Porn star sues the President of the United States of America

It's official, we live in bizarro world. In America a pornstar is concerned about her reputation and the president isn't, and I can't tell which one of the two has higher moral standing.
It's official, we live in bizarro world. In America a pornstar is concerned about her reputation and the president isn't, and I can't tell which one of the two has higher moral standing.
And a large group of people who would accord her very little respect normally are lauding her as some type of heroine because she’s playing this game.

But what is the issue really? The either did or didn’t have sex. Either way, she turned up asking for money. Probably blackmail. Cohen pays her off and she signs an NDA.

Now, this paragon of virtue is suing to remove the NDA because, why? She’s suing for defamation, why?

She is getting so much mileage and PR out of this because of the people that are absolutely desperate to bring down Trump it’s crazy. People who are driven crazy by Trump milking a spotlight are in love with the pornstar who is milking the spotlight. It really is quite ridiculous.
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And a large group of people who would accord her very little respect normally are lauding her as some type of heroine because she’s playing this game.

But what is the issue really? The either did or didn’t have sex. Either way, she turned up asking for money. Probably blackmail. Cohen pays her off and she signs an NDA.

Now, this paragon of virtue is suing to remove the NDA because, why? She’s suing for defamation, why?

She is getting so much mileage and PR out of this because of the people that are absolutely desperate to bring down Trump it’s crazy. People who are driven crazy by Trump milking a spotlight are in love with the pornstar who is milking the spotlight. It really is quite ridiculous.

She's suing for defamation because Trump is a documented lying sack of shit with an insane temper and tendency to fly off the handle. Did you watch the Fox & Friends interview? He sounded like a deranged lunatic ranting uncontrollably, even the hosts looked visibly appalled.

Think what would happen if the tables were turned. Imagine for one second what Fox News would look like and all the Trumpets on here if Obama had 5 kids by 3 different wives and had sex with a porn star. These same hypocrites who yawn this stuff away would be having a literal cow, and Fox News would probably melt down covering it. Now its "just another day" when something literally insane happens with our POTUS (like a pornstar suing him for defamation). No one hardly bats an eye anymore. Its pathetic.
She's suing for defamation because Trump is a documented lying sack of shit with an insane temper and tendency to fly off the handle. Did you watch the Fox & Friends interview? He sounded like a deranged lunatic ranting uncontrollably, even the hosts looked visibly appalled.

Think what would happen if the tables were turned. Imagine for one second what Fox News would look like and all the Trumpets on here if Obama had 5 kids by 3 different wives and had sex with a porn star. These same hypocrites who yawn this stuff away would be having a literal cow, and Fox News would probably melt down covering it. Now its "just another day" when something literally insane happens with our POTUS (like a pornstar suing him for defamation). No one hardly bats an eye anymore. Its pathetic.

The reason people "yawn this stuff away" is because everybody knew this about Trump when they voted for him. It is no surprise that he banged porn stars .... no surprise he has multiple marriages ... no surprise he cheats on his wives. So who cares about this now? Nobody.

Bill Clinton got the same treatment .... and he got re-elected ... because everybody knew he was a horny dude as well. No surprise. In fact, some were privately proud of him for the BJ in the oval office.

All this nonsense is just for the 24 hour news networks and the drama queens among us.
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The reason people "yawn this stuff away" is because everybody knew this about Trump when they voted for him. It is no surprise that he banged porn stars .... no surprise he has multiple marriages ... no surprise he cheats on his wives. So who cares about this now? Nobody.

Bill Clinton got the same treatment .... and he got re-elected ... because everybody knew he was a horny dude as well. No surprise. In fact, some were privately proud of him for the BJ in the oval office.

All this nonsense is just for the 24 hour news networks and the drama queens among us.

So you honestly think all those conservative Christians out there would just be letting out a little yawn every time President Obama had another porn star sue him or words about one of his half dozen misstresses comes out?

I want to live in your reality.
So you honestly think all those conservative Christians out there would just be letting out a little yawn every time President Obama had another porn star sue him or words about one of his half dozen misstresses comes out?

I want to live in your reality.

That's not what I said at all .... and I wish you would live in my reality and take a break from whatever you are living in.

First of all, the left is not "yawning" over Trump's girl issues ... and the right would not "yawn" if ANY Democrat had girl issues (including Hillary).

What I was saying is .... the reason it does not "stick" to Trump, or Bill Clinton, is because, in general, people KNOW they are like that and have accepted it as part of the deal. The democrats are now making the exact same mistake the republicans made with Bill Clinton ... acting like because they are upset about something then EVERYBODY should be upset about something.
That's not what I said at all .... and I wish you would live in my reality and take a break from whatever you are living in.

First of all, the left is not "yawning" over Trump's girl issues ... and the right would not "yawn" if ANY Democrat had girl issues (including Hillary).

What I was saying is .... the reason it does not "stick" to Trump, or Bill Clinton, is because, in general, people KNOW they are like that and have accepted it as part of the deal. The democrats are now making the exact same mistake the republicans made with Bill Clinton ... acting like because they are upset about something then EVERYBODY should be upset about something.

Yeah..obviously you can't keep up with this debate based on your incredibly wrong grasp of what I was trying to say. Just know you are a massive hypocrite like everyone else on the religious right who is supporting Trump right now
Yeah..obviously you can't keep up with this debate based on your incredibly wrong grasp of what I was trying to say. Just know you are a massive hypocrite like everyone else on the religious right who is supporting Trump right now

I am a realist. You are a partisan hack and can't see things from both sides.

Keep in mind, most conservative right wingers voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary, which was way worse. Trump was a lifelong social democrat/fiscal republican that only shifted policies to win the republican primary.

What you and my other leftist friends can't grasp is that just because we voted for Trump doesn't make us huge Trump supporters. Personally, I didn't vote for him in the primary. Personally, his tweeting makes me sick. But ..... if I had to vote tomorrow for Trump vs. Hillary I would vote for him all over again ... every ... single .... time.
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Keep in mind, most conservative right wingers voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary, which was way worse. Trump was a lifelong social democrat/fiscal republican that only shifted policies to win the republican primary.


If only there was some sort of election, held primarily before the main election, where Republicans could choose who would represent them so they wouldn't be able to constantly whine "but the alternative was Hillary! waaaaaa". We could even call these elections, "Primaries". Crazy idea. But obviously the only two choices were Trump and Hillary.
I am a realist. You are a partisan hack and can't see things from both sides.

Keep in mind, most conservative right wingers voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary, which was way worse. Trump was a lifelong social democrat/fiscal republican that only shifted policies to win the republican primary.

What you and my other leftist friends can't grasp is that just because we voted for Trump doesn't make us huge Trump supporters. Personally, I didn't vote for him in the primary. Personally, his tweeting makes me sick. But ..... if I had to vote tomorrow for Trump vs. Hillary I would vote for him all over again ... every ... single .... time.
i didnt vote for trump in the election. i voted for the libertarian party. i did prefer trump over hillary. if i had to vote all over again i would change my vote to trump.
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Dear judge, I am a career adult entertainment actor famous for such repectable roles as shindlers clits, saving Ryan's privates, and the good cock, the bad cock, and the ugly cock. I have reached an esteemed level of respect among all groups of America's diverse populations including Hispanics who enjoyed my role in burritoe fetish, Asian Americans who enjoyed my performance is saki saki sucky, and native Americans who watched with intrigue as I played out the unnamed character in the epic film about Pawnee leader Chief Slapahoe. The president has accused me of giving a false description of a man who threatened me in a parking lot outside of the foxy lady in Amarillo, where I made 42,500 dollars to take my clothes off. His accusations have cost me in excess of 300 dollars in singles. I humbly ask the court to grant a judgment in my favor of 80 billion dollars based on my financial losses.
If only there was some sort of election, held primarily before the main election, where Republicans could choose who would represent them so they wouldn't be able to constantly whine "but the alternative was Hillary! waaaaaa". We could even call these elections, "Primaries". Crazy idea. But obviously the only two choices were Trump and Hillary.

I realize you know the answer .... but when 15 guys jumped into the fight ... and too many were too stubborn to drop out .... it became a real crap show. Trump never even got 50% of votes in the republican primary until very late in the game when there were only 3 guys left ... and he did it in New York, his home town. There were A LOT of republicans across the country that did not vote for Trump during the primary season.
Dear judge, I am a career adult entertainment actor famous for such repectable roles as shindlers clits, saving Ryan's privates, and the good cock, the bad cock, and the ugly cock. I have reached an esteemed level of respect among all groups of America's diverse populations including Hispanics who enjoyed my role in burritoe fetish, Asian Americans who enjoyed my performance is saki saki sucky, and native Americans who watched with intrigue as I played out the unnamed character in the epic film about Pawnee leader Chief Slapahoe. The president has accused me of giving a false description of a man who threatened me in a parking lot outside of the foxy lady in Amarillo, where I made 42,500 dollars to take my clothes off. His accusations have cost me in excess of 300 dollars in singles. I humbly ask the court to grant a judgment in my favor of 80 billion dollars based on my financial losses.
I am a realist. You are a partisan hack and can't see things from both sides.

Keep in mind, most conservative right wingers voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary, which was way worse. Trump was a lifelong social democrat/fiscal republican that only shifted policies to win the republican primary.

What you and my other leftist friends can't grasp is that just because we voted for Trump doesn't make us huge Trump supporters. Personally, I didn't vote for him in the primary. Personally, his tweeting makes me sick. But ..... if I had to vote tomorrow for Trump vs. Hillary I would vote for him all over again ... every ... single .... time.

Regarding his tweets, I would love to know what guys like Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, or Harry Truman would have put on Twitter. Or what a Twitter war between Keynes and Hayek would have looked like.
Regarding his tweets, I would love to know what guys like Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, or Harry Truman would have put on Twitter. Or what a Twitter war between Keynes and Hayek would have looked like.
Or Kennedy’s Facebook page as he was growing up.
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Regarding his tweets, I would love to know what guys like Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, or Harry Truman would have put on Twitter. Or what a Twitter war between Keynes and Hayek would have looked like.

I'm sure a guy who's most well known saying is "speak softly and carry a big stick" would have just absolutely blown up Twitter insulting people.

It is hilarious how a lot of Trumpets have tried to claim DJT is the next Teddy Roosevelt, despite them being polar opposities in that respect.

I will agree with you on Keynes and Hayek though.
I try to tell people there is no such thing as casual sex. You always bring something home with you. Whether it's an STD, a baby, a porn star with a defamation lawsuit or the knowledge that you've ruined your marriage of 17 years because you were drunk and with the right lighting the lady kind of looked like a 52 year old Sabrina the Teenage witch with a missing thumb.
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I'm sure a guy who's most well known saying is "speak softly and carry a big stick" would have just absolutely blown up Twitter insulting people.

It is hilarious how a lot of Trumpets have tried to claim DJT is the next Teddy Roosevelt, despite them being polar opposities in that respect.

I will agree with you on Keynes and Hayek though.

That isn't what I was insinuating and Trump is absolutely no TR. Teddy would have been interesting due to his hunting exploits, his outspoken nature about politics, and his experience in Cuba among other things.
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That isn't what I was insinuating and Trump is absolutely no TR. Teddy would have been interesting due to his hunting exploits, his outspoken nature about politics, and his experience in Cuba among other things.

Ah yes I agree, I would love an Instagram feed of TR's hunting exposition or his time in the rough riders.
It's official, we live in bizarro world. In America a pornstar is concerned about her reputation and the president isn't, and I can't tell which one of the two has higher moral standing.
^ That's exactly what I thought! ;)
i didnt vote for trump in the election. i voted for the libertarian party. i did prefer trump over hillary. if i had to vote all over again i would change my vote to trump.
I wanted Hillary over Trump like I wanted Jefferson over Addams.

I.e., Addams was the better leader, like Trump, but I wanted Hillary to be the Jefferson of our times, exposed as the hypocrite he/she was, so the US media would stop being so one-sided.

The US media has always been bad. But today it's too one-sided, the most in over 200 years.

So I voted Gary Johnson and used "Balanced Rebellion" so a Hillary voter voted Garry Johnson as well.