New Orleans Mayor Schools Confederate Flag Waiving Racists

You can't judge the past through the lens of what's acceptable today. If you did, most Roman statues would be torn down for what they did. Caesar Augustus killed all of his political opposition in a blood bath, should we leave his statue up? I mean doesn't that revere the practice killing political opposition. It's too easy to vilify the past as cultural norms change. Whitewashing history doesn't change that it happened.
Im just glad that we finally torn down that statue in downtown Orlando. Now no one can say there is racism in Orlando anymore.*
Charleston does history as well as any city I've visited. They obviously have a really dark history given they were one of the first major ports for slavery, but they've handled it really well. All of the slave homes and kitchens are required to be preserved and are part of peoples' properties (all of the homes are deemed historical and you cannot change anything on them without a permit). All of the tour guides include the full history "as it was" when they present it. The Plantations still have the slave quarters and provide educational material about the slaves' lives.

You go through these awesome old mansion homes and learn about the families who lived there, but also learn about the slaves they had.

Charleston was the city that knighted got into an argument with a carriage tour guide who said the slaves were mostly happy and wanted to still be slaves after the war. Epic.