Sunday the high in Nebraska is 19 with snow:

So.. any idea what Nebraska’s record is going to be in 2018? I’m listening

I'd set the over unders at 8.5, and probably go with 9 but won't be surprised with 7 or 8. Schedule is a meat grinder and the s&c over the last 3 years has been a joke so it's an uphill climb.
I'd set the over unders at 8.5, and probably go with 9 but won't be surprised with 7 or 8. Schedule is a meat grinder and the s&c over the last 3 years has been a joke so it's an uphill climb.
5-7 is about right. No way in hell your winning 9. Better luck in 2019. Must really suck to haven’t been relevant in 20 years, coming off 4-8, having a mostly irrelevant 2018, and praying for 2019 and beyond with a savior they hasn’t won a game for his new team. Oh.., by the way, your recruiting ranking is 23rd which is about where it’s been.
5-7 is about right. No way in hell your winning 9. Better luck in 2019. Must really suck to haven’t been relevant in 20 years, coming off 4-8, having a mostly irrelevant 2018, and praying for 2019 and beyond with a savior they hasn’t won a game for his new team. Oh.., by the way, your recruiting ranking is 23rd which is about where it’s been.
Yep. 23rd, which means we have more talent than we've shown. What's your point?
Mikesi, serious question - what is "relevant" to you? I saw you post earlier (maybe this thread?) saying someone could come back here and post when Nebraska wins 9 games. Is that it or is it conference/national championships?
5-7 is about right. No way in hell your winning 9. Better luck in 2019. Must really suck to haven’t been relevant in 20 years, coming off 4-8, having a mostly irrelevant 2018, and praying for 2019 and beyond with a savior they hasn’t won a game for his new team. Oh.., by the way, your recruiting ranking is 23rd which is about where it’s been.
It actually doesn’t suck at all we have on the best coaches in the nation now. He took over the worst program in the country and turn them into winners. But there is a ceiling at that school. So now he came to a school with unlimited resources and sky be in the limit.
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Mikesi, serious question - what is "relevant" to you? I saw you post earlier (maybe this thread?) saying someone could come back here and post when Nebraska wins 9 games. Is that it or is it conference/national championships?
Make it to or win your conference championship. Until Nebraska does that you’re irrelevant in the eyes of the entire football world outside of Nebraska and it’s fans
It actually doesn’t suck at all we have on the best coaches in the nation now. He took over the worst program in the country and turn them into winners. But there is a ceiling at that school. So now he came to a school with unlimited resources and sky be in the limit.
Until your team actually has accomplished something you haven’t accomplished anything. Should haves, could ofs and maybes don’t carry a lot of weight. Right now, you’re a 4-8 team with a 0-0 coach staring at a minimum of 5 loses. Look at your schedule again son and come back to reality
He took over the worst program in the country and turn them into winners.

Seriously the worst program in the country? You are a f--king moron while once again you displaying your ignorance......3 conference championships, 2 NY6 bowl wins, and 2 top 10 finishes in the last 5 years. The year O'Leary quit mid season in '15 meant ZERO in terms of the state of the UCF football program. Get a clue cobb slurper.
Until your team actually has accomplished something you haven’t accomplished anything. Should haves, could ofs and maybes don’t carry a lot of weight. Right now, you’re a 4-8 team with a 0-0 coach staring at a minimum of 5 loses. Look at your schedule again son and come back to reality
Yeah? You already fail with your argument. So we play in a tough conference with a tough schedule. If we played in the AAC with your schedule, we pretty much run the table. So thanks for bringing that up.

But, we do have one of the best coaches in the country now. We are bringing in top talent from Florida. Obviously we won’t set the world on fire right away. Even Saban struggled at MSU, LSU and Alabama before he got it going. Same way Frost struggled at UCF. But the point is our future is looking bright! Feels good man.
You already fail with your argument. So we play in a tough conference with a tough schedule. If we played in the AAC with your schedule, we pretty much run the table. So thanks for bringing that up.
No., once again you’re clueless and have failed in your argument. If you played in the AAC, you wouldn’t have nearly the resources that are available now. This has already been talked about. Give us 30 million in P5 television money and a P5 invite and see what we can do then. However, we are already National Champions. Nebraska was no better than Navy or SMU in 2017
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Seriously the worst program in the country? You are a f--king moron while once again you displaying your ignorance......3 conference championships, 2 NY6 bowl wins, and 2 top 10 finishes in the last 5 years. The year O'Leary quit mid season in '15 meant ZERO in terms of the state of the UCF football program. Get a clue cobb slurper.
Buddy boy. You were 0-12 when he came along. You had they worst record in the country and one of the weakest schedules in the nation that year. By definition if you go 0-12 and no one else does that makes you the worst. I’m not trying to beat on UCF. I like UCF. My coach, coached there. But let’s try and face reality.
Seriously the worst program in the country? You are a f--king moron while once again you displaying your ignorance......3 conference championships, 2 NY6 bowl wins, and 2 top 10 finishes in the last 5 years. The year O'Leary quit mid season in '15 meant ZERO in terms of the state of the UCF football program. Get a clue cobb slurper.

Well if you were the best team in the country last year with zero losses, it stands to reason that if you have zero wins you're probably the worst.
Make it to or win your conference championship. Until Nebraska does that you’re irrelevant in the eyes of the entire football world outside of Nebraska and it’s fans

I would argue that Nebraska is pretty irrelevant even if we do make it to the conference championship. But by your standards... Nebraska's been to 3 conference championships in the past 8 seasons, and has had 8 9-10 win seasons in the past 10. *shrug*
I don't think Nebraska has more attrition than any other "like" program. I seem to recall a Texas player getting "homesick" a few years ago but other than that nothing is coming to mind. I've said it here before but Nebraska has always recruited Florida. I'm guessing this is the most we'll ever get. Usually we get 1-2 players from Florida per year.

Anyhow, I'm guessing no one actually asked in this topic but I think someone said something in the strength and training topic, I look over here about once a week, usually when something happens that makes me wonder what the coaches did when they were at UCF. I think that's probably the norm. And obviously these kind of topics catch my eye. Also, I have the excuse of having a cousin who attends UCF and goes to their football games. The "trolling" problem would largely go away if these topics didn't exist.
I agree that these topics shouldn't be started anymore but that's just Sad baiting but that doesn't change my opinion on FL prospects making that decision. I've had that take way before Frost came to UCF. If they choose Miami like Bethel I get it
It actually doesn’t suck at all we have on the best coaches in the nation now. He took over the worst program in the country and turn them into winners. But there is a ceiling at that school. So now he came to a school with unlimited resources and sky be in the limit.
Frost turned down 2 Power 5 Jobs and Colorado State the year before for 'the worst job in the country'.? You are a fing idiot. Two Top 10 finishes with 2 different coaches in 4 years does not happen if the job is that bad.
Buddy boy. You were 0-12 when he came along. You had they worst record in the country and one of the weakest schedules in the nation that year. By definition if you go 0-12 and no one else does that makes you the worst. I’m not trying to beat on UCF. I like UCF. My coach, coached there. But let’s try and face reality.
We are National Champions and we are the worst?? I think that you have serious brain damage
Going 0-12 doesn't make a program the worst program in the country. It means they had one of (or the) worst seasons in the country.

Similarly, going 4-8 doesn't make Nebraska one of the worst programs in the country. It means they had a terrible season where they did a lot worse than usual.

Frost likely saw there was a lot of talent at UCF, and a place where he couldn't really do wrong. He couldn't do worse than 0-12.

I think Josh Heupel is crazy. That's not a knock on UCF. It's just... the expectations are through the roof now.
I would argue that Nebraska is pretty irrelevant even if we do make it to the conference championship. But by your standards... Nebraska's been to 3 conference championships in the past 8 seasons, and has had 8 9-10 win seasons in the past 10. *shrug*
In those seasons, Nebraska was marginally relevant. Problem is that you were either blown out or had too many losses to be truly nationally relevant
I would argue that Nebraska is pretty irrelevant even if we do make it to the conference championship. But by your standards... Nebraska's been to 3 conference championships in the past 8 seasons, and has had 8 9-10 win seasons in the past 10. *shrug*

Was not my point or logic, 3 Conference championships, 2 NY6 wins and 2 top 10's in the last 5 years, all significant accomplishments! You corn holes are truly clueless, WTF have you won in the last 20 years that means anything???????
Was not my point or logic, 3 Conference championships, 2 NY6 wins and 2 top 10's in the last 5 years, all significant accomplishments! You corn holes are truly clueless, WTF have you won in the last 20 years that means anything???????

I wasn't replying to you. I don't even know what you posted.

Why? Because he was promoted to a head coaching position from an offensive coordinator for 1.7 million plus incentives. We should all be so crazy .

Well, in that way, no. But thinking about the longevity of his coaching career - I know you'd say (and have said) the same about Frost coming here and I understand it. But Heupel might be on the hot seat in 2 or 3 years if he loses 3-4 games each season. Because of the new expectations that have been set.
Coach Austin has a tall task to coach up the OL. Based on all the complaining I've seen from UNL folks (about the OL), I wouldn't be too high and mighty making 8-9+ win predictions. Couple that with a QB that needs to learn the system, or trusting a true freshman who is coming off injury, and there will be a lot of growing pains. Anyone should be better than Tanner "Pick" Lee, though.

There really are a lot of parallels between UCF and Nebraska when Frost arrived. Our OL was horrid, and we had an inconsistent QB in Justin Holman. All the arm talent and measurable you want...but poor execution (again, behind crappy OL play).

Nebraska is getting a hell of a staff, we all know. I wonder how long it will take to turn it around. All depends on the growth of the OL.
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Coach Austin has a tall task to coach up the OL. Based on all the complaining I've seen from UNL folks (about the OL), I wouldn't be too high and mighty making 8-9+ win predictions. Couple that with a QB that needs to learn the system, or trusting a true freshman who is coming off injury, and there will be a lot of growing pains. Anyone should be better than Tanner "Pick" Lee, though.

There really are a lot of parallels between UCF and Nebraska when Frost arrived. Our OL was horrid, and we had an inconsistent QB in Justin Holman. All the arm talent and measurable you want...but poor execution (again, behind crappy OL play).

Nebraska is getting a hell of a staff, we all know. I wonder how long it will take to turn it around. All depends on the growth of the OL.

My prediction is 7-5 but my bias might be showing there.

IIRC we have the toughest crossover schedule in the Big Ten in 2018. We don't get Rutgers or Maryland or Indiana. Our "bad team" crossover is Michigan. Also, we play 4 of our 5 toughest opponents in away games.

That said, I believe we've had the #1 recruiting ranking in the West division every single year we've been in the Big Ten, including when Michigan State was in our division. We have the players to be a good team... they've just been coached poorly. With Pelini we stunk it up in every game that meant anything. With Riley we stunk it up so much we didn't have any games that meant anything.

I think the hope with the fans is by the time we get to November we'll be good enough to win 3 out of or last 4 regular season games. Before that, we have a decent chance of going 4-1 against Akron, Colorado, Troy, Purdue and Northwestern. That's my logic on the 7-5 record.

After that... I think if Frost wins at the same rate as Pelini he'll never get fired.
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Coach Austin has a tall task to coach up the OL. Based on all the complaining I've seen from UNL folks (about the OL), I wouldn't be too high and mighty making 8-9+ win predictions. Couple that with a QB that needs to learn the system, or trusting a true freshman who is coming off injury, and there will be a lot of growing pains. Anyone should be better than Tanner "Pick" Lee, though.

There really are a lot of parallels between UCF and Nebraska when Frost arrived. Our OL was horrid, and we had an inconsistent QB in Justin Holman. All the arm talent and measurable you want...but poor execution (again, behind crappy OL play).

Nebraska is getting a hell of a staff, we all know. I wonder how long it will take to turn it around. All depends on the growth of the OL.
You sir are a true fan.
The funniest thing of these rag on Nebraska threads is it shows that a decent percentage of the UCF fan base here consists of Nebraska fans who followed Frost. I include myself in that group, but without Frost and your hate for Nebraska it makes it harder for me to root for a JV team. I now hope that Florida goes in to the ocean and you and your people cease to procreate. GBR, and maybe one day with that UCF certificate or whatever it is you get when you finish school there, one of you peons will get the chance to clean my teeth. Peace out dental hygientists.
The funniest thing of these rag on Nebraska threads is it shows that a decent percentage of the UCF fan base here consists of Nebraska fans who followed Frost. I include myself in that group, but without Frost and your hate for Nebraska it makes it harder for me to root for a JV team. I now hope that Florida goes in to the ocean and you and your people cease to procreate. GBR, and maybe one day with that UCF certificate or whatever it is you get when you finish school there, one of you peons will get the chance to clean my teeth. Peace out dental hygientists.
Peace out cockroach # 10
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I include myself in that group, but without Frost and your hate for Nebraska it makes it harder for me to root for a JV team.
This JV team and half of it’s JV league would kick your dumpster fire team’s FCS butt all over the field
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The funniest thing of these rag on Nebraska threads is it shows that a decent percentage of the UCF fan base here consists of Nebraska fans who followed Frost. I include myself in that group
A decent percentage? Where were you all in 2016 when we were 6-7 and just got destroyed by Arkansas State? Probably hiding in your little cracks and crevices and too embarrassed to show your tentacles.
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No arguing that, but you're still UFC or UCF or whatever it's called. USC and Nebraska matter, UFC is basically city college of San Francisco in division 1 football. Hell CCSF probably has a better program and more resources than you do lmao.
No arguing that, but you're still UFC or UCF or whatever it's called. USC and Nebraska matter, UFC is basically city college of San Francisco in division 1 football. Hell CCSF probably has a better program and more resources than you do lmao.
Irrelevancy really hurts doesn’t it? Glad all your resources wins you a royal butt whipping by Northern Illinois. Maybe you should move into their conference so you can actually compete with football teams of your level and slightly better
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Irrelevancy really hurts doesn’t it? Glad all your resources wins you a royal butt whipping by Northern Illinois. Maybe you should move into their conference so you can actually compete with football teams of your level and slightly better
Nebraska in the MAC or the fake ACC would be awesome. They could probably claim 7 national titles every 10 years with the new coaches. Good luck winning 10 next year with almost everyone back, UCF will come back to earth without superman...
You really want to know what some of us want for the fate of Nebraska after this hate post?
Yes I do, give it your best shot little fella. In all honesty though I'd rather hear if your turkey trot time has improved, or if you can bench 275 lbs now. How much do you clean and squat?
Nebraska in the MAC or the fake ACC would be awesome. They could probably claim 7 national titles every 10 years with the new coaches. Good luck winning 10 next year with almost everyone back, UCF will come back to earth without superman...
You haven’t won a single game yet, and your friends are already predicting only 7 wins. Good luck getting kids to come to a MAC school or AAC school with limited G5 resources and a team that resides in Nebraska. Coaches as well