Not sure what to think of this


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004

Biden says that drunk driving isn't a felony

I tend to agree with him but there are some states and counties that have baselines for when it does become one. So under his immigration plan, would he be setting a precedent by saying this and that under no circumstances would a DUI be a felony? It seems like a court challenge based on the supremacy clause would probably win if a person was charged with felony DUI and fought it.

Biden says that drunk driving isn't a felony

I tend to agree with him but there are some states and counties that have baselines for when it does become one. So under his immigration plan, would he be setting a precedent by saying this and that under no circumstances would a DUI be a felony? It seems like a court challenge based on the supremacy clause would probably win if a person was charged with felony DUI and fought it.
He’s pandering. Deporting doesn’t necessarily help, though, when they can just walk across the Rio Grande in places and barely get their feet wet. So, looked at in a certain way, he’s just saving everyone time and money. Now, if we could make the border crossing much harder, then maybe deportation would have some teeth in it.

Of course, in a lot of places illegals are driving without a license thus without insurance. So if they hit and maim or kill someone, that person is SOL as far as liability goes. Seems like that should get a harsher punishment.
He’s pandering. Deporting doesn’t necessarily help, though, when they can just walk across the Rio Grande in places and barely get their feet wet. So, looked at in a certain way, he’s just saving everyone time and money. Now, if we could make the border crossing much harder, then maybe deportation would have some teeth in it.

Of course, in a lot of places illegals are driving without a license thus without insurance. So if they hit and maim or kill someone, that person is SOL as far as liability goes. Seems like that should get a harsher punishment.

I carry uninsured motorist coverage through USAA. It helps some.

I guess a DUI isn't a felony until you kill someone.

The purpose of government is several things among those securing my liberty and thus protecting me from those who want take away said liberty. I contend our immigration enforcement or lack there of has been a cluster F for 4 decades now. You got two sides to it. Establishment Republicans seem to want cheap labor. Establishment Democrats know their policies suck so they need to import ignorant people who have nothing and promise them a piece of the American cornucopia thus buying votes for their socialist ways.

The rest of us are caught in the middle. It sickens me our safety is a chip in their game . It's no skin off Bidens back if me or my family are killed by any number of actions from illegal immigrants. He doesn't give a crap about it. If anyone stands up regarding immigration immediately one is labeled a xenophobic bigot. How about we fix the system? How about politicians stop making excuses for the rapists , murderers and gangs? Last fall this local kid got mixed up with MS 13 here in Western NC. They gave him drugs to sell and he didn't pay them. They found the kid near death with all of his teeth removed with vice grips. I don't think they used Novocain nor were they licenced and trained dentist.

So, for me, I want the system fixed. We need to shut down illegal immigration. We need legal immigration reform and perhaps a guest worker program. We need to tighten our voting system and protect the huge right that citizens and only citizens can vote.

We need a government that looks out for it's citizens first and foremost. We pay the freight, we obey the laws, we volunteer in our communities, we serve in our military and we earned the right to vote because we are citizens.
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i just think its crazy these democrats seem to care a lot more about people that dont even live here than the actual citizens. why are they doing this?