Romney is Trump's favorite for SoS.

He just made Nikki Haley the UN Ambassador. She wasn't as loud as Romney but she was clearly not a Trump supporter.

There's hope for Secretary Romney yet.
This has turned into a mess

So either Trump told Conway to trash Romney on all the Sunday shows bc he turned them down or there is a rift between her and Trump(Pence influence?) about the SOS pick bc she's basically campaigning against Romney. It's not a good look for her to use Twitter trolls responses as to why Trump shouldn't pick Romney. Giulani is begging for the job on TV
Trump just needs to shut it down and tell every to STFU, it's his decision. He may be directing it too though to drag Mitt through the mud a bit to get back at him before selecting him. Romney is the best choice with Rudy and Patraeus being the other options right now.