India's CO2 generation has a lot more to non-fossil fuel sources, as they are not heavily industrialized in most areas of the country. At the same time, because they are not, they don't generate a lot of other pollution ...
It's really this simple, other than Qatar and a few Middle East nations -- not just in CO2, but overall impact (e.g., heating, garbage and other, non-recycled use and impact) -- basically boils down to these
2 factors,
per-capita ...
- How rural, let alone cold?
- How industrialized?
The US is pretty rural, Canada and Australia even more so, with Canada topping the climate needs for heat -- although the US moving more south is increasing A/C usage almost equally now. That's why Canada and Australia even top the US in garbage rates, per capita, Canada in heating, Australia in a lot of per-capita waste.
China is flying by us all, as they have both land mass and a lot of people. They still have a lot of unindustrialized rural regions, but that is slowly and surely changing. But China is definitely responsible for a horrendous level of particulate matter and other Nitrate, Sulfide and other emission issues the western world has long controlled since the '70s.
India is probably hitting a limit, merely because they have so many unemployed youth, and their future is not bright with their unsustained growth, unlike China. There is just not the infrastructure investment, unlike China. India actually has a lot of room to grow their CO2 under current plans, especially since -- unlike China -- they are trying to get their particulate matter under control, although have a long way to go.
Although none of this matters in the grander scheme. Why?
Paris, like Kyoto, totally ignores the seas. Abuse of the seas is rampant, and is our major issue. Use of container shipping has massive impact, and is responsible for the most particulate matter with bunker fuels. And there is little move to change this as well. That's the scary part. Which goes back to my views, and of most Libertarians, which are well-implemented by the Swiss ...
Implement impact taxes!
You start paying for all your impact, as a consumer, so you have to care. Stop blaming governments and people, let alone not seeing the EU ~ US when it comes to per-capita (look it up, we're close).
This includes not so much of a 'tariff' on importations from China, but the
impact on the environment of shipping cheap goods from overseas, as well as their impact on the environment where it's made too. That's how you solve this ... without a 'trade war.'
But that's us Libertarians, we think differently ...
forcing consumers to care themselves, instead of blame others. Classic
'don't want to know what the butcher is doing' to get a steak.