
You are a little late to the party and will be proven wrong once again. 😂

Curious that the DARPA papers say that the virus escaped in August of 2019. I've been saying for 2 years that the mysterious vaping illness in late 2019 was actually covid.


I would like to see the breakdown behind these admission statistics between those being admitted for treatment of COVID symptoms versus those that are being treated for something unrelated to COVID. With everyone that is admitted to the hospital being tested for COVID regardless of the admission reason, and a variant that may be milder than others, you can see how a graph like this might be misleading.
You are correct that for general hospitalization numbers this is very relevant. For a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals it is not. Unless Covid vaccination is though to prevent all causes of hospitalization.
Did you notice how CDC Wallensky got her hand slapped for pointing out that 75% of covid deaths have 4 or more comorbidities? The in-fighting going on in Washington around the flipped messaging, has CNN very busy.

Some parts of the cabala want to continue with the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative (i.e. divide and conquer). But it's just not true and hasn't been true since at least June. You can't cover up the truth forever. Our data is no different from the rest of the world. Those that are vulnerable and high risk are getting covid in the same spectrum of severity, vaccinated or not. After month or two, vaccine not doing a damn thing, other than causing harm to ones that don't need it

Throw in the fact that Dr. Fauci after two years finally allowed truth on the "for vs with covid" narrative, and we have the beginnings of a flip on public policy.

Did you notice how CDC Wallensky got her hand slapped for pointing out that 75% of covid deaths have 4 or more comorbidities? The in-fighting going on in Washington around the flipped messaging, has CNN very busy.

Some parts of the cabala want to continue with the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative (i.e. divide and conquer). But it's just not true and hasn't been true since at least June. You can't cover up the truth forever. Our data is no different from the rest of the world. Those that are vulnerable and high risk are getting covid in the same spectrum of severity, vaccinated or not. After month or two, vaccine not doing a damn thing, other than causing harm to ones that don't need it

Throw in the fact that Dr. Fauci after two years finally allowed truth on the "for vs with covid" narrative, and we have the beginnings of a flip on public policy.

She was talking about 75% of covid deaths in VACCINATED people are people with 4 or more comorbidities. She wasnt talking about the population as a whole. Fox News, Clay Travis, Shapiro, etc are conveniently leaving the vaccinated part out.

ABC "GOOD MORNING AMERICA" HOST: I want to ask you about the encouraging headlines we're talking about this morning, a new studying talking about just how well vaccines are working to prevent severe illness. Given that, is it time to rethink how we're living with this virus if it is potentially here to stay?

CDC DIRECTOR ROCHELLE WALENSKY: A really important study if I may summarize it, a study of 1.2 million people who are vaccinated between December and October demonstrated that severe disease occurred 0.015% of the people who receive their primary series. And death in 0.003% of those people.

The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities.
Not really. I think NYC actually just did that survey from their hospital system and found that 40%'ish percent of patients who had COVID weren't there for COVID.

Big number, but in theory that would be true amongst both unvaxxed and vaxxed groups. So the trend lines that were in that graph still hold even after accounting for that 40%'ish group, and the trend lines clearly show that unvaccinated people are going to the hospital in far, far greater numbers than vaccinated people.
The ratio would maintain respective to each other but the overall percentage of hospitalizations would change. And that is relevant to the discussion over whether to get vaccinated at all. There’s also no context of vaccine injury which is a decision point too.
She was talking about 75% of covid deaths in VACCINATED people are people with 4 or more comorbidities. She wasnt talking about the population as a whole. Fox News, Clay Travis, Shapiro, etc are conveniently leaving the vaccinated part out.

ABC "GOOD MORNING AMERICA" HOST: I want to ask you about the encouraging headlines we're talking about this morning, a new studying talking about just how well vaccines are working to prevent severe illness. Given that, is it time to rethink how we're living with this virus if it is potentially here to stay?

CDC DIRECTOR ROCHELLE WALENSKY: A really important study if I may summarize it, a study of 1.2 million people who are vaccinated between December and October demonstrated that severe disease occurred 0.015% of the people who receive their primary series. And death in 0.003% of those people.

The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities.
Explain why it wouldn't be consistent with unvaccinated people as well?
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Explain why it wouldn't be consistent with unvaccinated people as well?

Because they dont have the same level of protection as vaccinated people, I am not really sure what you are asking. Are you implying that vaccines arent helpful at all?
Because they dont have the same level of protection as vaccinated people, I am not really sure what you are asking. Are you implying that vaccines arent helpful at all?
I'm just saying that someone with 4 comorbidities would probably be equally likely to die if they caught covid as opposed to someone that is healthy, regardless of vax status.
I'm just saying that someone with 4 comorbidities would probably be equally likely to die if they caught covid as opposed to someone that is healthy, regardless of vax status.

I think you are missing the point. Vaccinated people who get seriously ill or die, are people who already have several other health issues. With unvaccinated people that isnt always the case. Obviously the healtheir an unvaxxed person the better they will likely do with covid, but it doesnt take 4 or more health issues for unvaccinated people to die or get seriously ill.
I think you are missing the point. Vaccinated people who get seriously ill or die, are people who already have several other health issues. With unvaccinated people that isnt always the case. Obviously the healtheir an unvaxxed person the better they will likely do with covid, but it doesnt take 4 or more health issues for unvaccinated people to die or get seriously ill.
"Isn't always the case".

What percentage would you guess if you had to?
"Isn't always the case".

What percentage would you guess if you had to?

Why would I guess? I dont work in healthcare, me guessing is meaningless. The point of my post, was that I have seen several conservative commentators tweet this as if she was talking about all covid deaths. She wasnt. She was talking about deaths in vaccinated people.
Why would I guess? I dont work in healthcare, me guessing is meaningless. The point of my post, was that I have seen several conservative commentators tweet this as if she was talking about all covid deaths. She wasnt. She was talking about deaths in vaccinated people.
Because explaining it away as just being the "vaxxed" doesn't really work. Who is more likely to die with covid:

70 year old diabetic that is morbidly obese and has heart disease


Healthy 20 year old with no conditions.

Do you think vax status changes the odds?
Because explaining it away as just being the "vaxxed" doesn't really work. Who is more likely to die with covid:

70 year old diabetic that is morbidly obese and has heart disease


Healthy 20 year old with no conditions.

Do you think vax status changes the odds?

She was specifically talking about vaxxed people, I dont know what you are arguing with me about. Are you suggesting we shouldnt conduct studies based on vaxxed or unvaxxed?

I think a 70 year old with health issues who is vaxxed, will likely do better than a 70 year with health issues that isnt vaxxed. I dont know why you are trying to compare unhealthy 70 year olds with healthy 20 year olds. We know older people and people with health issues are more at risk, we have known that since the beginning.
She was specifically talking about vaxxed people, I dont know what you are arguing with me about. Are you suggesting we shouldnt conduct studies based on vaxxed or unvaxxed?

I think a 70 year old with health issues who is vaxxed, will likely do better than a 70 year with health issues that isnt vaxxed. I dont know why you are trying to compare unhealthy 70 year olds with healthy 20 year olds. We know older people and people with health issues are more at risk, we have known that since the beginning.
The point is that since the very beginning, a high % of deaths were among those with multiple comorbidities. The idea of just putting the number on only the vaxxed seems odd. Why not tell us what % of ALL deaths also had 4 comorbidities as a reference point?
She was specifically talking about vaxxed people, I dont know what you are arguing with me about. Are you suggesting we shouldnt conduct studies based on vaxxed or unvaxxed?

I think a 70 year old with health issues who is vaxxed, will likely do better than a 70 year with health issues that isnt vaxxed. I dont know why you are trying to compare unhealthy 70 year olds with healthy 20 year olds. We know older people and people with health issues are more at risk, we have known that since the beginning.

I already explained this to him in the other thread. He wants to read his doctored headlines from Twitter, stick his fingers in his ears, and believe that only people with 4 comorbidities are dying even if they aren't vaccinated, which is absolutely not what the CDC figures showed.

The CDC study actually showed that vaccines are really, really, really amazing at preventing death but the anti-vaxx crowd had to lie and spin this to justify their stance.

And here we are.
I already explained this to him in the other thread. He wants to read his doctored headlines from Twitter, stick his fingers in his ears, and believe that only people with 4 comorbidities are dying even if they aren't vaccinated, which is absolutely not what the CDC figures showed.

The CDC study actually showed that vaccines are really, really, really amazing at preventing death but the anti-vaxx crowd had to lie and spin this to justify their stance.

And here we are.

Yeah, I dont even understand what he is trying to argue.
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The point is that since the very beginning, a high % of deaths were among those with multiple comorbidities. The idea of just putting the number on only the vaxxed seems odd. Why not tell us what % of ALL deaths also had 4 comorbidities as a reference point?

Because this particular study was with regards to vaxxed people and the effectiveness of the vaccine.

I guess it counts, although it is almost a year old so that was before delta. It also isnt really telling something we didnt already know. We have know from almost the beginning that older people and people with health issues were most at risk, so not really sure what it has to do with what she was talking about. It also dont change the fact that so many people were misrepresenting what she said.
I guess it counts, although it is almost a year old so that was before delta. It also isnt really telling something we didnt already know. We have know from almost the beginning that older people and people with health issues were most at risk, so not really sure what it has to do with what she was talking about. It also dont change the fact that so many people were misrepresenting what she said.
But it is context, as is this:

So we have one study saying that 91% of deaths had at least one more comorbidity, and another saying that 94% had one or more comorbidity. She's saying that 77% of vaxxed deaths had at least 4. How about a number on how many just had one?
So if you're not older and no health issues you're at little risk like we know. You can spread the virus regardless like we know. I can't even begin to understand why a healthy 18 year old needs to take the vaccine. Not even getting into universities requiring boosters for the healthy and young which is more insane.

Why don't you go explain that to the countless number of 18-30 year olds who have long COVID and have lost their quality of life thanks to contracting COVID and having a terrible time with it?

Also how many people in this country "have no health issues"? I've seen alot of nitwits throw this comment around who clearly have health concerns but think they're Joe Rogan.
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She was talking about 75% of covid deaths in VACCINATED people are people with 4 or more comorbidities. She wasnt talking about the population as a whole. Fox News, Clay Travis, Shapiro, etc are conveniently leaving the vaccinated part out.

ABC "GOOD MORNING AMERICA" HOST: I want to ask you about the encouraging headlines we're talking about this morning, a new studying talking about just how well vaccines are working to prevent severe illness. Given that, is it time to rethink how we're living with this virus if it is potentially here to stay?

CDC DIRECTOR ROCHELLE WALENSKY: A really important study if I may summarize it, a study of 1.2 million people who are vaccinated between December and October demonstrated that severe disease occurred 0.015% of the people who receive their primary series. And death in 0.003% of those people.

The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities.

This entire statement above, including the 'study' is propaganda. We've already been through all this so many times. The hypnotized keep blindly trusting narrative propaganda without challenge or critical thinking. It's really quite pathetic to us that are awake.

Show me data with verifiable raw sources from the last one month that supports any of your claims about "pandemic of the unvaccinated". Hint you won't be able to. Why? Because it doesn't exist.

You see, unlike yourself, I actually look at published state level data. That data, along with transparent sources from around the globe paint a different picture. No matter how hard they try to recategorize, normalize, the answer always comes out the same. This is NOT a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Lately, they have been fudging the raw data. A new level of desperation to keep the scamdemic alive.

Simply not true. The amount of 18-30 year olds that were even remotely healthy had no issues with covid outside of extreme outliers. I think we had 9 deaths total in Florida under 12 age too. Omicron is even less of a concern on the healthy. The school system isn't even enforcing contract trace requirements like last year.

Technical degree
Means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. There is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. Usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. Such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, Taking out the requirements for advanced classes, etc.

For the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. They tend to not be valued by employers. Due to the fact that if a diploma says Masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn't mean anything.
This entire statement above, including the 'study' is propaganda. We've already been through all this so many times. The hypnotized keep blindly trusting narrative propaganda without challenge or critical thinking. It's really quite pathetic to us that are awake.

Show me data with verifiable raw sources from the last one month that supports any of your claims about "pandemic of the unvaccinated". Hint you won't be able to. Why? Because it doesn't exist.

You see, unlike yourself, I actually look at published state level data. That data, along with transparent sources from around the globe paint a different picture. No matter how hard they try to recategorize, normalize, the answer always comes out the same. This is NOT a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Lately, they have been fudging the raw data. A new level of desperation to keep the scamdemic alive.

She didnt say it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, she was pointing out that vaccines prevent death, except in the case of people with multiple health issues.
Simply not true. The amount of 18-30 year olds that were even remotely healthy had no issues with covid outside of extreme outliers. I think we had 9 deaths total in Florida under 12 age too. Omicron is even less of a concern on the healthy. The school system isn't even enforcing contract trace requirements like last year.

Once again you are asserting something with nothing factual to actually verify your claims.

Tons of young, healthy people got COVID and have experienced lingering symptoms aka Long COVID. There are actual clinics being stood up purely to research this and find solutions.

But feel free to attempt to discredit Johns Hopkins, I know you will.
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Shocking I tell you. Nobody knows the long term impacts of frequent mnra vaccines.
The medical and scientific community is confident in the long-term safety of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for several reasons:
  • The history of vaccines shows that delayed effects after vaccination can happen. But when they do, these effects tend to happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine. This is why regulators in Canada and many other countries require at least eight weeks of safety data before approving a vaccine. The vaccines have now been in use for months, with over 2.7 billion doses given worldwide.
  • The mRNA vaccines have been in development for many years and have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). In addition, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells. Decades of studying mRNA vaccines have shown no long-term side effects.
  • Canada’s vaccine safety system has proven time and again that the data necessary to get through the approval process is sufficient to prove safety, even for the long term. The end data and safety tests for the mRNA vaccines met the same standards as other vaccines that have been approved in Canada.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. This is the stupid crap that you guys spend 24/7 researching

Far-right commentator Jack Posobiec is a current host on One America News Network (OANN), an information network widely known to distort facts and which has been embraced by President Trump. This investigation has found that Posobiec — a Trump favorite — has collaborated with white supremacists, neo-fascists and antisemites for years, while producing propaganda that Trump and his inner circle have publicly celebrated.

“Jack Posobiec’s extensive ties to white supremacists should serve as a wake-up call for anyone who hasn’t made the connection between Trump’s MAGA movement and hate,” said Michael Edison Hayden, the SPLC senior investigative reporter who uncovered the story about Posobiec and his ties to white supremacy and the White House.
The medical and scientific community is confident in the long-term safety of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for several reasons:
  • The history of vaccines shows that delayed effects after vaccination can happen. But when they do, these effects tend to happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine. This is why regulators in Canada and many other countries require at least eight weeks of safety data before approving a vaccine. The vaccines have now been in use for months, with over 2.7 billion doses given worldwide.
  • The mRNA vaccines have been in development for many years and have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). In addition, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells. Decades of studying mRNA vaccines have shown no long-term side effects.
  • Canada’s vaccine safety system has proven time and again that the data necessary to get through the approval process is sufficient to prove safety, even for the long term. The end data and safety tests for the mRNA vaccines met the same standards as other vaccines that have been approved in Canada.
That makes it even weirder that the EU has put out a warning. Guess they should have called you first
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bloomberg aka trusted news initiative. Wow, there is definitely something going on behind the scenes on safety.

It was easy in the beginning to hide poor safety as acceptable minority harm for the greater good. But as the bodies and injuries pile up, it gets harder to hide and justify. Now even hundreds of 5-11 have been injured

Last I saw Mayo clinic had whittled away what the narrative started at 1/M down to 1/1800 myocarditis present day for young men. That’s just acute myocarditis mind you. Likely 10x more injuries of undetected lesser severity myocarditis
Last edited:
That makes it even weirder that the EU has put out a warning. Guess they should have called you first
Get a job. You losers post bogus Twitter feeds 24/7 and absolutely none of them are valid. That’s what make you 2 unemployed fags the absolutely lowest form of human that society has to offer
bloomberg aka trusted news initiative. Wow, there is definitely something going on behind the scenes on safety.

It was easy in the beginning to hide poor safety as acceptable minority harm for the greater good. But as the bodies and injuries pile up, it gets harder to hide. Now even hundreds of 5-11 have been injured

Last I saw Mayo clinic had whittled away what the narrative started at 1/M down to 1/1800 myocarditis present day for young men. That’s just acute myocarditis mind you. Likely 10x more injuries of undetected lesser severity myocarditis

bloomberg aka trusted news initiative. Wow, there is definitely something going on behind the scenes on safety.

It was easy in the beginning to hide poor safety as acceptable minority harm for the greater good. But as the bodies and injuries pile up, it gets harder to hide. Now even hundreds of 5-11 have been injured

Last I saw Mayo clinic had whittled away what the narrative started at 1/M down to 1/1800 myocarditis present day for young men. That’s just acute myocarditis mind you. Likely 10x more injuries of undetected lesser severity myocarditis

The medical and scientific community is confident in the long-term safety of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for several reasons:
  • The history of vaccines shows that delayed effects after vaccination can happen. But when they do, these effects tend to happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine. This is why regulators in Canada and many other countries require at least eight weeks of safety data before approving a vaccine. The vaccines have now been in use for months, with over 2.7 billion doses given worldwide.
  • The mRNA vaccines have been in development for many years and have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). In addition, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells. Decades of studying mRNA vaccines have shown no long-term side effects.
  • Canada’s vaccine safety system has proven time and again that the data necessary to get through the approval process is sufficient to prove safety, even for the long term. The end data and safety tests for the mRNA vaccines met the same standards as other vaccines that have been approved in Canada.

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