The MyPillow guy addressed the nation next to the president in a pandemic with thousands dead

Taking an L is being president and downplaying a pandemic that kills 200,000 people.

No, it's being a whiny snowflake who creates threads to cry about a dude who is supporting the national effort that you claim to care so much about.

Take the L.
No, it's being a whiny snowflake who creates threads to cry about a dude who is supporting the national effort that you claim to care so much about.

Take the L.

Imagine unironically posting this, while being the same guy who created a thread to whine about a completely hypothetical situation to try and score political points for his team.

By the way, you've now posted a dozen times more in this thread, than you have in the one about your catholic church raping kids. We can see what really matters to you.
You are always downplaying this. It's going to be over 100k dead in 3 months If it's not I'll take the rest of 2020 off of posting here. If it is then you take the year off. Deal?
No you won’t. That’s a complete lie. The only thing that we know that if there are 100K dead in 3 months that you will be celebrating how right you were. Very sick person
Wow! So a lot of folks are triggered by the the brief appearance of a few company CEOs at a White House presser that also featured an abundance of new news and updates from medical and task force experts. They even highlighted a new testing machine from Abbott that can give results in as little as 5-15 minutes?
How shamefull that these folks were given an opportunity to be thanked in public for their generosity and the sacrifices being made at these fine companies.
What a display of unmitigated gall to step up to a microphone and say a few words about the contributions of their workforce in this time af great crisis! Is it really so terrible that Lindell also took it upon himself to very briefly speak about families, God, and prayer? Even if you're not a believer and perhaps even a hater of reliigious faith, how is this so damning?

Maybe it's just because it happened under THIS administration and of course, this administration can't do ANYTHING right!
The weak-minded left are still trying to recover from Trump’s Easter remarks and the My-Pillow guy. Don’t feed them too much information to criticize at once. Their brains may explode
Sorry guys, no PPE suppliers were there to obsess over like little mindless bitches.
You are always downplaying this. It's going to be over 100k dead in 3 months If it's not I'll take the rest of 2020 off of posting here. If it is then you take the year off. Deal?

I'll bs aside, I hope the number is nowhere near that. Older folks need to start staying inside. The stores are still packed with older folks. Need to start using that medicine mix too to reduce the death numbers.
Wow! So a lot of folks are triggered by the the brief appearance of a few company CEOs at a White House presser that also featured an abundance of new news and updates from medical and task force experts. They even highlighted a new testing machine from Abbott that can give results in as little as 5-15 minutes?
How shamefull that these folks were given an opportunity to be thanked in public for their generosity and the sacrifices being made at these fine companies.
What a display of unmitigated gall to step up to a microphone and say a few words about the contributions of their workforce in this time af great crisis! Is it really so terrible that Lindell also took it upon himself to very briefly speak about families, God, and prayer? Even if you're not a believer and perhaps even a hater of reliigious faith, how is this so damning?

Maybe it's just because it happened under THIS administration and of course, this administration can't do ANYTHING right!

Kindly learn the facts or STFU.
I'll bs aside, I hope the number is nowhere near that. Older folks need to start staying inside. The stores are still packed with older folks. Need to start using that medicine mix too to reduce the death numbers.

We need every human being in America to practice extreme social distancing. Even if you are young you shouldn't be risking passing this and spreading this in large numbers. Look how fast it's growing.

From the begining to March 10th we had 30 deaths.

From the 10th-17th we had 80 deaths.

From the 17th to the 24th we had 670 deaths

From the 24th to the 31st we had 3200 deaths

Each week we are now seeing about 500% increase. They are saying we may hit the peak in 4 weeks. The math is grim. We can deal with a shutdown for 4 weeks, we can't deal with losing control and having this become hundreds of dead each day in every state.
We need every human being in America to practice extreme social distancing. Even if you are young you shouldn't be risking passing this and spreading this in large numbers. Look how fast it's growing.

From the begining to March 10th we had 30 deaths.

From the 10th-17th we had 80 deaths.

From the 17th to the 24th we had 670 deaths

From the 24th to the 31st we had 3200 deaths

Each week we are now seeing about 500% increase. They are saying we may hit the peak in 4 weeks. The math is grim. We can deal with a shutdown for 4 weeks, we can't deal with losing control and having this become hundreds of dead each day in every state.
The most conservative model assuming extreme social distancing shows between 38k and 150k dead by August (average ~80k). And there won’t be a vaccine when the second wave hits in the fall.
The most conservative model assuming extreme social distancing shows between 38k and 150k dead by August (average ~80k). And there won’t be a vaccine when the second wave hits in the fall.

I think the 150k and 200k is extreme. The death rates in United States would take 10 of millions infected and not using the drug mix that appears to be super effective.
We need every human being in America to practice extreme social distancing. Even if you are young you shouldn't be risking passing this and spreading this in large numbers. Look how fast it's growing.

You should practice virtual social distancing. This board would bend the idiocy curve immediately.
Kindly learn the facts or STFU.

Huh? Not sure how I could actually watch the presser and then get the facts wrong about my feelings re some of the outrageous responses on here!
I normally don't respond to these types of threads but I found it dumbfounding that so many people could be hateful towards a few good private sector citizens being recognized/thanked at the WH. I'm sure they are happy to be in a position to assist their fellow citizens even if they will be mocked by so many thankless, heartless haters.
Your classy response to me tells me pretty much all I need to know about you. But I hope I'm wrong and that you're actually a wonderful person who selflessly contributes time and money to assist the less fortunate instead of just spewing hateful remarks.
Huh? Not sure how I could actually watch the presser and then get the facts wrong about my feelings re some of the outrageous responses on here!
I normally don't respond to these types of threads but I found it dumbfounding that so many people could be hateful towards a few good private sector citizens being recognized/thanked at the WH. I'm sure they are happy to be in a position to assist their fellow citizens even if they will be mocked by so many thankless, heartless haters.
Your classy response to me tells me pretty much all I need to know about you. But I hope I'm wrong and that you're actually a wonderful person who selflessly contributes time and money to assist the less fortunate instead of just spewing hateful remarks.
You can tell this new guy is old as hell.
You should practice virtual social distancing. This board would bend the idiocy curve immediately.

Who's the idiot?

I will be setting up my Hurricane list in April, will load up food, water, ect just like usual. The Corona is basically a flu virus, right now it is under control here, and likely will be slow to take hold over the summer. Other than Supply chain issues, it won't cause any real problems before late sept or early oct. Unlike me, most on this board are under 60 and will survive it..