North Dakota man kills teen with vehicle after political dispute, claims victim was Republican 'extremist'

Some crazed leftist at a lily-white private school in NYC talking about what she'd like to do to white male conservatives
If you want to start cherry-picking examples of 'batsh*t crazy' political talk, I betcha I can find a hell of a lot more examples of crazy rightwing militia radicals than you can with your "crazed leftist at a lily-white private school" one.

If this is your 'compelling evidence' of the ugly violence of America's leftwing, I hate to break it to you but you're losing.
See the riots and burning cities in BLM protest. That was not far right burning down businesses, police stations including trying to burn down one full of cops. The extremes of both are violent miserable human beings.
I'm not a conservative. I don't see conservativism as the political solution either. But I do understand totalitarianism and those who 'have power.'

And the problem here is *NOT* the average, American conservative who makes up 4 out of 5 small businesses.

The problem is the left pushing a Soviet Socialist agenda with the destruction of our liberty and resulting way of life. They have the power.
The problem is the left pushing a Soviet Socialist agenda with the destruction of our liberty and resulting way of life. They have the power.
So Trump's sycophants in Congress don't have any power?
The problem is the left pushing a Soviet Socialist agenda with the destruction of our liberty and resulting way of life. They have the power.
What a second...didn't Lindsey Graham recently propose a nationwide abortion ban?

Remind me again, which party is pushing a 'Soviet Socialist agenda' with the destruction of our liberty and resulting way of life?