Question for biden supporters


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
What exactly is it about him that inspires you to vote for him? I understand why people who support Trump or Bernie do so but Biden just seems milquetoast in the grand scheme of things. How do you see him being president making your life better?
What exactly is it about him that inspires you to vote for him? I understand why people who support Trump or Bernie do so but Biden just seems milquetoast in the grand scheme of things. How do you see him being president making your life better?
They won't be able to name a single thing they like about his policy that isn't just a vague half measure of one of Bernies policies.
He's less of an utter embarrassment to our country, but only barely so compared to the current joke.
What exactly is it about him that inspires you to vote for him?
Typical Red Hat troll thread.

Given the sh*t show we've got going on right now, one has to ask what in the hell inspires YOU guys to vote for Trump?

Hmmm, let me guess:

Is it the amazing economy? (Stock Market in free fall -- down 2000 point in ONE day because there's zero confidence in Trump's Clown Show "Virus Security")

His honesty? (Averages 7 lies a day.)

His Statesmanship? (It should be obvious to anyone paying attention that Trump doesn't give a sh*t about anyone or anything other than himself.)

His integrity? (His history of corruption has been well-documented before and after he took office.)

His Fiscal Conservatism? (Jesus, he's added 3 Trillion (yes, with a T) dollars to the Federal Deficit.)

His stunning diplomatic successes? (Non-stop missile testing by Kim Yung un and peace negotiations...with bring our troops home in a transparent face-saving effort to show we're leaving honorably and not turning tail and running away. And let's not forget his sly effort to buy Iceland.) :)

His laundry list of other successes? (….uh...?)

You people should be The Last Ones to be asking about Biden's credentials. Joe has more honor, integrity, and class in his little pinkie finger than Trump has ever had.
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Typical Red Hat troll thread.

Given the sh*t show we've got going on right now, one has to ask what in the hell inspires YOU guys to vote for Trump?

Hmmm, let me guess:

Is it the amazing economy? (Stock Market in free fall -- down 2000 point in ONE day because there's zero confidence in Trump's Clown Show "Virus Security")

His honesty? (Averages 7 lies a day.)

His Statesmanship? (It should be obvious to anyone paying attention that Trump doesn't give a sh*t about anyone or anything other than himself.)

His integrity? (His history of corruption has been well-documented before and after he took office.)

His Fiscal Conservatism? (Jesus, he's added 3 Trillion (yes, with a T) dollars to the Federal Deficit.)

His stunning diplomatic successes? (Non-stop missile testing by Kim Yung un and peace negotiations...with bring our troops home in a transparent face-saving effort to show we're leaving honorably and not turning tail and running away. And let's not forget his sly effort to buy Iceland.) :)

His laundry list of other successes? (….uh...?)

You people should be The Last Ones to be asking about Biden's credentials. Joe has more honor, integrity, and class in his little pinkie finger than Trump has ever had.

Slow down there Ragey McRager, it was just a question.
The same thing that inspired traditional Republicans to vote for Trump in 2016. We hate the other candidate more.
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Paul Ryan believes in basic tenants of Catholicism, like not supporting the unchecked slaughter of unborn children.

Which, by the way, is questionable seeing his lifelong allegiance to Ayn Rand, who was absolutely unabashed in her stance on abortion.
i cant wait for the debates where he has to stand for a few hours and actually take most of the questions. the guys mental capacity is degrading and its going to show when the lights and cameras are the brightest.

we can only reelect trump.
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i cant wait for the debates where he has to stand for a few hours and actually take most of the questions. the guys mental capacity is degrading and its going to show when the lights and cameras are the brightest.

we can only reelect trump.

2 man/woman debates are only 90 minutes with breaks. He'll also get a full minute to a minute and a half to get out what he needs to say. He won't need to fight for time. Biden can mix enough charm and facts to get by. Trump doesn't carry much charm on a debate stage, surprising he does come armed with facts.
Which, by the way, is questionable seeing his lifelong allegiance to Ayn Rand, who was absolutely unabashed in her stance on abortion.

Unless I missed something, he read and agreed with alot of her economic stances but voiced no support for any personal positions. There are plenty of economists that I agree with who probably have opinions on other matters I'd totally disagree with.
Unless I missed something, he read and agreed with alot of her economic stances but voiced no support for any personal positions. There are plenty of economists that I agree with who probably have opinions on other matters I'd totally disagree with.
Didnt you get the memo? If you agree with any singular thing that someone says or does that means you must agree with everything about them. Pragmatism isnt allowed
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Unless I missed something, he read and agreed with alot of her economic stances but voiced no support for any personal positions. There are plenty of economists that I agree with who probably have opinions on other matters I'd totally disagree with.

Dude distributed copies of Atlas Shrugged like they were coupons. He bought into all her shit bigly until the establishment told him to stfu.
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Dude distributed copies of Atlas Shrugged like they were coupons. He bought into all her shit bigly until they establish told him to stfu.

Ok. But Atlas Shrugged isn't "How to Slaughter Your Child". It's an economic manifesto for the classic liberal economist types.
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I’m sure he told all the people he gave them to only to pay attention to the economic stuff and totally ignore everything else. No doubt in my mind.
I’m sure he told all the people he gave them to only to pay attention to the economic stuff and totally ignore everything else. No doubt in my mind.

I've honestly never read Atlas Shrugged. Does it advocate for abortion? I just assumed it was a book on neo-laissez faire economics.
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I've honestly never read Atlas Shrugged. Does it advocate for abortion? I just assumed it was a book on neo-laissez faire economics.
You should read it. No, it doesnt talk about abortion. The basic premise is that rich people can only be villianized for so long until they give up and leave, which leads to chaos. In its essence it is a narrative on the free market and how class warfare hurts everyone.
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You should read it. No, it doesnt talk about abortion. The basic premise is that rich people can only be villianized for so long until they give up and leave, which leads to chaos. In its essence it is a narrative on the free market and how class warfare hurts everyone.

Then I see no reason why someone who is pro-life couldn't read the book and like the premise of the book, even if the author had different views personally.
2 man/woman debates are only 90 minutes with breaks. He'll also get a full minute to a minute and a half to get out what he needs to say. He won't need to fight for time. Biden can mix enough charm and facts to get by. Trump doesn't carry much charm on a debate stage, surprising he does come armed with facts.
Do the false stories he tells about things that didn’t happen and the stats that he gives out that couldn’t possible be true in this world part of his charm or his facts?
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Then I see no reason why someone who is pro-life couldn't read the book and like the premise of the book, even if the author had different views personally.
Rand was against any organization that dictated personal decision making. Her opposition to abortion was based on her not liking how the Catholic church has a code of conduct, for lack of a better term. She saw the papacy as a form of statism but missed the point that people who ascribe to Catholicism voluntarily make that choice. She was very reactionary and confused compulsory adherence to voluntary adherence.
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Do the false stories he tells about things that didn’t happen and the stats that he gives out that couldn’t possible be true in this world part of his charm or his facts?
in those 90min debates, politicians of both parties always interject stories to better relate their policies. i cant wait for joe to talk about corn pop and how it relates to his healthcare plan.
Uncle Joe had a rough morning in Michigan. Told a potential voter that he's "full of shiit" about taking his guns away. "You dont need an AR-14" "nobody needs 100 rounds". "You don't need an AR-15".
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