"Not so fast" on the booster shots according to the FDA

As the US NIH and even WHO have been warning, the US FDA and even the CDC are now accepting the fact that we have 0 data on the benefits. This is more assumption-hope in the absence of data.

Now the immunocompromised or those with certain conditions should still get them. But injecting everyone with the original SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan-1 spike proteins when it is relatively eradicated might not help, and could even hurt. We need more data!

In fact, I'm sure we're watching the Israelis and their push to boost even more, especially versus the Brits who have NOT been so quick. A lot in the US NIH have been pushing for an update, like to at least Alpha or Gamma, if not Delta, spikes BEFORE Boosters hit the general populace.


There must be something to this side effect if they are doing a study on it. It's possible that the concern about spike proteins collecting in the ovaries may be true. That would really suck for young women that want to become mothers.

There must be something to this side effect if they are doing a study on it. It's possible that the concern about spike proteins collecting in the ovaries may be true. That would really suck for young women that want to become mothers.
We actually have not done jack for women ...

Other than track miscarriage rates, and largely among medical staff themselves. They are no more than double in the worst case plots, and not any worse than other vaccines. But no other studies were done. Absolutely no, specific trials were conducted in this area at all. It's just been statistical analysis.

This will be one of the first, long-term studies. That's why I said, we only have most immediate and now short-term complications understood, many mitigated, although we're still lacking tests for most. We have virtually no long-term complication understanding, which is now more of the focus. Again, this is one of the first ones.

This is typical of anything. It's not different than anything else. i don't understand why the pro-vaxxers said this wasn't necessary or I was making things up, and that we already knew everything.
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This will be one of the first, long-term studies. That's why I said, we only have most immediate and now short-term complications understood, many mitigated, although we're still lacking tests for most. We have virtually no long-term complication understanding, which is now more of the focus. Again, this is one of the first ones.
There isn’t any. Maybe in the one you took, since you’re so clueless about vaccines. You’re anti-Pfizer obsession owns you

Go take your horse paste and stand in an empty stadium with 2 masks! 😂😂😂😂
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There isn’t any. Maybe in the one you took, since you’re so clueless about vaccines. You’re anti-Pfizer obsession owns you

Go take your horse paste and stand in an empty stadium with 2 masks! 😂😂😂😂
Why is the j&j vaccine more dangerous than the pfizer or Moderna vaxxes?

There must be something to this side effect if they are doing a study on it. It's possible that the concern about spike proteins collecting in the ovaries may be true. That would really suck for young women that want to become mothers.
This is a very good thing. I don’t want some of these morons reproducing.
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There isn’t any. Maybe in the one you took, since you’re so clueless about vaccines. You’re anti-Pfizer obsession owns you

Go take your horse paste and stand in an empty stadium with 2 masks! 😂😂😂😂

It's simply unbelievable that the same people who distrust vaccines are running to the hardware store to take ivermectin.
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So there is nothing to spurred them to study it? The thought just appeared out of thin air.
Studies show nothing more often than they show something. Science is all about testing everything. The existence of a study means nothing until the results are in. You would know that just because someone is studying something doesn't mean there is a solid connection if you weren't a local Nebraskan hick pretending to be a scientist on the internet.
Studies show nothing more often than they show something. Science is all about testing everything. The existence of a study means nothing until the results are in. You would know that just because someone is studying something doesn't mean there is a solid connection if you weren't a local Nebraskan hick pretending to be a scientist on the internet.
What is the first step in the scientific method copernicus?
According to you it's drawing a conclusion before you have results.
I've drawn no conclusion. All I did was acknowledge that an observation was made and there is a hypothesis that the vaccine may be causing this.

You dismissed the entire scientific method out of hand because of confirmation bias.
According to FC, a study is being done on whether the covid vaccine can cause people to grow extra fingers.
How do you not see the glaring confirmation bias in your posts? You dismiss the effectiveness of everything you are told not to like politically even as it's been studied and reviewed and tested with easily accessible and reliable results that prove efficacy. Then you post some initial study with no results as "there must be something to this" because it undermines the things you're told not to like. How can you not see that you are a programmed useful idiot to people who want to engage in a culture war for votes over the topics of masks and toughness and vaccines even as they themselves are vaccinated and they are just trying to appeal to dumb shit hillbilly voters.

Why is the FDA trash when it approves vaccines but you cite it when it says we aren't ready for 3rd shot boosters? You're programmed and your inconsistent views give you away as a little bitch boy for people looking to secure the loony vote at the cost of the health of America.
How do you not see the glaring confirmation bias in your posts? You dismiss the effectiveness of everything you are told not to like politically even as it's been studied and reviewed and tested with easily accessible and reliable results that prove efficacy. Then you post some initial study with no results as "there must be something to this" because it undermines the things you're told not to like. How can you not see that you are a programmed useful idiot to people who want to engage in a culture war for votes over the topics of masks and toughness and vaccines even as they themselves are vaccinated and they are just trying to appeal to dumb shit hillbilly voters.

Why is the FDA trash when it approves vaccines but you cite it when it says we aren't ready for 3rd shot boosters? You're programmed and your inconsistent views give you away as a little bitch boy for people looking to secure the loony vote at the cost of the health of America.
Meh. You paint everything in black and white, which makes it impossible for you to have a rational conversation. To make matters worse, you assign politics to things that have no connection whatsoever. The NIH doing a study somehow has something to do with my political ideology I guess. So be it if that's your take, but its stupid.

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