Rittenhouse trial is over before it begins

At point blank range, what's the difference between an AR-15 and a handgun?
A 9mm Luger round has a muzzle energy of about 350 ft-LBs with a velocity of around 1100 ft/second. A .223 Remington (55 weight) FMJ (what Kyle had loaded) has a muzzle energy from 1200 - 1300 ft LBs with a velocity over 3000 ft/sec.

So quite a bit different. IOW, don’t attack a guy armed with a .223 with a 30 round magazine because you don’t like that he’s putting out your little fires.
A 9mm Luger round has a muzzle energy of about 350 ft-LBs with a velocity of around 1100 ft/second. A .223 Remington (55 weight) FMJ (what Kyle had loaded) has a muzzle energy from 1200 - 1300 ft LBs with a velocity over 3000 ft/sec.

So quite a bit different. IOW, don’t attack a guy armed with a .223 with a 30 round magazine because you don’t like that he’s putting out your little fires.
And both will kill you at that range just the same.
with an AR-15 assault rifle.

He wound up shooting -- and killing -- 2 people and injured a third.

Says the guy excusing the stupid shit of a wanna-be vigilante. I agreed with the not-guilty verdict but that doesn't excuse his conduct that night.

lol you're clearly told being what to think by the same news outlets that will soon be forking over huge sums of money to KR for openly lying and defaming him.
Maybe liberals will think twice about rioting and looting if this happens more often. 🤔
I hope not. This needs to happen more and more until it finally comes to a head. BLM and Antifa cannot coexist with the rest of us in society, so they need to be beaten down into forced submission. Boot on the neck.
Ignore the fact he went to a BLM protest with an AR-15 rifle.

He wasn't at the peaceful protest. He was at the one that was looting and burning shit down. You know, the same one the pedophiles and wife beaters were at.
lol you're clearly told being what to think by the same news outlets that will soon be forking over huge sums of money to KR for openly lying and defaming him.
Yeah, I've been brainwashed into believing that a 17 year-old attending a BLM protest (one that had become violent the previous evening) with an assault rifle under his arm was an incredibly stupid and dangerous thing to do.

If that constitutes 'defamation,' I'll take the risk. :)
Yeah, I've been brainwashed into believing that a 17 year-old attending a BLM protest (one that had become violent the previous evening) with an assault rifle under his arm was an incredibly stupid and dangerous thing to do.

If that constitutes 'defamation,' I'll take the risk. :)

You've openly made the claim that he is a "white supremacist" and yet offered not one shred of proof, and then changed the subject when I raised that point. You are quick to throw around that accusation and equally quick to run away from it when asked to justify it, even in the slightest regard.

The most telling thing here is that all of your faux condemnation is reserved for KR, all because he was legally carrying a rifle while administering aid to people who needed it, and absolutely no condemnation for the degenerate rioter who was illegally carrying a pistol and pointed it at KR during a mob attempt to assault him.
You've openly made the claim that he is a "white supremacist" and yet offered not one shred of proof
Bullsh!t. Point out where I made that claim or STFU.
The most telling thing here is that all of your faux condemnation is reserved for KR, all because he was legally carrying a rifle while administering aid to people who needed it
Administering aid? Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Rittenhouse wasn’t trained to administer the kind of aid that was needed that night.
Last I checked, the Webster definition of victim is a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.

But the judge tells the prosecution that the term is "too loaded" to be used --- yet the terms, "rioters" and "looters" can? Yeah, this trial is going to be impartial. :)

Those of you who swear there's not racial bias in our judicial systems, tell me with a straight face that the judge would have said the same thing to the prosecution if the defendant was Black.
Ahmaud arbury. There goes your argument as usual
He should sue the shit out of every news organization that provided liars to push a lie about this kid - to also include the President who ran campaign ads falsely accusing KR of being a white supremacist.

Defamation is real and he will have an abundance of targets to include his his lawsuit.
And Biden did it before he was elected, limiting his executive privilege card. At most he can postpone some of it.
Administering aid? Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Rittenhouse wasn’t trained to administer the kind of aid that was needed that night.
Actually, he was. He's had several courses.

He's just not a certified EMT. Guess what? Many people who claim to be EMTs and paramedics aren't certified either. They are just often supervised by those who are.

Seriously, get off that straw man argument, because it only proves you're a mass media narrative-lie junky.

Rittenhouse administered aid and helped people over multiple hours. That's well proved. The bi-polar kiddie rapist finally cornered him after he was separated after helping others.

Others were rushing to Kyle to help, and that's why several saw bi-polar attempt to take Kyle's gun before Kyle finally shot him. They confirmed he was chased, threatened and cornered, just like he attempted them prior.

Seriously, stop just proving how much of a case Kyle has.

That bi-polar kiddie rapist wasn't interested in justice for Jacob any more than white looters during Rodney King.
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Totally not defamation according to Cubs. Just an opinion that doesn't affect the way people look at Kyle in any way.
Kyle has been demonized 10x worse than Zimmerman ever was, and Kyle was 1/10th the asshole Zimmerman was.

I hope the 'activist (utterly lying) media' gets put in their place. But they won't.
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Actually, he was. He's had several courses.
WTF? I've taken several Chemistry courses. Does that make me a chemist?
Many people who claim to be EMTs and paramedics aren't certified either. They are just often supervised by those who are.
Claim to be EMTs? You mean LIARS?

Rittenhouse was not a certified EMT, even though he’d told a bunch of people that night -- including an interviewer from The Daily Caller -- that he was.

Seriously, get off that straw man argument
LOL Look in the mirror.
WTF? I've taken several Chemistry courses. Does that make me a chemist?

Claim to be EMTs? You mean LIARS?

Rittenhouse was not a certified EMT, even though he’d told a bunch of people that night -- including an interviewer from The Daily Caller -- that he was.

LOL Look in the mirror.
You are arguing with someone who literally thinks they know more than virologists and physicians do. He is an intellectual fraud of the highest degree.
WTF? I've taken several Chemistry courses. Does that make me a chemist?

Claim to be EMTs? You mean LIARS?

Rittenhouse was not a certified EMT, even though he’d told a bunch of people that night -- including an interviewer from The Daily Caller -- that he was.

LOL Look in the mirror.
Your rant might be relevant if he were accused of hurting someone he was trying to help and unqualified to provide aid to.

Or if he had used EMT ‘status’ to lure Rosenbaum into a situation where he could kill him.

Neither are the case, so what’s the point?
what’s the point?
Rittenhouse was no EMT out to 'help the world' that night. He was just an impressionable teenager who made an already high-stress situation more emotional and dangerous by bringing an AR-15 assault rifle to the scene.

I wouldn't have found him guilty of murder but his actions were incredibly stupid that night. No amount of after-the-fact 'hero-building' is going to change that.
Rittenhouse was no EMT out to 'help the world' that night. He was just an impressionable teenager who made an already high-stress situation more emotional and dangerous by bringing an AR-15 assault rifle to the scene.

I wouldn't have found him guilty of murder but his actions were incredibly stupid that night. No amount of after-the-fact 'hero-building' is going to change that.

All of a sudden you “wouldn’t have found him guilty of murder?”
WTF? I've taken several Chemistry courses. Does that make me a chemist?
If you volunteer and are even paid to work under a chemist for months, let alone years, you are a chemist in technical experience, yes. But no, you may not be certified.

Man you are ignorant of Rittenhouse!

Claim to be EMTs? You mean LIARS?
People claim to be engineers ... constantly. And yes, they are licensed. Heck, in Canada you cannot even call yourself an engineer without a license!

I should know, I work in Canada regularly, among other places.

Rittenhouse was not a certified EMT, even though he’d told a bunch of people that night -- including an interviewer from The Daily Caller -- that he was.
He said he was an EMT, he never said certified! Dude, you are splitting hairs!

The kid had months upon months of various training and supervision. I cannot help it if you are ignorant of the facts of this case.

LOL Look in the mirror.
I'm actually reading lawyers ... are you? No, because Facebook and other social media are censoring the lawyers.

Heck, even when CNN puts on their lawyers, they have to interrupt their talking heads! The liars right now are the Mass and Social Media!

Seriously dude ... get the facts!
Call it what it was...a lefty riot which is typical looting and burning down cities. Maybe if we had a few more Kyle's we wouldn't have this lefty rioting issue?
Hopefully we end up with hundreds of Kyles, all over the country. If the police won't maintain order, then the militia can do their job.
Hopefully we end up with hundreds of Kyles, all over the country. If the police won't maintain order, then the militia can do their job.
Hopefully we don’t. No one should have to go through a life threatening assault and then have their life turned upside down for years just for defending themselves.
Hopefully we don’t. No one should have to go through a life threatening assault and then have their life turned upside down for years just for defending themselves.
That's exactly why we need them. An effective deterrent to liberal shenanigans like looting and arson may bring them to an end. Plus, we need more people out there that aren't afraid of killing child molesters. That's beneficially to society.
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That's exactly why we need them. An effective deterrent to liberal shenanigans like looting and arson may bring them to an end. Plus, we need more people out there that aren't afraid of killing child molesters. That's beneficially to society.
Oh I’m perfectly fine with people armed and able to defend themselves. I just hope no one gets out in that position. Because the process is extremely punitive and the leftist hate mob that cares not for facts and has no boundaries on intimidating courts and juries will go further and further to make sure that their vision of Justice is done. I would not want to be in the defendant’s chair today, no matter how strong my case was. Look at how far the zealous prosecutor went to try to persecute KR. His only saving grace was that it was all on video and yet there are still a lot of people that are absolutely certain he walked out there and shot people for no reason.
Oh I’m perfectly fine with people armed and able to defend themselves. I just hope no one gets out in that position. Because the process is extremely punitive and the leftist hate mob that cares not for facts and has no boundaries on intimidating courts and juries will go further and further to make sure that their vision of Justice is done. I would not want to be in the defendant’s chair today, no matter how strong my case was. Look at how far the zealous prosecutor went to try to persecute KR. His only saving grace was that it was all on video and yet there are still a lot of people that are absolutely certain he walked out there and shot people for no reason.
You're forgetting one key part: we are winning this battle. The left made total asses out of themselves on the Rittenhouse trial and a lot of people saw that. They are losing the sympathy of people that still inherently want justice to be blind. Let the idiots keep going full-on REEEEEEE! and the world will take note.
Call it what it was...a lefty riot which is typical looting and burning down cities. Maybe if we had a few more Kyle's we wouldn't have this lefty rioting issue?
Hopefully we end up with hundreds of Kyles, all over the country. If the police won't maintain order, then the militia can do their job.
Hopefully we don’t. No one should have to go through a life threatening assault and then have their life turned upside down for years just for defending themselves.
That's exactly why we need them. An effective deterrent to liberal shenanigans like looting and arson may bring them to an end. Plus, we need more people out there that aren't afraid of killing child molesters. That's beneficially to society.
No, this is not what we need.

We need people who are smarter and don't get cornered. The best militias are the ones who never have to fire.

Kyle was young and stupid, was segmented and then attacked. Granted, the populace is getting full on destructive, and went after Kyle, who was forced to defend himself, but Kyle is not the solution.

It's mature militia, not young kids. Domestic terrorists are domestic terrorists, but deterrence, not death, is the solution.
No, this is not what we need.

We need people who are smarter and don't get cornered. The best militias are the ones who never have to fire.

Kyle was young and stupid, was segmented and then attacked. Granted, the populace is getting full on destructive, and went after Kyle, who was forced to defend himself, but Kyle is not the solution.

It's mature militia, not young kids. Domestic terrorists are domestic terrorists, but deterrence, not death, is the solution.
You have 2 choices: either the tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots, or the tree of communism is watered by the blood of the proletariat.
Those are the options we have left. Choose or get out of the way.
You have 2 choices: either the tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots, or the tree of communism is watered by the blood of the proletariat.
Those are the options we have left. Choose or get out of the way.
No, sorry, I stand for restraint as much as freedom.

We need more Kyles staying home, even if he avoided confrontation and only shot when he had no choice. Leave the situation to those who are better trained.

I'm sorry, but no, there are not only 2 choices.
You have 2 choices: either the tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots, or the tree of communism is watered by the blood of the proletariat.
Those are the options we have left. Choose or get out of the way.
Those arent the only options, they arent even realistic options. You are buying far too much into right wing hysteria. Seriously, we always havent agreed on everything, but I never thought of you as being the civil war radical type. Whatever you are listening to or reading, find something else.
Seriously, we always havent agreed on everything, but I never thought of you as being the civil war radical type.
Hey Cubs79, you're thinking of the old Crazyhole of four years ago. I'd already known that guy on the boards for over 13 years at the time. That guy was opinionated but also fair and damn funny.

The guy you see today -- I'll call him GOBIGRAD -- takes delight in being an a-hole and apparently doesn't give a sh!t about anybody or anything anymore.

It'd be a genuine joy to see the poster I knew for all those years return.

Nice start. Guaranteed to be at least a 7 figure settlement, more than likely 8.
Those arent the only options, they arent even realistic options. You are buying far too much into right wing hysteria. Seriously, we always havent agreed on everything, but I never thought of you as being the civil war radical type. Whatever you are listening to or reading, find something else.
I would prefer an amicable divorce between the blue and red states because it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no common ground left to work with. Sure, politicians on both sides can come together and agree on spending a bunch more money that we don't have, but that isn't representative of the population. I have nothing in common with race baiters, people that believe there are more than 2 sexes, that misgendering someone is assault, that think we are destroying the climate and population control is the only solution, or those that would like to take my personal autonomy away. If that's what you want, go right ahead and do it but leave me out. If you'd like to press the issue, violence is a last resort but it is always on the table.
I would prefer an amicable divorce between the blue and red states because it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no common ground left to work with. Sure, politicians on both sides can come together and agree on spending a bunch more money that we don't have, but that isn't representative of the population. I have nothing in common with race baiters, people that believe there are more than 2 sexes, that misgendering someone is assault, that think we are destroying the climate and population control is the only solution, or those that would like to take my personal autonomy away. If that's what you want, go right ahead and do it but leave me out. If you'd like to press the issue, violence is a last resort but it is always on the table.

Several things to this nonsense. First off, red state-blue state is just a term for electoral politics, but there arent actually red and blue states, every state is purple. There are millions of Republicans in California, just like there are millions of Democrats in places like Florida and Texas. So unless everyone just moves, then the problems you are worried about arent going to end if the country splits up, and in some cases might get worse. Secondly, do you understand how much federal money many poorer states, which tend to be red states receive? My states budget is made up with approx 40% of money from the Federal goverment. In other words, Southern states would end up being extremely poor without the Federal government. Places like Florida, Lousiana, Texas, would have to certainly raise taxes, or insurance premiums, because Uncle Sam would no longer be around to pay cleanup and rebuilding after hurricanes and what not. And thirdly, if the US fell apart, then China becomes the defacto world leader, which I dont think anyone outside of China wants.

You are sounding more and more like someone who is being radicalized, not unlike what we see with Muslims who commit terror attacks, or many people who go on shooting sprees, etc. Stop reading what ever BS you are reading, it is making you a crazy person.
Several things to this nonsense. First off, red state-blue state is just a term for electoral politics, but there arent actually red and blue states, every state is purple. There are millions of Republicans in California, just like there are millions of Democrats in places like Florida and Texas. So unless everyone just moves, then the problems you are worried about arent going to end if the country splits up, and in some cases might get worse. Secondly, do you understand how much federal money many poorer states, which tend to be red states receive? My states budget is made up with approx 40% of money from the Federal goverment. In other words, Southern states would end up being extremely poor without the Federal government. Places like Florida, Lousiana, Texas, would have to certainly raise taxes, or insurance premiums, because Uncle Sam would no longer be around to pay cleanup and rebuilding after hurricanes and what not. And thirdly, if the US fell apart, then China becomes the defacto world leader, which I dont think anyone outside of China wants.

You are sounding more and more like someone who is being radicalized, not unlike what we see with Muslims who commit terror attacks, or many people who go on shooting sprees, etc. Stop reading what ever BS you are reading, it is making you a crazy person.
40%? Therein lies the problem. The federal government has done a fabulous job of making people dependent on them and it isn't necessary. Outside of politicians, right leaning people would love to put an end to this crap but liberals love it. We can't come to agreement on it, so just split the thing up. Either that or your side has to capitulate under the weight of its own stupid, self destructive ideas.
40%? Therein lies the problem. The federal government has done a fabulous job of making people dependent on them and it isn't necessary. Outside of politicians, right leaning people would love to put an end to this crap but liberals love it. We can't come to agreement on it, so just split the thing up. Either that or your side has to capitulate under the weight of its own stupid, self destructive ideas.

Umm, I live in one of the deepest red states in the country, it most certainly is not liberals who made the state dependent on the federal government.