Sunday the high in Nebraska is 19 with snow:

This thread was not necessary, troll threads like these only solicit that sort of response... As an FYI an inch of snow isn't nearly enough to shut down an airport in states that are accustomed to it.
So.., I counted 4 coackroaches. Aka. Nebraska Trolls with no self control. They HAVE TO RESPOND. Just saying
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So.., I counted 4 coackroaches. Aka. Nebraska Trolls with no self control. They HAVE TO RESPOND. Just saying
You clearly do not know what a troll is. This post you made is exactly that, a troll post.
a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement.
Glad you get it and understand it, now go away. I would tell you to go to hell, but if you’re in Nebraska you wouldn’t have to move a muscle like your fat out of shape team
Glad you get it and understand it, now go away. I would tell you to go to hell, but if you’re in Nebraska you wouldn’t have to move a muscle like your fat out of shape team

You have some serious issues. Is it just college athletics that makes you act this way or is it everything? Either way, you should seriously think about what kind of person you are.
You have some serious issues. Is it just college athletics that makes you act this way or is it everything? Either way, you should seriously think about what kind of person you are.
Sounds like I’m in your head. You have some serious issues. Hence
your screen name. Go away Cornhole
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The recruits will be required to shovel snow so the plane can fly. Live look in at the Nebraska practice....

I have the Cornholes all set to ignore. These one way conversations are interesting. But I'm sure the Cornholes are saying the same old things ad nauseum.
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a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement.

You pretty much nailed the definition, what you fail to get is that it was posted by a UCF fan on a UCF forum. If it were posted on a Nebraska forum by a UCF fan it would be trolling, in this particular case it is just a somewhat useless thread.

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You pretty much nailed the definition, what you fail to get is that it was posted by a UCF fan on a UCF forum. If it were posted on a Nebraska forum by a UCF fan it would be trolling, in this particular case it is just a somewhat useless thread.

The location and by whom doesnt matter, it is still a troll post and the OP knows this. As you can see it has already drawn more trolls who think just because they are only UCF fans that they are some how not trolls.

As previously stated there are Huskers who are Fans of UCF also who root for UCF. Being a Husker fan first and UCF fan second doesnt make any difference in the matter.

Some people need to grow up.
Who cares if OP is attempting to troll. It will probably be the first time some of these Florida kids see snow. Football weather.
Weather slams are lazy. The kids themselves even say that its overblown.. Hence the eight four stars currently commited or enrolled for 2018.
Weather slams are lazy. The kids themselves even say that its overblown.. Hence the eight four stars currently commited or enrolled for 2018.
Another cockroach. I turned on the light in my kitchen and there you were. That makes 5. I really need to throw my garbage.

Tell Ohio State about your 8, four stars and get back to us about what they say on their board. They probably have 15-20. I need a few good laughs

Update. They have 17 [laughing][roll]
Another cockroach. I turned on the light in my kitchen and there you were. That makes 5. I really need to throw my garbage.

Tell Ohio State about your 8, four stars and get back to us about what they say on their board. They probably have 15-20. I need a few good laughs

Update. They have 17 [laughing][roll]
Sorry, but why are you always pitting Nebraska against Ohio St? Didn’t a Frost led team UCF (with its meager amount of 4 stars) just beat an Auburn team with 10 times the 4 stars? If he did it at UCF he can do it an Nebraska!
You have said many times Nebraska can’t get speed kids from Florida. WRONG! Nebraska has more 4 star Florida kids committed than UCF does!
So who cares if OSU has 17 4 stars and Nebraska only has 8! UCF proved this past year that heart and desire and development and coaching can beat a team full of all-star talent!
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Sorry, but why are you always pitting Nebraska against Ohio St? Didn’t a Frost led team UCF (with its meager amount of 4 stars) just beat an Auburn team with 10 times the 4 stars? If he did it at UCF he can do it an Nebraska!
You have said many times Nebraska can’t get speed kids from Florida. WRONG! Nebraska has more 4 star Florida kids committed than UCF does!
So who cares if OSU has 17 4 stars and Nebraska only has 8! UCF proved this past year that heart and desire and development and coaching can beat a team full of all-star talent!
Nebraska is a dumpster fire 4-8 program who has been irrelevant for 20 years. That’s what you are. Stop bragging about and touting something that you haven’t even accomplished until you actually are relevant agaIn, because until you do, you are still nothing

Additionally, stop spewing this crap about what UCF has done and comparing apples and oranges. What you should be doing is looking at you schedule and convincing yourself how your crap team is going to avoid at least 5 losses

By the way, you’re cockroach #6. Congratulations
So who cares if OSU has 17 4 stars and Nebraska only has 8
Obviously, your Troll Cornholio friend cares since he’s the one bragging about your amazing 8, 4 stars. That’s probably close to your yearly average that has produced absolutely nothing including a loss to Northern Illinois at home and a 4-8 record with a defense that gave up 50 points 4 times. Go away!
Nebraska is a dumpster fire 4-8 program who has been irrelevant for 20 years. That’s what you are. Stop bragging about and touting something that you haven’t even accomplished until you actually are relevant agaIn, because until you do, you are still nothing

Additionally, stop spewing this crap about what UCF has done and comparing apples and oranges. What you should be doing is looking at you schedule and convincing yourself how your crap team is going to avoid at least 5 losses

By the way, you’re cockroach #6. Congratulations
I imagine most husker fans would agree with your assessment about our program being a dumpster fire! We believe Frost will change NU just like he did UCF! We will see where we are at after 2 years!
I imagine most husker fans would agree with your assessment about our program being a dumpster fire! We believe Frost will change NU just like he did UCF! We will see where we are at after 2 years!
And that’s fine. Come back when you win 9-10 games before a Bowl game, even though I’m sure that won’t satisfy the fanbase for long

However, if you guys come back on here 6-6, 7-5 or even 8-4, it’s going to be really hard to shove Frost back in our faces especially if we are winning 10+ games a year.

So.. you’re giving him 2 years in the Big-10 to turn it around? Talk about pressure. Good luck with that Frost. Check out your schedule for next year when you get a chance.
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And that’s fine. Come back when you win 9-10 games before a Bowl game, even though I’m sure that won’t satisfy the fanbase for long

However, if you guys come back on here 6-6, 7-5 or even 8-4, it’s going to be really hard to shove Frost back in our faces especially if we are winning 10+ games a year.

So.. you’re giving him 2 years in the Big-10 to turn it around? Talk about pressure. Good luck with that Frost. Check out your schedule for next year when you get a chance.

Those cornholes are still here? I don't get it. The obsession continues....
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