The Current State of Florida Programs

UCF “fans” have disappeared from social media and when they do show up they don’t mention anything about football.

Boys ain’t built for hard times…hiding in their attics and waiting for Buddy to save them.

You are all more than happy when something negative happens to Miami…eager beavers pounce in here and post up a storm when that happens. Now? Bitching, complaining and asking for me to get banned. Snowflakes.

6-7, 4-8 and can 100% count on another losing season in 2025.
I accidentally clicked here on the kiddie board and found a Miami tool??? We are so proud of your has been team getting a transfer!!!!! Rejoice in the fact that it should ensure your ghetto fan base ANOTHER second place divisional ACC!! Whooo hoooo 😂.
Back to the non-poor board 😂
Your name fits you 4-8 fan.