
New updates. Ivermectin, hcq, fluvoxamine, masks

It isnt THAT hard to believe. Have you ever spoken to a lib? Theyre mentally not all there
Science! No, more like 'Blind Faith in the Church of Progressivism'

I have major issues with Conservativism. But the Progressives have dominated the 'Blind Faith' issues, anti-science issues since 2006. It was bad enough when it was just the environment. But they've gone full-on assimiliate, censor and outlaw ... like 1984.

When Bill Maher has had enough, you know Progressives have pissed off every last Classic Liberal ally they had, even socialists. American Progressives scares the sh-- out of most of my European Socialist Liberals with their attitudes straight out of Fascism ... by, of and all for the state.
Science! No, more like 'Blind Faith in the Church of Progressivism'

I have major issues with Conservativism. But the Progressives have dominated the 'Blind Faith' issues, anti-science issues since 2006. It was bad enough when it was just the environment. But they've gone full-on assimiliate, censor and outlaw ... like 1984.

When Bill Maher has had enough, you know Progressives have pissed off every last Classic Liberal ally they had, even socialists. American Progressives scares the sh-- out of most of my European Socialist Liberals with their attitudes straight out of Fascism ... by, of and all for the state.

I love how Republicans are constantly bringing Bill Maher up. Maher has always been critical of both sides, has always had some alternative health type views, and constantly rips the shit out of Republicans, but for some reason you guys never bring that part up.
what an asshole .
At least he's stating an opinion on what they shouldn't have to do, although at least he's backed by science.

He's not mandating what people have to do ... he only has anti-mandates to prevent people from being having choice without science and logic.

That is ... companies in Florida can still have various mandates, but there must be opt-outs, including requiring SARS recovery to count the same as vaccinated. Again, that's backed by science.

So give me the alleged 'asshole' over 1984 that is not backed by science any day!
At least he's stating an opinion on what they shouldn't have to do, although at least he's backed by science.

He's not mandating what people have to do ... he only has anti-mandates to prevent people from being having choice without science and logic.

That is ... companies in Florida can still have various mandates, but there must be opt-outs, including requiring SARS recovery to count the same as vaccinated. Again, that's backed by science.

So give me the alleged 'asshole' over 1984 that is not backed by science any day!
They are kids who are probably already a little nervous around the Governor and he singled them out like a HS Bully. He is an asshole
They are kids who are probably already a little nervous around the Governor and he singled them out like a HS Bully. He is an asshole
You mean telling kids to stand up for themselves against the federal government?

Then again you think we Libertarians are assholes for doing the same every day. ;)
If you're wearing a mask as a healthy 19-25 year old in 2022, then you should be bullied and mocked.

This from a caring and honest person by nature.

So the whole concept about it being a choice was just another Republican lie I take it?
You mean telling kids to stand up for themselves against the federal government?

Then again you think we Libertarians are assholes for doing the same every day. ;)

The federal government didnt make those kids wear masks, what a dumb response.

Nobody cares you follow a dead political ideology, why do you always make that part of your post, as if anyone cares?
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The federal government didnt make those kids wear masks, what a dumb response.

Nobody cares you follow a dead political ideology, why do you always make that part of your post, as if anyone cares?
He’s a libertarian? That’s the first I’ve heard anything about it.
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That's fine too. I like to engage in a discussion with people. I asked someone at a restaurant how does it make sense to wear a mask then 10 feet further not wear a mask at the table. Never a good response.

Mocking someone isnt a discussion, and I have a feeling you have never once confronted a stranger on why they are wearing a mask. I dont know that for sure, but I have a pretty strong hunch that is the case.
A couple of USF dumbasses are the ones still wearing masks. Figures. I'll be so damn glad when they are relegated to the ass bin of Florida collegiate sports, like Stetson.
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That's fine too. I like to engage in a discussion with people. I asked someone at a restaurant how does it make sense to wear a mask then 10 feet further not wear a mask at the table. Never a good response.
Did they ask for you to translate this shit into English before they responded?
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The federal government didnt make those kids wear masks, what a dumb response.

Nobody cares you follow a dead political ideology, why do you always make that part of your post, as if anyone cares?
I for one forgot he was a Libertarian
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Those masks were being worn not out of safety but in itself political theatre by those students - stunts like these were portrayed by Brandon Walsh in the tv show Beverly Hills 90210 in the early 1990's and still being done today - Those were liberal minded students who had them on were playing mind games with the Governor's opinion about Covid protocols and he let them know he wasn't happy with their "stunt".

Guarantee you, prior to his arrival an aide tipped him off of this pre planned hatched idea by these students "to get his goat" and that why he went off like that - just watch how quickly one student removes and the other smirks as he removes
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Those masks were being worn not out of safety but in itself political theatre by those students - stunts like these were portrayed by Brandon Walsh in the tv show Beverly Hills 90210 in the early 1990's. and still being done today - Those were liberal minded students who had them on were playing mind games with the Governor's opinion about Covid protocols and he let them know he wasn't happy with their "stunt".

Guarantee you, prior to his arrival an aide tipped him off of this pre planned hatched idea by these students "to get his goat" and that why he went off like that - just watch how quickly one student removes and the other smirks as he removes
As I said above, typical USF dumbasses. Their minds are as full of bullshit as the shit that comes out the back of a bulls ass.
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Those masks were being worn not out of safety but in itself political theatre by those students - stunts like these were portrayed by Brandon Walsh in the tv show Beverly Hills 90210 in the early 1990's. and still being done today - Those were liberal minded students who had them on were playing mind games with the Governor's opinion about Covid protocols and he let them know he wasn't happy with their "stunt".

Guarantee you, prior to his arrival an aide tipped him off of this pre planned hatched idea by these students "to get his goat" and that why he went off like that - just watch how quickly one student removes and the other smirks as he removes

Who cares if he isnt happy with them? They dont work for him. If he had just said something that "you are free to remove your masks if you wish", then that would have been fine. But going off about political theatre and the finger pointing to students? Give me a break. He is a powerful politician, he has to be able to handle that some people out there dont like him and might even mock him.
That what I was trying to convey, he must of been informed of this "stunt" of masks worn by those students and he immediately confronted the "political theatre being done". Remember there is a lot of background stuff that goes on with prior Governor's arrival at a speech. It was pre hatched by those students to wear them and probably one of the Governor's aides in assembling those students asked them not to wear them and they gave grief back, that is when Governor was informed about the "political theatre" about to take place. Seriously, how many 16 to 26 year olds are voluntarily wearing masks in all they do.

Got ya, I misread the tone of your post.
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DeSantis: “People have been lied to for two years…Bullying is locking kids out of school, which they did. Bullying is forcing kids to wear masks for eight hours a day…Bullying is kicking people out of work because of vaccine mandates.”
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