revolutionary on twitter is meaningless in the real world and this supposed large base Bernie had built doesnt appear to have come to fruition.

And if you want to tell older African American's in South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, etc, many who lived through segregation, Jim Crow, fought for civil rights, etc that they don't deserve medicare because they disagree with a bunch of young white people, then you might want to rethink the strategy.

I have no problem with a public option, but it can't be paid for by taxes, there would have to be premiums. Basically just allow people to opt in to Medicaid but if they're above the free line, they have to pay premiums.
I have no problem with a public option, but it can't be paid for by taxes, there would have to be premiums. Basically just allow people to opt in to Medicaid but if they're above the free line, they have to pay premiums.

No, the old centrist dems have decided. They don't want Medicare for all they just want it for themselves. Just scrap it.

Disabled people can keep it I guess because I don't have their voting numbers but old people who voted Biden should give up their socialist insurance if they are voting against a program they think is socialism while they are on it themselves.

Welcome back to the free market like the rest of us, good luck.
I wasn't aware you were only allowed to have honest opinions about the successes of Cuba in off election years.
You have to be seriously tone deaf if you are running for President and expect to have any chance of winning when you share such "honest opinions" during the height of the Primary election season.
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You have to be seriously tone deaf if you are running for President and expect to have any chance of winning when you share such "honest opinions" during the height of the Primary election season.

Just look at florida polling. Biden is all of a sudden up to 61%, largely because of Bernie's Cuba remarks.
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You have to be seriously tone deaf if you are running for President and expect to have any chance of winning when you share such "honest opinions" during the height of the Primary election season.

Only very gullible people are concerned by Fox News alarmism about socialism. The video I just shared are the same views as Sanders shared. Obama a socialist? Of course he is. Remember?Fox News told us that for 10 years.
Just look at florida polling. Biden is all of a sudden up to 61%, largely because of Bernie's Cuba remarks.
More boomers who want to be on "socialized medicine" but don't want anyone else to be and don't want to support a "socialist" who wants the government to pay for health services as the government pays for their health services.
Only very gullible people are concerned by Fox News alarmism about socialism. The video I just shared are the same views as Sanders shared. Obama a socialist? Of course he is. Remember?Fox News told us that for 10 years.
You apparently want to ignore the simple, common sense notion that if you're running for President, you DO NOT give your opponents an easy way to demonize you (yes, like Fox News) when you could easily avoid the subject all together.

I mean really, it's like an assistant UCF football coach going out-of-his-way to gush about the quality of the coaching staff at rival, USF, at an UCF alumni event. Who does that and for God Sake's WHY???
Only very gullible people are concerned by Fox News alarmism about socialism. The video I just shared are the same views as Sanders shared. Obama a socialist? Of course he is. Remember?Fox News told us that for 10 years.
Just look at florida polling. Biden is all of a sudden up to 61%, largely because of Bernie's Cuba remarks.
for some reason people that built boats of trash and floated through 90 miles of shark infested waters dont have a favorable view of socialism despite the amazing literacy programs they had access to...
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for some reason people that built boats of trash and floated through 90 miles of shark infested waters dont have a favorable view of socialism despite the amazing literacy programs they had access to...

I'm going to laugh if the delegate count is close going into the convention and the difference was Florida
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I'm going to laugh if the delegate count is close going into the convention and the difference was Florida
Please take it to the Democrat primary thread.

This is the Medicare for None thread, a topic we can all agree on.
Please take it to the Democrat primary thread.

This is the Medicare for None thread, a topic we can all agree on.

Old people shouldn't get to vote if the government benefits them financially. Only young people should be able to do that.
I’d like to ban all dipshit hipster millennials from voting who want a socialist revolution having never worked a real job in their lives. Much like Bernie Sanders.
I’d like to ban all dipshit hipster millennials from voting who want a socialist revolution having never worked a real job in their lives. Much like Bernie Sanders.
Voting is a fruitless exercise because geriatrics and minorities cancel out your vote.
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The one weird, little factoid that seems to get conveniently overlooked in the 'Screw Medicare' talk is that the majority of people on it previously paid FICA taxes for it over the course of their entire work careers.
The one weird, little factoid that seems to get conveniently overlooked in the 'Screw Medicare' talk is that the majority of people on it previously paid FICA taxes for it over the course of their entire work careers.

Yea, to support others on Medicare.
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The one weird, little factoid that seems to get conveniently overlooked in the 'Screw Medicare' talk is that the majority of people on it previously paid FICA taxes for it over the course of their entire work careers.
They paid in substantially less than they take out.

The one weird, little factoid that seems to get conveniently overlooked in the 'Screw Medicare' talk is that the majority of people on it previously paid FICA taxes for it over the course of their entire work careers.

Unfortunately people are only paying 50% of what is needed.