I don't give a shit about your ridiculous "bigger picture". I'm not going to lie to try and justify such a ridiculous idea.
But speaking of outrageous claims, Fox News Bob just claimed that I want to kill all black women. Where are you calling him out on that? You are still obsessed with something I've explained a thousand times, but not a peep out of you about Bob? Explain yourself.
@UCFKnight85 I'm still wondering where your righteous indignation is about FNB's ridiculous claim.
@NinjaKnight, I'll provide the quotes of you wanting to kill all black women when you provide quotes of me wanting to exterminate all muslims.
Wow, how many times have I explained I'll provide those quotes when you provide quotes of me saying china has a free market economy?
You really are this stupid, aren't you? It's not an act.
I've provided that quote numerous times. Can you read?