Do you now understand that so-called 'trade wars' have less to do with the stock market than central-bank money printing? As long as CB's are printing money, and pumping them into stocks, our precious portfolios are safe.
If some economic situation should make money printing and huge defect spending a negative, look out below. David Rosenberg did some data analysis and based on historical norms he said the S&P had a fair value of 1550.
In the meantime, the tale of two cities - those with inflatable assets like stocks and real estate, and those without grows wider and wider.
If some economic situation should make money printing and huge defect spending a negative, look out below. David Rosenberg did some data analysis and based on historical norms he said the S&P had a fair value of 1550.
In the meantime, the tale of two cities - those with inflatable assets like stocks and real estate, and those without grows wider and wider.