My New Stance: Medicare For None

In a Fox News town hall Trump confirmed he will be cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Democrats pounced on it and are using it to scare the boomers but I say, thank God this man and I finally agree on something.

Biden supporters want Medicare, but selfishly just for themselves. Trump poses a threat to their healthcare in the same way centrists pose a threat to mine. They'll have to enter the private insurance market just like the rest of us.
90% of people over 65 have a favorable opinion on Medicare.

95% over 65 say it's important for the country as a whole.

93% say it's working for most seniors

That's far from the vision of the bungling government entity that can't do anything right that the chuds here paint. If Medicare is so awful I think we should take the elderly off of it and let them experience the joys of private for profit insurance. I mean, that's what they think is best for the rest of us.

those same boomers paid for their own health care just like you do, assuming your employer does not provide for most of it. Yes the system needs fixed, it is going broke, No Seniors don't get their health Ins for free, I will be paying aprox $170 per month, once I start collecting in a year or so. Medicaid is a different Issue, recipients do no pay for it, You, I and businesses do. and that program is expanded every time we blink our eyes.
those same boomers paid for their own health care just like you do, assuming your employer does not provide for most of it. Yes the system needs fixed, it is going broke, No Seniors don't get their health Ins for free, I will be paying aprox $170 per month, once I start collecting in a year or so. Medicaid is a different Issue, recipients do no pay for it, You, I and businesses do. and that program is expanded every time we blink our eyes.
"Socialised medicine" for me? Oh hell yea.

Socialised medicine for others? Are you insane, this is America not Venezuela.
In a Fox News town hall Trump confirmed he will be cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Democrats pounced on it and are using it to scare the boomers but I say, thank God this man and I finally agree on something.

Biden supporters want Medicare, but selfishly just for themselves. Trump poses a threat to their healthcare in the same way centrists pose a threat to mine. They'll have to enter the private insurance market just like the rest of us.

OMG! Moving the retirement age for some people from 65 to 67 to start collecting!

Yep, absolutely no need to ever reform any of these entitlement programs. Everything is fine.

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i dont know enough about it, but the age is definitely too young right now considering how long people live today vs when it was created. moving it to 67 seems like a no brainer, but 70 might be better.
We're living 12% longer lives now than we were when SS was fully implemented. Let's not touch the retirement age.

PS- regardless if Biden or Sanders, he'd be sworn in already beyond the extent of the average life expectancy in the US.

At 67 some "retirement" folks are still playing tennis, running, etc. I would baby step it up so nobody flips out. Go 68 in the next 3 years. Following 3 years go 69. If we need to hit 70 in the following years, then so be it. It wasn't designed for the current purpose.
i dont know enough about it, but the age is definitely too young right now considering how long people live today vs when it was created. moving it to 67 seems like a no brainer, but 70 might be better.

Wouldn't make much of a difference. Healthcare spending for the age group of 65-70 accounts for less than 10% of all medicare spending.
Wouldn't make much of a difference. Healthcare spending for the age group of 65-70 accounts for less than 10% of all medicare spending.

You're conflating SS and Medicare now. But even a 10% savings to Mediare is $580B over 10 years.
Wouldn't make much of a difference. Healthcare spending for the age group of 65-70 accounts for less than 10% of all medicare spending.
like i said i dont know alot about this stuff. i just know when they started people were barely living to 65 years old, thats why they set the age limit there. they thought people would only be collecting a few years. now people are living well into their 80s and several are making it into their 90s.

i think the age for retirement needs to be adjusted. perhaps it could be a graduatal increase every couple years move it 1 year up until you hit 70? i dont really know, just throwing ideas out there.
like i said i dont know alot about this stuff. i just know when they started people were barely living to 65 years old, thats why they set the age limit there. they thought people would only be collecting a few years. now people are living well into their 80s and several are making it into their 90s.

i think the age for retirement needs to be adjusted. perhaps it could be a graduatal increase every couple years move it 1 year up until you hit 70? i dont really know, just throwing ideas out there.

Only way it is sustainable. Problem is nobody wants to raise it.
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I'm sorry to upset you libs but why do we offer socialist medical coverage at all? Raise the age to 1000 for all I care. Old people that are so vehemently opposed to Medicare for all and think that young people should just use private insurance should use private insurance themselves.

Even old boomer democrats like @DaShuckster wont vote for giving everyone access to a service that they plan on using. Why am I paying for rich boomer retirees insurance when they arent willing to chip in for poor people. Socialism for old retirees who spend their money on a condo in Florida while minority children remain the least insured group in America. If helping poor people have access to healthcare is off the table than I'm over subsidising the trips to Boca every winter in their 100k RV.
I'm sorry to upset you libs but why do we offer socialist medical coverage at all? Raise the age to 1000 for all I care. Old people that are so vehemently opposed to Medicare for all and think that young people should just use private insurance should use private insurance themselves.

Even old boomer democrats like @DaShuckster wont vote for giving everyone access to a service that they plan on using. Why am I paying for rich boomer retirees insurance when they arent willing to chip in for poor people. Socialism for old retirees who spend their money on a condo in Florida while minority children remain the least insured group in America. If helping poor people have access to healthcare is off the table than I'm over subsidising the trips to Boca every winter in their 100k RV.

Poor people already have access to medicaid, to the tune of 71 million enrollees.
Poor people already have access to medicaid, to the tune of 71 million enrollees.
So why do we need Medicare? If old people are poor they can get Medicaid. If they aren't they can buy their own plan. I mean that's what they want for me, anything else would be socialism. Old Dems need to get that ass back in the free market before they cast a vote to deny expanding Medicare to anyone but themselves.

We just giving old people free healthcare because they are old while the rest of us pay for our private plans and pay the taxes to fund their plans too? Not because they need it, just because they are old?
So why do we need Medicare? If old people are poor they can get Medicaid. If they aren't they can buy their own plan. I mean that's what they want for me, anything else would be socialism. Old Dems need to get that ass back in the free market before they cast a vote to deny expanding Medicare to anyone but themselves.

We just giving old people free healthcare because they are old while the rest of us pay for our private plans and pay the taxes to fund their plans too? Not because they need it, just because they are old?

So you're in favor of means testing? I do think that's part of the solution.
So you're in favor of means testing? I do think that's part of the solution.
I'm in favor of Medicare for All.

I seem to be in the minority in my own party, overruled by those who prefer the old system of Medicare for Only Us.

Medicare for just the people who vote against universal inclusion in the plan is my least favorite option.
I'm in favor of Medicare for All.

I seem to be in the minority in my own party, overruled by those who prefer the old system of Medicare for Only Us.

Medicare for just the people who vote against universal inclusion in the plan is my least favorite option.

I wouldn't have guessed you needed it so badly.