Question for biden supporters

This is now the 3rd time he’s gotten into it with a would be voter. If our media weren’t fully in the tank for him they’d be skewering himZ.

That guy wasn't voting for him anyway. He probably won 10 votes for everyone that he lost. Joe shoulda knocked that douche out.
I was in Richmond, VA yesterday, Virginia is a lost cause. Talked to a broker of mine who is Richmond born and raised. She is Latino and a pretty serious gun advocate. Her and her husband are moving Roanoke Rapids, NC because the state is out of control in terms of taxes and liberal policies. She was saying ever since Gov Northam got busted with the klan outfit, he has gone way left to survive. She will commute to Richmond a couple times a week.

Better move to SC because they are coming for NC next.
Uncle Joe is gonna pick Cory Booker to tie up black voters in this country. This is gonna be a Roy Moore Alabammer type of outcome. It's been a fun four years.
How is it that we've managed to pick the two worst people in all of America for the second consecutive presidential election.

It's like we are trying to fuk up our country.
Joe Biden thinks it’s Saturday and he forgot where he parked his car

Biden wins everyday of the week and he doesn't have to drive.
Uncle Joe is gonna pick Cory Booker to tie up black voters in this country. This is gonna be a Roy Moore Alabammer type of outcome. It's been a fun four years.

On paper Booker is the obvious choice but he just doesn't excite anybody, not even black people.
Hunter Biden is asking the judge in Arkansas to put another hold on him having to turn over financial records until after the election because..........coronavirus. Lol, yeah, that's gonna fly.
Hunter Biden is asking the judge in Arkansas to put another hold on him having to turn over financial records until after the election because..........coronavirus. Lol, yeah, that's gonna fly.

A Trump supporter is actually going after Hunter Biden for...(drumroll)...not sharing his financial records!!!! :)
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Hunter Biden is asking the judge in Arkansas to put another hold on him having to turn over financial records until after the election because..........coronavirus. Lol, yeah, that's gonna fly.

You do this a lot--almost everything that you bitch about with regard to the Bidens can be countered by something that the President has done to a T.
You do this a lot--almost everything that you bitch about with regard to the Bidens can be countered by something that the President has done to a T.
You might have noticed that I also complain about Trump doing those same things
You might have noticed that I also complain about Trump doing those same things

To be honest, no I haven't. You may very well have but you seem to start more threads and discuss the opposition as if it were unique, when it isn't.
To be honest, no I haven't. You may very well have but you seem to start more threads and discuss the opposition as if it were unique, when it isn't.
I just started a thread about the Mueller probe yesterday. I want trump held to justice just as much as I want biden to be. In spite of shukster characterizing me as a trumpster, I'm not.
You do this a lot--almost everything that you bitch about with regard to the Bidens can be countered by something that the President has done to a T.

That's why this is the only way possible that Biden could ever be elected president.
You do this a lot--almost everything that you bitch about with regard to the Bidens can be countered by something that the President has done to a T.
Hang on a second. Are you saying that a candidate for elected office electing not to make all of their financial records public (which isn't a legal requirement and probably never should be) is the same as trying to delay turning over your legally required financial records in a child support hearing where they should never become public record because you're worried that it might affect your father's campaign prospects? The same thing to a T? Really?
Hang on a second. Are you saying that a candidate for elected office electing not to make all of their financial records public (which isn't a legal requirement and probably never should be) is the same as trying to delay turning over your legally required financial records in a child support hearing where they should never become public record because you're worried that it might affect your father's campaign prospects? The same thing to a T? Really?

It's a matter of degree. Deal with it. You'll live.
Hang on a second. Are you saying that a candidate for elected office electing not to make all of their financial records public (which isn't a legal requirement and probably never should be) is the same as trying to delay turning over your legally required financial records in a child support hearing ...?

Guess you missed the story where a Manhattan DA ordered Trump to turn over his tax returns (you know, just like that evil hell-spawn, Hunter Biden.) Of course, Trump hasn't done it yet because he's appealing the decision to a higher court.
Guess you missed the story where a Manhattan DA ordered Trump to turn over his tax returns (you know, just like that evil hell-spawn, Hunter Biden.) Of course, Trump hasn't done it yet because he's appealing the decision to a higher court.
Good point. I actually had forgotten about that case.
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Guess you missed the story where a Manhattan DA ordered Trump to turn over his tax returns (you know, just like that evil hell-spawn, Hunter Biden.) Of course, Trump hasn't done it yet because he's appealing the decision to a higher court.
Manhattan DA only has authority to get state taxes. Only a federal judge can order federal taxes.
At least the Trump kids make money off real estate owned by Trump, not foreign governments.
Gee, I wonder where Trump has secured financing for his businesses?

US and European banks wiped their hands of Trump back in the 90s.
Manhattan DA only has authority to get state taxes. Only a federal judge can order federal taxes.
The real question is what they expect to find in the tax returns that would be relevant in a criminal investigation into the payments. It’s not like it itemizes every single line of income and every payout with detailed information. Nor will it show an exhaustive list of all assets held. So what is of interest in the tax returns that would be pertinent to an investigation of potential use of campaign funds to pay off settlements? This is an honest question, what could they find?
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The real question is what they expect to find in the tax returns that would be relevant in a criminal investigation into the payments. It’s not like it itemizes every single line of income and every payout with detailed information. Nor will it show an exhaustive list of all assets held. So what is of interest in the tax returns that would be pertinent to an investigation of potential use of campaign funds to pay off settlements? This is an honest question, what could they find?
Nothing. It's a red herring.