Rittenhouse trial is over before it begins

No, you still aren't getting it.

In. Self. Defense.

That's the crux of the case.

I am aware, and people are allowed to have a different opionion on that. Trials arent an exact science, but if this how we are going to move forward then we are going to have a major part of our system that gets little to know media coverage, which isnt a good thing. You guys are wanting to create a system where no one is allowed to disagree with our judicial system, or if they do, they might get sued.
Yes they are facts. In this article, nowhere did it claim he or anyone else was a white supremacist. Other media outlets have gone the next step though and say it is proof that he is one, when no evidence exists whatsoever that it is a factual allegation.

Who has said it is proof?
I am aware, and people are allowed to have a different opionion on that. You guys are wanting to create a system where no one is allowed to disagree with our judicial system.

Fine, disagree, but your opinion (or the media's) doesn't change what the law is. Disagree with it all you want but thankfully, logic wins the day and not emotion.
Fine, disagree, but your opinion (or the media's) doesn't change what the law is. Disagree with it all you want but thankfully, logic wins the day and not emotion.

Most people I have seen in the media have agreed the verdict was correct though. I certainly havent watched wall to wall coverage so I am sure there are some people who might disagree with the decision, but I think we are getting into a very slippery slope if start allowing the media to be sued based on opinions.
Speaking of hyperbole, the CEO & President of the NAACP had this to say about the KR trial:

"This was worst than the Emmitt till trial. This was worse than so many trials where we know for a fact individuals committed murder and yet they were not brought to justice. It is unfortunate, but this is America,"

At what point are we going to find common ground and healing with this kind of rhetoric on both sides?
Speaking of hyperbole, the CEO & President of the NAACP had this to say about the KR trial:

"This was worst than the Emmitt till trial. This was worse than so many trials where we know for a fact individuals committed murder and yet they were not brought to justice. It is unfortunate, but this is America,"

At what point are we going to find common ground and healing with this kind of rhetoric on both sides?
We won't. That's why the right needs to point, laugh, and mock those who say such things. Stupid people need to be treated like they are stupid.
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Most people I have seen in the media have agreed the verdict was correct though. I certainly havent watched wall to wall coverage so I am sure there are some people who might disagree with the decision, but I think we are getting into a very slippery slope if start allowing the media to be sued based on opinions.

I guess you missed this?

All of this is opinion, you think we should start suing people because we disagree with their opinion?

First of all, you said the media accounts you’d seen were all in favor. Clearly not true.

Secondly, you’re minimizing this matter to something that’s innocently an opinion. Can you innocently run into a theater and yell fire? When these "opinions" defame character and spread grossly unwound falsehoods, sorry, your ass is liable. You might not like that, so then report your shit responsibly and, you know, read the effing the news like Walter Cronkite did.
First of all, you said the media accounts you’d seen were all in favor. Clearly not true.

Secondly, you’re minimizing this matter to something that’s innocently an opinion. Can you innocently run into a theater and yell fire? When these "opinions" defame character and spread grossly unwound falsehoods, sorry, your ass is liable. You might not like that, so then report your shit responsibly and, you know, read the effing the news like Walter Cronkite did.
So one person in the clip said Rittenhouse isnt a hero. He should be sued for not thinking Rittenhouse is a hero?
Slander has always been tough to prove, because a lot of what people consider slander, is nothing more than an opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions on things.
I'm cool with the Rittenhouse verdict given the evidence and the self defense law the jury used to make their decision. But the whole "Rittenhouse needs to sue the MSM for slander" is ridiculous.

A 17 year old kid brought an assault rifle to a BLM protest. He was found innocent of murder but I don't care how you view it, his actions that night were incredible stupid and dangerous.
So one person in the clip said Rittenhouse isnt a hero. He should be sued for not thinking Rittenhouse is a hero?

You really can't be putting words like this in my mouth. Where did I say that?

You might just want to quit while you can. You've really taken a beating in this thread,

I'm cool with the Rittenhouse verdict given the evidence and the self defense law the jury used to make their decision. But the whole "Rittenhouse needs to sue the MSM for slander" is ridiculous.

A 17 year old kid brought an assault rifle to a BLM protest. He was found innocent of murder but I don't care how you view it, his actions that night were incredible stupid and dangerous.

I agree. Plus, trials arent designed to determine innocence, they are designed to determine guilt. Not guilty doesnt translate to innocent and people are still allowed to discuss the merits of case, and even allowed to disagree with it. Plus, what if he ends up losing a civil case? Should the media still be sued even if he loses a civil suit?
You really can't be putting words like this in my mouth. Where did I say that?

You might just want to quit while you can. You've really taken a beating in this thread,

I havent taking any sort of beating and I asked you a direct question about a video clip YOU posted that you wont respond to, other than to try and delcare some sort of victory. So give me a break with the patting yourself on the back bullshit and declaring some sort of victory.

So let me ask you again, should people be sued on their opinions of trials? The clip you posted was entirely opinion (and also obviously heavily edited so we dont even get their entire arguments). Should they be sued over it? Obviously I am taking a big beating by you and the braintrust, so should be easy for you to answer.
I agree. Plus, trials arent designed to determine innocence, they are designed to determine guilt. Not guilty doesnt translate to innocent and people are still allowed to discuss the merits of case, and even allowed to disagree with it. Plus, what if he ends up losing a civil case? Should the media still be sued even if he loses a civil suit?
Lmao. Case in point. What a bunch of absolute nonsense.

Go clean your room.
I havent taking any sort of beating and I asked you a direct question about a video clip YOU posted that you wont respond to, other than to try and delcare some sort of victory. So give me a break with the patting yourself on the back bullshit and declaring some sort of victory.

So let me ask you again, should people be sued on their opinions of trials? The clip you posted was entirely opinion. Should they be sued over it? Obviously I am taking a big beating by you and the braintrust, so should be easy for you to answer.
Getting a bit testy here. Might be time to put this one down. You’re getting worse.
Getting a bit testy here. Might be time to put this one down. You’re getting worse.
And you still cant answer my direct question, as I expected, so you just go after me. But I am the one taking the beating, or something.
And you still cant answer my direct question, as I expected, so you just go after me. But I am the one taking the beating, or something.

I never said he should be sued. Does that satisfy your asinine assertion?

Totally not defamation according to Cubs. Just an opinion that doesn't affect the way people look at Kyle in any way.
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I have spoken on all the shit before and I dont know why you think the left is anymore of a bully than the right.
yeah you can miss me with the whole "both sides" argument.

you don't look at a rhinoceros and a mouse in the same room and say "i just see two animals".

the gall on some of yall to try and gaslight normal people into forgetting the way you have behaved with THOUSANDS of riots and non-stop reeeee'ing on every media outlet is not only amazing, it is downright nefarious.

i cant even call those who lead it dumb anymore, because you can't pull off this sorta cultural manipulation by being stupid, you just need stupid people to fall for it.
I'm cool with the Rittenhouse verdict given the evidence and the self defense law the jury used to make their decision. But the whole "Rittenhouse needs to sue the MSM for slander" is ridiculous.

A 17 year old kid brought an assault rifle to a BLM protest. He was found innocent of murder but I don't care how you view it, his actions that night were incredible stupid and dangerous.

He should sue the shit out of every news organization that provided liars to push a lie about this kid - to also include the President who ran campaign ads falsely accusing KR of being a white supremacist.

Defamation is real and he will have an abundance of targets to include his his lawsuit.
He should sue the shit out of every news organization that provided liars to push a lie about this kid - to also include the President who ran campaign ads falsely accusing KR of being a white supremacist.

Defamation is real and he will have an abundance of targets to include his his lawsuit.
According to cubs79 this is 100% AOK.
The question isnt how do I know it, the question is how do you not know it. Defamation cases arent easy to win. When you have a guy who showed up at a BLM protest, has taken pictures with white supremacists, has a picuture flashing the white power sign, etc etc, then yeah, we are allowed to think he might very well be a white supremacist.

hahaha.... yeah ... the same white power sign Democrats flash all the time? And, by the way, he was being called a white supremacist way before that picture came out. On top of that, a picture doesn't make you a white supremacist.
a picture doesn't make you a white supremacist.
A picture of a woman walking the streets at 2 AM in high heels and a mini-skirt doesn't make her a prostitute either.
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KR is such a "white supremacist" that he somehow managed to shoot zero black people and wound up having to shoot 3 white guys.

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Ignore the fact he went to a BLM protest with an AR-15 rifle.

So he’s such a white supremacist that he went to a “protest” full of black people and wound up shooting exactly zero of them.

Do you ever stop to think about how stupid the shit you say actually is?
So he’s such a white supremacist that he went to a “protest” full of black people and wound up shooting exactly zero of them.

Do you ever stop to think about how stupid the shit you say actually is?

You don't have to think to be woke.

One of the guys Kyle killed died doing something he loved...chasing minors.
So he’s such a white supremacist that he went to a “protest” full of black people ...
with an AR-15 assault rifle.
and wound up shooting exactly zero of them.
He wound up shooting -- and killing -- 2 people and injured a third.
Do you ever stop to think about how stupid the shit you say actually is?
Says the guy excusing the stupid shit of a wanna-be vigilante. I agreed with the not-guilty verdict but that doesn't excuse his conduct that night.
with an AR-15 assault rifle.

He wound up shooting -- and killing -- 2 people and injured a third.

Says the guy excusing the stupid shit of a wanna-be vigilante. I agreed with the not-guilty verdict but that doesn't excuse his conduct that night.
He defended himself against violent criminals who were attacking him. As affirmed by a jury with not guilty verdicts on all counts. Give it a rest already.