This event is tragic on so many levels . I am not passing judgement on the cop as I was not there ,body cam footage or not. What is clear to me is why does a 13 year old walk around Chicago with a gun ,which is illegal in that town. I also know Chicago is sewer hole of gun violence ,gang shootings and such.
From a 30,000 foot perspective I know this too. My Constitutional rights are protected and I don't lose my rights because either a cop or kid 900 miles away violated theirs. I don't lose my rights because a kid acts stupid . Shuck made a not there are 3 guns per person in America . That's irrelevant here . I live in rural western North Carolina. I got neighbors who are armed to the teeth even with 50 cals. They are not robbing folks, pointing guns at cops or using their legal fire arms in illegal ways . Their attitude, respect for the law and life means they are responsible gun owners . Who cares how many guns they own? When my kids were growing up they had friends as 3rd graders who shot their first deer. They were taught to safely handle a fire arm .
At the end of the day, if you don't want to own a gun, don't buy one. If you don't like a politician don't vote for them . If you don't like ciggerettes , don't smoke them. People make choices and some people make dumb choices ..Sometimes those are cops but most of the time they are criminals who make these dumb choices who get shot by the cops. life is about choices most of the time and a compilation of bad choices often leads to bad outcomes. Likewise good choices over time lead to good outcomes for most people.
The kid made some bad choices and running from the cops was clearly a bad choice which ultimately resulted in his death at a cop who might have made the wrong choice too. I don't know . I know I wouldn't want their job . sorry to see this stuff happen.