The Official Stop Bernie Thread

How do we do it? I've switched my registration to Dem in order to vote for Bloomberg.

F it. If anyone wants a 90 year old that never worked in the private sector and calls himself a socialist to be president the country is already lost. I mean how great is the Cuba regime! They can read propaganda!

Just embrace the slackers.
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The facts are:

Everything that Bernie is wanting in America are policies that exist successfully in countries you would call "capitalist." There is no government take over of all industry. Theres no communism or socialism. Its just the same thing you see in Germany or UK or Japan or Canada. These are our peer nations and they are very similar culturally. Bernie isn't trying to make us into Venezuela as the chuds would have you believe. There is not a single "radical" policy on his platform. Most policies he's wanting have been in place for decades elsewhere. So what's radical about doing what everyone else does? What we do now is technically radical by definition.

We are currently radical in our healthcare system as we are an outlier among developed nations. What Bernie wants to to stop us from being an outlier. His plans take us to the norm. Where we are at now is the radical position.
The facts are:

Everything that Bernie is wanting in America are policies that exist successfully in countries you would call "capitalist." There is no government take over of all industry. Theres no communism or socialism. Its just the same thing you see in Germany or UK or Japan or Canada. These are our peer nations and they are very similar culturally. Bernie isn't trying to make us into Venezuela as the chuds would have you believe. There is not a single "radical" policy on his platform. Most policies he's wanting have been in place for decades elsewhere. So what's radical about doing what everyone else does? What we do now is technically radical by definition.

We are currently radical in our healthcare system as we are an outlier among developed nations. What Bernie wants to to stop us from being an outlier. His plans take us to the norm. Where we are at now is the radical position.
Lol. Ok bud
The facts are:

Everything that Bernie is wanting in America are policies that exist successfully in countries you would call "capitalist." There is no government take over of all industry. Theres no communism or socialism. Its just the same thing you see in Germany or UK or Japan or Canada. These are our peer nations and they are very similar culturally. Bernie isn't trying to make us into Venezuela as the chuds would have you believe. There is not a single "radical" policy on his platform. Most policies he's wanting have been in place for decades elsewhere. So what's radical about doing what everyone else does? What we do now is technically radical by definition.

We are currently radical in our healthcare system as we are an outlier among developed nations. What Bernie wants to to stop us from being an outlier. His plans take us to the norm. Where we are at now is the radical position.

No it isn't Fareed Zakaria blew that argument up yesterday.

Lol. Banning private insurance isnt radical, even though nobody else does that.
You don't even use private insurance because you think it's too expensive. You use a "Christian Partnership" that only pays out if you go to church every Sunday. Like what the **** are you even weighing in for. If private insurance is so great how come you aren't a customer?
I literally never thought I would see the day when a dude who can't afford a reasonable amount of health insurance because of the cost and uses a Christian Partnership that may or may not have the funds to cover catastrophic events would be cheering for the virtues of the private health insurance industry that priced him out of coverage. If you're too broke to afford proper insurance for you and your family you should probably vote for the party that wants to make sure you'll get taken care of if something bad happens. Puting you're ideology above your families actual physical wellbeing is the most chud shit I've ever seen.
You don't even use private insurance because you think it's too expensive. You use a "Christian Partnership" that only pays out if you go to church every Sunday. Like what the **** are you even weighing in for. If private insurance is so great how come you aren't a customer?

Private= not government. How is my plan not private? If I get sick, they pay for it. How is that not insurance?
extremely busy this weekend, but i read somewhere that gop in one of the states getting ready to vote soon were telling their members to switch party affiliation to dem and vote in their primaries for bernie.

they want to see the dem party self destruct. lol
Jesus. Look, you don't even have a basic definition straight for private vs public.

A cooperative is a private business organization that is owned and controlled by the people who use its products, supplies or services.

He just can't handle the fact that I have cheap insurance that I like. The only insurance I've ever had that I didnt like was the stuff the government told me I had to buy.
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firm, you are welcome to visit my tailgate sat nov 7th after trumps victory over bernie and we can share some beer. should have some cornhole, throw the football, or kick a soccer ball around. [cheers]
Does he have to dress up like a stormtrooper?
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He just can't handle the fact that I have cheap insurance that I like. The only insurance I've ever had that I didnt like was the stuff the government told me I had to buy.

Anyone who likes their insurance, which is millions upon millions of people, is a threat to these socialists.

And clearly, they have no idea what a private entity actually is [roll]
Anyone who likes their insurance, which is millions upon millions of people, is a threat to these socialists.

And clearly, they have no idea what a private entity actually is [roll]

ITT: FC says MFA isnt socialism because that would mean taking over an entire industry.

Also ITT: government needs to take over the entire health insurance industry
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You don't even use private insurance because you think it's too expensive. You use a "Christian Partnership" that only pays out if you go to church every Sunday. Like what the **** are you even weighing in for. If private insurance is so great how come you aren't a customer?
amazing isn't it! The hypocrisy is real!
Yep, f-c. It's socialism, Crazy. :)

Get the people from CHM to run the health insurance industry and I'll sign on to it. Last time I checked they weren't inundated with lobbyists and a desire to get re-elected.
Get the people from CHM to run the health insurance industry and I'll sign on to it. Last time I checked they weren't inundated with lobbyists and a desire to get re-elected.
In other words, socialism in American health care is evil...

...unless, of course, I am benefiting from it. :)
In other words, socialism in American health care is evil...

...unless, of course, I am benefiting from it. :)
It's actually communism in it's most ideal form. Everybody chips in equally for an equal benefit. A billionaire pays no more than a poor person. I'm cool with that, but it's mostly because its voluntary.