Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
Originally posted by Game_Day_Sports:
$12k a year is a lot no matter how much you don't want it to be.
You say you spend that on hunting and fishing. You won't be when you have a kid in daycare.
$12k a year. That is a payment on an Alfa Romeo, Land Rover or Porsche Boxter. Think of that for a second. You are going to give the guy who owns Star Child or La Petite or Little Miss Sunshines Daycare an Alfa Romeo to watch your kid and hopefully get them to read before they go to school. Makes that number seem a little more concrete.
I am not saying it wasn't worth it, but to discount it like it is nothing when you haven't had to pay it because you are single with no kids is narrow minded.
Thanks for again posting without actually reading what I f*cking wrote. Bravo.
I've already explained how in context $12K per year is not all that bad when broken down to a hypothetical % as part of a monthly take home. And in the context that you want your wife to continue having a career and use daycare as the way to do that.
Also, a part you skipped over again, if I were to have kids tomorrow I could pay for this comfortably. As in, I've already run the numbers and determined this. Not because I've filthy rich, but because myself and my fiancée have avoided an excessive mortgage or the idiot expenses you listed above (Bravo again on using a Porsche car payment for comparison here, btw. Really spot on with that one). Your comparison doesn't make anything concrete- it's comparing 2 things that have absolutely no relation and no correlation.
You've got a $12k annual expense whereby $5K is apparently eligible for pre-tax special treatment. That's manageable, unless you're buying ridiculous luxury cars, of course.