The Allstate 12 Conference?

Poolside Knight

Todd's Tiki Bar
Apr 2, 2007
An extra $3 million per school sounds good to me. "Big Allstate", sounds ok and is actually true since the conference seems to will soon have schools in every state :)
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As long as it is not super gay like Charmin or Summer's Eve or TomBoyX, I'm cool with it.

Don't know if I could watch a Nasty Pig/Rufskin 12 Championship.
I saw a funny possibility on twitter, the Buccee’s Big 12. I’ve never been to a Buccee’s but that just seems to fit

Fear Not! One is coming y'all's way.

You ain't lived till you have had some Beaver Nuggets.

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It's April already?

Guess we did have 1 year in the big conference, now back to AAC 2. Drop the name and you drop the interest, and get ready to hear announcers say "See the do play football in this conference too, and some could play 3 quarters head-to-head with the Big Boys, but couldn't play week in week out."
I UCFully support this. I've been on record for over a decade that I support us doing a corporates sponsorship of our Mascot. Lean in being the youngest, coolest and most innovative school in FBS.


Welcome to the Hey I'm a Money Wh*re Conference. PS we're not as good as the other guys but please don't regulate us to AAC 2. Lookie, I just tattooed all our players genital with your logo!

PS The previous statement was an official statement from McDonald's.
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Somehow I remember the commissioner of this conference saying he wasn't going to change the name due to the history and goodwill. Guess he's a liar.
Somehow I remember the commissioner of this conference saying he wasn't going to change the name due to the history and goodwill. Guess he's a liar.
First of all, have another drink.

Second, another $3-4 million per team seems pretty good to me. I don't give a shit if we're called the Whorebag Conference. We're 3rd for the rest of time.

Finally, he never said that.
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If the plan is to bridge the gap between the Big 2 conferences and B12, they are going to have to do a lot more than this. Jerseys might resemble Nascar jackets.

It may be more money, but it definitely waves the flag of B12 being 2nd tier.
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You really don't get it. There are hundreds of talking heads just waiting to ignore everything but the SEC and Big 10 and this is doing everything it can to demand we be degraded. You do realize this is a repeat of the Big East. And yes you are a wh*re to change decades of goodwill (business term) of the name Big XII for a few pennies. Not only are we not fighting to be included, were demanding to be ridiculed.
First of all, have another drink.

Second, another $3-4 million per team seems pretty good to me. I don't give a shit if we're called the Whorebag Conference. We're 3rd for the rest of time.

Finally, he never said that.
Hey, let's demand we be put in with the rest of the G7. Sounds like AAC and all you needed was a few million.
Take the money, the logo XII is the brand. I would prefer something like “The Big12 Presented by Allstate” but whatever. This definitely does not mean we are the AAC 2.0 or the Big East, quite the opposite. Neither would have garnered $50 mil a year for naming rights. Hell, they barely make more than that for TV rights.

Yormark is proving how smart and aggressive he is. The guy is a stud, the antithesis of that turd Aresco.
Take the money, the logo XII is the brand. I would prefer something like “The Big12 Presented by Allstate” but whatever. This definitely does not mean we are the AAC 2.0 or the Big East, quite the opposite. Neither would have garnered $50 mil a year for naming rights. Hell, they barely make more than that for TV rights.

Yormark is proving how smart and aggressive he is. The guy is a stud, the antithesis of that turd Aresco.
“The Big12 Presented by Allstate”

now that's worthy of 2-3m/yr per school.

conference names matter. it's why the catholic schools paid big money for the big east name. just tossing it away for a sponsor name is insane. might as well deduct the value of the big 12 name from what you're getting for changing it.
We are seen as #3 now and still will be. Biggest difference is we have an extra 3 mil per year to work with.
3mil x16=48 mil and the conf would have couple mil more for overhead/ promotions.
I would prefer the Allstate Big 12, But I wouldn't worry about the Allstate 12.
Naming rights does not change value of League negatively. Bowls have been sponsored for a while and hasn’t changed much other than adding some words in front of the name.
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Winning is what matters, but name recognition goes a long way. Just look at the preseason polls every year, programs with name recognition get the benefit of the doubt for decades. Allstate conference doesn't have any of those teams.

If Allstate conference fails to have a team compete for the national championship for the next 5-10 years. They will end up with the same reputation as PAC-12 and possibly fate.
Naming rights does not change value of League negatively. Bowls have been sponsored for a while and hasn’t changed much other than adding some words in front of the name.
If Allstate Sugar Bowl starts hosting games on 12/21 with AAC vs. MWC, its value plummets.

Whether people want to admit or not, Texas and Oklahoma leaving the B12 did lose value in terms of national perception.
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If Allstate Sugar Bowl starts hosting games on 12/21 with AAC vs. MWC, its value plummets.

Whether people want to admit or not, Texas and Oklahoma leaving the B12 did lose value in terms of national perception.
If it starts hosting those types of teams, the sponsor or no sponsor for that matter, won’t be able to save it. NASCAR changes its primary sponsor every so often. Viewership has dwindled but that has nothing to do with Winston, Sprint or any other sponsor. It doesn’t subtract, if anything it adds value. All State or any other sponsor dies bring name recognition themselves. It has generated discussion and the haven’t even signed on dotted line yet.
If it starts hosting those types of teams, the sponsor or no sponsor for that matter, won’t be able to save it. NASCAR changes its primary sponsor every so often. Viewership has dwindled but that has nothing to do with Winston, Sprint or any other sponsor. It doesn’t subtract, if anything it adds value. All State or any other sponsor dies bring name recognition themselves. It has generated discussion and the haven’t even signed on dotted line yet.
If the goal is to generate discussion about money and nothing related to football and athletics they nailed it. UCF had a lot of controversy that made some headlines for stadium naming rights, but don't think that generated any buzz for the program itself.