Question for biden supporters

Uncle Joe had a rough morning in Michigan. Told a potential voter that he's "full of shiit" about taking his guns away. "You dont need an AR-14" "nobody needs 100 rounds". "You don't need an AR-15".
Oh, the horror!!!! :)
Does anyone actually think Biden is currently better equipped to be president than Hillary currently is? Shit I hate to say it but it might be time for Hilldog to dust off the pant suit and at least give us a chance. Biden's trying to fight people and it's not the first time.
Does anyone actually think Biden is currently better equipped to be president than Hillary currently is? Shit I hate to say it but it might be time for Hilldog to dust off the pant suit and at least give us a chance. Biden's trying to fight people and it's not the first time.

Biden is so much like Reagan its creepy.
Uncle Joe had a rough morning in Michigan. Told a potential voter that he's "full of shiit" about taking his guns away. "You dont need an AR-14" "nobody needs 100 rounds". "You don't need an AR-15".

He tapped Beto “I’ll come to your house to take your guns, for real” O’Rourke to be his gun grabbing czar and now he’s wondering why people may ask him this. Lulz

Biden’s mind is gone
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He tapped Beto “I’ll come to your house to take your guns, for real” O’Rourke to be his gun grabbing czar and now he’s wondering why people may ask him this. Lulz

Biden’s mind is gone

20 years ago he would be doing photo-ops of him pheasant hunting with his 20 gauge shotgun. If he did that today he'd lose a good portion of his base. They've really painted themselves into a corner by pandering to the far left of the party.
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This is what a senile degenerate loser looks like who has only ever worked in government. Getting in the face of a voter and lying about something that is clearly on video, telling a female aid to shush, and not knowing when to STFU and stop getting into a verbal spat on camera.

This guy will be an unmitigated disaster in the General.
This is what a senile degenerate loser looks like who has only ever worked in government. Getting in the face of a voter and lying about something that is clearly on video, telling a female aid to shush, and not knowing when to STFU and stop getting into a verbal spat on camera.

This guy will be an unmitigated disaster in the General.
Gonna be great when he beats the other senile guy!
Biden will have to excuse himself from a debate before November. Book it. The guys mind cannot handle 2 hours of 1-1 back and forth.
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Biden is kicking Sanders' butt tonight. For all intents and purposes, tonight ends the Democratic Primary race.

Biden's popularity, particularly in the Rust Belt States, is going to sweep Trump's incompetent and corrupt ass out of office.
Biden is kicking Sanders' butt tonight. For all intents and purposes, tonight ends the Democratic Primary race.

Biden's popularity, particularly in the Rust Belt States, is going to sweep Trump's incompetent and corrupt ass out of office.
Nope. CNN debate on Sunday
Where are the feminists and me too idiots going after Biden for telling a women to shush, twice.

Better question is why aren't inbred knuckle dragging racist morons like yourself lining up to cheer on idiot Biden. After all he's keeping it real or whatever bullshit you guys use to justify supporting Trump.
This is now the 3rd time he’s gotten into it with a would be voter. If our media weren’t fully in the tank for him they’d be skewering himZ.
I was in Richmond, VA yesterday, Virginia is a lost cause. Talked to a broker of mine who is Richmond born and raised. She is Latino and a pretty serious gun advocate. Her and her husband are moving Roanoke Rapids, NC because the state is out of control in terms of taxes and liberal policies. She was saying ever since Gov Northam got busted with the klan outfit, he has gone way left to survive. She will commute to Richmond a couple times a week.
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Better question is why aren't inbred knuckle dragging racist morons like yourself lining up to cheer on idiot Biden. After all he's keeping it real or whatever bullshit you guys use to justify supporting Trump.

I love the casually tossing the term racist around from white guys. It is like the Salem Witch trials. Meanwhile Democrats are the ones in general doing racist things like black face without any backlash.
Joe Biden: “I’m a return civility!”

Also Joe Biden: hey black people, Mitt Romney will throw you back into chains
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