
Every. 6. Months.

So much for how the vaccines produce long lasting immunity, lol. I laugh in the face of anybody that made the claim that they "knew" it would last long term, and I laugh in the face of anybody that says they "know" the long term side effects. You dumbasses have been wrong at every turn, so suck it.

Lol, twitter taking this down pretty quickly
I remember saying it would be annual early on, and people didn't believe me.

I've said so many other things. Sigh... of course I'm the asshole.
"Are we still arguing over this"?

Yes! Some people took that position a year ago and blindly ignore any new data. Why is it any better to say that we know everything we need to know today, when clearly we didn't know everything we needed to know a year ago? That's just ignorance.
And we learned even with the vaccine it isn't 99% effective against symptomatic covid. A big pharma lie.

Politicians are funny like that.
I remember saying it would be annual early on, and people didn't believe me.

I've said so many other things. Sigh... of course I'm the asshole.
Looks like all the pathetic losers with no friends families and lives are worrying about covid and vaccines all thanksgiving, while the rest of the vaccinated are spending thanksgiving with large groups and going to football games in packed stadiums

Posted the entire Thanksgiving with no responses. What a fukcing loser 😂😂😂

[IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

Biden said he would fix covid

Politicians are funny like that.
  1. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    One thing that strikes me as odd is that the anti-vax population was very small and generally pretty quiet up until the last year or so. Now we are finding out that hundreds and thousands of people, doctors, epidemiologists, etc were anti-vax all along and it's just now that their crazy is...
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    What do you want to bet that Fauci still says you need to get a booster for this strain?
  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Exactly. You didn't consider it because you didn't want to consider it. It is as simple as hearing what you want to believe and then wanting justice based on your preconceived bias, regardless of any other explanation. Just like the Covington kid, who you still maintain is guilty of...
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Another one.
  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Did you ever consider the possibility that Arbery may have been casing the house for a later robbery?
  7. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Something that I don't think you realize about yourself: you are the modern day version of a member of the lynch mobs from decades ago. You hear a story, whether it is completely factual or not, but if it meets your confirmation bias you immediately want "justice" imposed on them. No...
  8. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    It's not about spin, it's about looking at the legal aspects of what the justice system takes into account. I said from the beginning that they should go to prison. Somehow that isn't good enough?
  9. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    There were a lot of aspects of the case that he covered in that clip that are interesting.
  10. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Yet another European nation doing the same thing again, thinking it's necessary or will actually make a difference.
  11. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Kind of an interesting counter argument.
  12. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    "Are we still arguing over this"? Yes! Some people took that position a year ago and blindly ignore any new data. Why is it any better to say that we know everything we need to know today, when clearly we didn't know everything we needed to know a year ago? That's just ignorance.
  13. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Just remember: the vaccines are effective against delta, but delta is the reason that cases are rising among the vaccinated.
  14. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden won't get his commie comptroller after all

    Hard to believe, when she stated that consolidating all banks and shutting down energy companies was her goal.
Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe the celibate loser. Dude posted all day long on a freaking holiday.

Actually, I feel sorry for him. It’s clear he has nothing in his life except this board. Most of us didn’t even think twice about this place and spent the day with loved ones. He really is to be pitied. It’s quite sad. And he will just do the same thing today, and tomorrow, and the day after that as well. Shit, it’s depressing…
Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe the celibate loser. Dude posted all day long on a freaking holiday.

Actually, I feel sorry for him. It’s clear he has nothing in his life except this board. Most of us didn’t even think twice about this place and spent the day with loved ones. He really is to be pitied. It’s quite sad. And he will just do the same thing today, and tomorrow, and the day after that as well. Shit, it’s depressing…
It is sad. He’s obsessed. He post stupid stuff and starts controversial threads that nobody even reads just to elicit a human interaction with anyone. Pathetic

Geez.., get a dog to hang out with. Anything.
  • Like
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Sigh. Look at me. Wahhhhh.
Looks like we are going to have to add Boston to those 3. The guy who was laughed out of the Dungeon, because we have all moved on. Everyone is talking football over there except for him
It is sad. He’s obsessed. He post stupid stuff and starts controversial threads that nobody even reads just to elicit a human interaction with anyone. Pathetic

Geez.., get a dog to hang out with. Anything.
Very sad. Imagine having kids but you’d rather post all day on a message board for a school that you didn’t even attend than spend time with them. I mean let’s just say for the sake of discussion that he was over at his kid’s house or he had them over. It’s clear he was more interested in surfing the internet for tweets about vaccines and posting nonsense than being in their company. I really do feel bad for them. He’s a very sad individual.
  • Like
Reactions: Ucfmikes
Looks like we are going to have to add Boston to those 3. The guy who was laughed out of the Dungeon, because we have all moved on. Everyone is talking football over there except for him
Boston has been laughed out of here as well numerous times. He might be embraced by Melvin, the celibate loser, and the bitchy parade float but it’s been confirmed numerous times that that triumphant is nuts.
  • Haha
Reactions: Ucfmikes
The irony of saying obsessed when you post more often and constantly post meaningless replies. You're worried about a stranger on a message board. Think about that.
I’m worried? Let’s summarize who’s worried

Think about how you posted on Thanksgiving and aren’t going to football games anymore because you are a loser.

Think about how you are unemployed or have a meaningless job because you are a loser

Think about how you’re obsessed 24/7 with Biden and Turkey/gas prices because you are a loser

Think about how you are obsessed with Covid and vaccines when the rest of us have moved on because you are a loser
I’m worried? Let’s summarize who’s worried

Think about how you posted on Thanksgiving and aren’t going to football games anymore because you are a loser.

Think about how you are unemployed or have a meaningless job because you are a loser

Think about how you’re obsessed 24/7 with Biden and Turkey/gas prices because you are a loser

Think about how you are obsessed with Covid and vaccines when the rest of us have moved on because you are a loser
I’d say Melvin is a loser...
  • Haha
Reactions: Ucfmikes
I’m worried? Let’s summarize who’s worried

Think about how you posted on Thanksgiving and aren’t going to football games anymore because you are a loser.

Think about how you are unemployed or have a meaningless job because you are a loser

Think about how you’re obsessed 24/7 with Biden and Turkey/gas prices because you are a loser

Think about how you are obsessed with Covid and vaccines when the rest of us have moved on because you are a loser
And you are obsessed with us. Pathetic.
And you are obsessed with us. Pathetic.
Don’t even go there. Very weak. You posted all day long on Thanksgiving and will do the same every day including Christmas. You’ll be home alone today and not even attending the Nebraska game. I can easily say that you haven’t gone to one all year, because you are obsessed with the WC and have no friends. Only make believe friends. Sad
Don’t even go there. Very weak. You posted all day long on Thanksgiving and will do the same every day including Christmas. You’ll be home alone today and not even attending the Nebraska game. I can easily say that you haven’t gone to one all year, because you are obsessed with the WC and have no friends. Only make believe friends. Sad
Fail. I'm going to the game.

I'm sure you'll be thinking about me all day though, because that's what homos do. They obsess over people of the same sex.
Fail. I'm going to the game.

I'm sure you'll be thinking about me all day though, because that's what homos do. They obsess over people of the same sex.
You’re not going to the game. People are tailgating now loser or preparing for it. Celibate people obsess over men and having sex with them. You are a forced celibate, because you are an ugly, pathetic, loser with no life and no woman would ever want you

Have fun posting to yourself, because this guy is actually getting ready to be with real people, not make believe friends
You’re not going to the game. People are tailgating now loser or preparing for it. Celibate people obsess over men and having sex with them. You are a forced celibate, because you are an ugly, pathetic, loser with no life and no woman would ever want you
It's still dark here, people aren't tailgating yet you retard.

But lookie there! The closeted homo is gonna have to get another shot.

Oh man. That sucks for everybody that doesn't have natural immunity. And all that time, experts like the closeted homo said natural immunity sucks and the experimental jab was awesome.
The closeted homo is gonna have to get another shot.
Hahahahaha! 😂😂😂You are illiterate as well. You’re not going to the game, because nobody wants to be around you. That’s why you contemplated suicide

  1. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    It's still dark here, people aren't tailgating yet you retard. But lookie there! The closeted homo is gonna have to get another shot.
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Fail. I'm going to the game. I'm sure you'll be thinking about me all day though, because that's what homos do. They obsess over people of the same sex.
  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    And you are obsessed with us. Pathetic.
  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Politicians are funny like that.
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    One thing that strikes me as odd is that the anti-vax population was very small and generally pretty quiet up until the last year or so. Now we are finding out that hundreds and thousands of people, doctors, epidemiologists, etc were anti-vax all along and it's just now that their crazy is...
  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

  7. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    What do you want to bet that Fauci still says you need to get a booster for this strain?
  8. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Exactly. You didn't consider it because you didn't want to consider it. It is as simple as hearing what you want to believe and then wanting justice based on your preconceived bias, regardless of any other explanation. Just like the Covington kid, who you still maintain is guilty of...
  9. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Another one.
  10. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Did you ever consider the possibility that Arbery may have been casing the house for a later robbery?
  11. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Something that I don't think you realize about yourself: you are the modern day version of a member of the lynch mobs from decades ago. You hear a story, whether it is completely factual or not, but if it meets your confirmation bias you immediately want "justice" imposed on them. No...
  12. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    It's not about spin, it's about looking at the legal aspects of what the justice system takes into account. I said from the beginning that they should go to prison. Somehow that isn't good enough?
  13. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    There were a lot of aspects of the case that he covered in that clip that are interesting.
  14. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Yet another European nation doing the same thing again, thinking it's necessary or will actually make a difference.
  15. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Kind of an interesting counter argument.
  16. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    "Are we still arguing over this"? Yes! Some people took that position a year ago and blindly ignore any new data. Why is it any better to say that we know everything we need to know today, when clearly we didn't know everything we needed to know a year ago? That's just ignorance.
  17. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Just remember: the vaccines are effective against delta, but delta is the reason that cases are rising among the vaccinated.
  18. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden won't get his commie comptroller after all

    Hard to believe, when she stated that consolidating all banks and shutting down energy companies was her goal.
  19. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    3 black men drove at high speeds through a Waukesha parade today

    Was Charlottesville caused by a sedan?
  20. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Lol, the hospital is still appealing this court decision even though the dude survived. That should speak volumes.
And all that time, experts like the closeted homo said natural immunity sucks and the experimental jab was awesome.
Qatar? 😂😂😂😂

I’m so in your head. This person who has natural immunity AND HAS BEEN VACCINATED IS GOING TO BE AROUND PEOPLE AND GUESS WHERE YOU WILL BE?

Hahahahaha! 😂😂😂You are illiterate as well. You’re not going to the game, because nobody wants to be around you. That’s why you contemplated suicide

  1. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    It's still dark here, people aren't tailgating yet you retard. But lookie there! The closeted homo is gonna have to get another shot.
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Fail. I'm going to the game. I'm sure you'll be thinking about me all day though, because that's what homos do. They obsess over people of the same sex.
  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    And you are obsessed with us. Pathetic.
  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Politicians are funny like that.
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    One thing that strikes me as odd is that the anti-vax population was very small and generally pretty quiet up until the last year or so. Now we are finding out that hundreds and thousands of people, doctors, epidemiologists, etc were anti-vax all along and it's just now that their crazy is...
  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

  7. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    What do you want to bet that Fauci still says you need to get a booster for this strain?
  8. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Exactly. You didn't consider it because you didn't want to consider it. It is as simple as hearing what you want to believe and then wanting justice based on your preconceived bias, regardless of any other explanation. Just like the Covington kid, who you still maintain is guilty of...
  9. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Another one.
  10. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Did you ever consider the possibility that Arbery may have been casing the house for a later robbery?
  11. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Something that I don't think you realize about yourself: you are the modern day version of a member of the lynch mobs from decades ago. You hear a story, whether it is completely factual or not, but if it meets your confirmation bias you immediately want "justice" imposed on them. No...
  12. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    It's not about spin, it's about looking at the legal aspects of what the justice system takes into account. I said from the beginning that they should go to prison. Somehow that isn't good enough?
  13. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    There were a lot of aspects of the case that he covered in that clip that are interesting.
  14. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Yet another European nation doing the same thing again, thinking it's necessary or will actually make a difference.
  15. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Vigilante Justice on Trial in Georgia

    Kind of an interesting counter argument.
  16. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    "Are we still arguing over this"? Yes! Some people took that position a year ago and blindly ignore any new data. Why is it any better to say that we know everything we need to know today, when clearly we didn't know everything we needed to know a year ago? That's just ignorance.
  17. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Just remember: the vaccines are effective against delta, but delta is the reason that cases are rising among the vaccinated.
  18. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden won't get his commie comptroller after all

    Hard to believe, when she stated that consolidating all banks and shutting down energy companies was her goal.
  19. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    3 black men drove at high speeds through a Waukesha parade today

    Was Charlottesville caused by a sedan?
  20. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Lol, the hospital is still appealing this court decision even though the dude survived. That should speak volumes.

Once again, the angry gay dude goes full retard.
Oh he mad like a pathetic loser. Maybe a reaction to cleaning doctors offices all day and worried about getting the fauci flu? 🤭
Imagine being so pathetic that you have to rage post at people you've never met, all because they are proving that your lord and savior Pfizer put out a shitty vaccine. It's almost like a cult and he's brainwashed.
  • Haha
Reactions: KNIGHTTIME^
"Are we still arguing over this"?

Yes! Some people took that position a year ago and blindly ignore any new data. Why is it any better to say that we know everything we need to know today, when clearly we didn't know everything we needed to know a year ago? That's just ignorance.
I didn't say we know everything, but there are things we do know. The Vaccines are less effective than originally hoped for, and they don't stop people from spreading it.

Once again, the angry gay dude goes full retard.
Oh he mad like a pathetic loser. Maybe a reaction to cleaning doctors offices all day and worried about getting the fauci flu? 🤭
At this point you have to be a complete chud to not believe the actual data vs the data that big pharma originally pushed. 99% effective from symptomatic! Remember that lie
And the only data that these chuds will even consider is that which comes from an industry that is financially dependent on their customers being sick or afraid.
I didn't say we know everything, but there are things we do know. The Vaccines are less effective than originally hoped for, and they don't stop people from spreading it.
Look at all the losers and homos sitting at home! Hahahahaha! A pool cleaner and 2 angry, unemployed handymen! 😂😂😂

Look at all the losers and homos sitting at home! Hahahahaha! A pool cleaner and 2 angry, unemployed handymen! 😂😂😂

Mike the angry janitor is still big mad. I'm sure that when you die, the eulogy will be beautiful. "Mike was the most diligent janitor we've ever had. Our hearts will forever be empty, but our trashcans will always be full".
Mike the angry janitor is still big mad. I'm sure that when you die, the eulogy will be beautiful. "Mike was the most diligent janitor we've ever had. Our hearts will forever be empty, but our trashcans will always be full".
You’re such a fag. Toadie!!! I bet you’re socially awkward in real life

Nice try celibate, unemployed loser, but you be you and keep spending your day fantasizing about molesting little boys. Don’t forget about posting those tailgating pics from 1997 😂😂😂😂😂
You’re such a fag. Toadie!!! I bet you’re socially awkward in real life

Nice try celibate, unemployed loser, but you be you and keep spending your day fantasizing about molesting little boys. Don’t forget about posting those tailgating pics from 1997 😂😂😂😂😂

Facts about Mike:

He is in fact gay.

He has never held a relationship for more than 6 months, which is why he thinks the vaccines are "long lasting"

He sweeps floors for a living because closeted homosexuals have an obsession with order and cleanliness. It distracts them from the chaos in their mind.

He was molested as a child, which is why he is obsessed with the concept.

He is an alcoholic that only gets less bearable with every daiquiri. The quintessential angry drunk.

He hires interior decorators for his apartment on a seasonal basis.
  • Haha
Reactions: Boston.Knight

His obsession with watching guys jerk off is disturbing. Then to believe anyone is staying inside because of covid is the highest level of a delusional syndrome known to man.
Did someone say obsession? You 2 ripping apart each other’s rectums today? Getting a little late for the game. 😂😂😂


His obsession with watching guys jerk off is disturbing. Then to believe anyone is staying inside because of covid is the highest level of a delusional syndrome known to man.
The irony doesn't go unnoticed. The unvaxxed arent scared of the virus, the vaccinated are. That's why people like big gay Mike go full REEEEEEEE! when they find out someone isn't vaccinated. It's scary to them.
  • Love
Reactions: Boston.Knight
His obsession with watching guys jerk off is disturbing.
I understand Ucfmikes frustration. It's tiring to watch you and your nutjob crew go ON and ON and ON about the Covid vaccines and commonsense safety measures.

Childhood diseases have been pretty much eradicated during our lifetimes. But thanks to the Chud politicization of the Covid vaccines, sixty years of progress will no doubt be going down the drain. And for what pray tell?
  • Like
Reactions: Ucfmikes
The irony doesn't go unnoticed. The unvaxxed arent scared of the virus, the vaccinated are. That's why people like big gay Mike go full REEEEEEEE! when they find out someone isn't vaccinated. It's scary to them.
Tick, tick, tick…. Missing the game. Another one of your lies 😂😂😂

Another failed post. Full stadiums, unmasked while you are cowering at home. Or is it just that you are a pathetic loser who’s life isn’t worth living?
I understand Ucfmikes frustration. It's tiring to watch you and your nutjob crew go ON and ON and ON about the Covid vaccines and commonsense safety measures.

Childhood diseases have been pretty much eradicated during our lifetimes. But thanks to the Chud politicization of the Covid vaccines, sixty years of progress will no doubt be going down the drain. And for what pray tell?
Maybe I missed it, but I can't recall seeing anyone questioning the vaccines that have ended those childhood diseases.
I understand Ucfmikes frustration. It's tiring to watch you and your nutjob crew go ON and ON and ON about the Covid vaccines and commonsense safety measures.
They are the anxious ones constantly searching Twitter 24/7 looking for justification while the rest of use are living our lives

Do you notice how the anti-vaxxers are the ones mostly posting about this and not the vaccinated?
Tick, tick, tick…. Missing the game. Another one of your lies 😂😂😂

Another failed post. Full stadiums, unmasked while you are cowering at home. Or is it just that you are a pathetic loser who’s life isn’t worth living?
Yet another retard post. The game doesn't start for another 3 hours.