This is why the Progressive media is the Ministry of Truth ..


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001

"Where was all this concern a year ago? ... Why was Facebook not monitoring its system logs from the beginning looking for bulk harvesting activity?

It turns out they were. Indeed, when the Obama campaign bulk harvested data from the platform, the company’s security teams immediately detected the bulk harvesting and approved it."

Can Progressive media sheepism please die in this country?

President Obama didn't want to touch the Russian issue for a reason. But it persisted in the Progressive media. And then everything else spiralled from there.

The Progressive media will throw out things about how it wasn't illegal, or this is right-wing conspiracy theory and so forth. Why?

When Democrats benefit from the Russians, Progressives and the media don't care. They'll even believe the Russians, and quote them against Republicans.

When Democrats benefit from Facebook, Progressives and the media don't care. They'll even highlight how Democrats used social media better, and even claim the use was legal, unlike the Republicans and the Russians they conspired with.


The Progressive media is the Ministry of Truth, especially as Fox News has dropped to #3. And that's what scares me to death as a freedom loving American.

I've feared Progressives more since 2006, when Democrats started throwing reporters in jail. Violations of the War Powers Act when engaging in Regime change, as well as the "moral authority" argument with the leaked Drone Memo, certainly didn't help things.

I fear Conservatives too, just as much on an individual basis. But Fox News is nothing compared to this capability to distort to an extreme, and non-stop. Even Bernie Sanders has been repeatedly warning about this, and now Progressives blame him for losing 2016 (Huh? That was on the DNC itself for screwing him over when he was polling better against Trump than Hillary!)

The Ministry of Truth is the Progressive media. If it continues to take over, we are honestly screwed ... badly.
Even though this really does need to be in the other forum, it is also true that the establishment media that protects the swamp is also intertwined with the same sports media that also protects its own corrupt interests. (I.E. - The college sports-big media complex)

For all of the talk of draining the swamp, there is a big, nasty, mucky, and deep swamp up in Bristol, Conn as well as throughout the HQ of every P5 conference that also needs to be drained.

IMO, the entire media - including and especially ESPN - need to be busted up via RICO for operating an unlawful monopoly.

(FWIW - I agree with EVERYTHING UCFBS posted - and too bad if you don't like it. I'm not here to kiss anyone's ring over seniority.)
Folks are just mad that Chump is every bit the a$$bag most Americans thought he was and show their regret by poking as many holes everywhere else they can to avoid admitting their mistake and to distract from what that mistake is leading to.

Can we please get back to UCF sports talk now?
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Folks are just mad that Chump is every bit the a$$bag most Americans thought he was and show their regret by poking as many holes everywhere else they can to avoid admitting their mistake and to distract from what that mistake is leading to.

Can we please get back to UCF sports talk now?

He's not an @ssbag, he's Making America Great Again. We've never had a president that was so smart, rich, handsome and articulate. He really should be on Mt. Rushmore for bringing back the jerbz. You guys really need to start watching the real news. You'd be shocked at what's happening in this country.
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Folks are just mad that Chump is every bit the a$$bag most Americans thought he was and show their regret by poking as many holes everywhere else they can to avoid admitting their mistake and to distract from what that mistake is leading to.

Can we please get back to UCF sports talk now?

Cut down on the soy there Francis. Eat some red meat for a change.




"Where was all this concern a year ago? ... Why was Facebook not monitoring its system logs from the beginning looking for bulk harvesting activity?

It turns out they were. Indeed, when the Obama campaign bulk harvested data from the platform, the company’s security teams immediately detected the bulk harvesting and approved it."

Can Progressive media sheepism please die in this country?

President Obama didn't want to touch the Russian issue for a reason. But it persisted in the Progressive media. And then everything else spiralled from there.

The Progressive media will throw out things about how it wasn't illegal, or this is right-wing conspiracy theory and so forth. Why?

When Democrats benefit from the Russians, Progressives and the media don't care. They'll even believe the Russians, and quote them against Republicans.

When Democrats benefit from Facebook, Progressives and the media don't care. They'll even highlight how Democrats used social media better, and even claim the use was legal, unlike the Republicans and the Russians they conspired with.


The Progressive media is the Ministry of Truth, especially as Fox News has dropped to #3. And that's what scares me to death as a freedom loving American.

I've feared Progressives more since 2006, when Democrats started throwing reporters in jail. Violations of the War Powers Act when engaging in Regime change, as well as the "moral authority" argument with the leaked Drone Memo, certainly didn't help things.

I fear Conservatives too, just as much on an individual basis. But Fox News is nothing compared to this capability to distort to an extreme, and non-stop. Even Bernie Sanders has been repeatedly warning about this, and now Progressives blame him for losing 2016 (Huh? That was on the DNC itself for screwing him over when he was polling better against Trump than Hillary!)

The Ministry of Truth is the Progressive media. If it continues to take over, we are honestly screwed ... badly.

I discovered that there was something seriously wrong with the lying mass media, especially Hollywood, long before I finally found out that the entire thing is one big monopoly system run by the Manhattan elites.

Every system that they manage to infiltrate becomes a monopoly system just because they are so tribal and criminal. The Manhattan elites, the global cabala and Hollywood will take over by their methods of murder, kidnapping, blackmail, theft, shame and fraud.

You can't have a healthy nation unless white conservatives are the heart of it! There's no room for commies, sjw's, progressives, socialists, poc's and feminists to control.

The white man invented the printing press, pamphlets, magazines, books, radio, television, movies, and the came along and corrupted all of that.

But the white man also invented our Internet obviously meant for whites, yet globalist mafia and Manhattan elites are trying to find a way to control it and keep trying.

Our Internet is the heart of our own white media today, and we have a chance to branch out from there.

We already have some radio broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, books and videos not controlled by the global Hollywood and Manhattan elite. We are beginning all over again and we can continue to grow this pro-white anti-progressive movement through our own media.

Yes whites need their own media that reflects our own culture, history, and values.
I discovered that there was something seriously wrong with the lying mass media, especially Hollywood, long before I finally found out that the entire thing is one big monopoly system run by the Manhattan elites.

Every system that they manage to infiltrate becomes a monopoly system just because they are so tribal and criminal. The Manhattan elites, the global cabala and Hollywood will take over by their methods of murder, kidnapping, blackmail, theft, shame and fraud.

You can't have a healthy nation unless white conservatives are the heart of it! There's no room for commies, sjw's, progressives, socialists, poc's and feminists to control.

The white man invented the printing press, pamphlets, magazines, books, radio, television, movies, and the came along and corrupted all of that.

But the white man also invented our Internet obviously meant for whites, yet globalist mafia and Manhattan elites are trying to find a way to control it and keep trying.

Our Internet is the heart of our own white media today, and we have a chance to branch out from there.

We already have some radio broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, books and videos not controlled by the global Hollywood and Manhattan elite. We are beginning all over again and we can continue to grow this pro-white anti-progressive movement through our own media.

Yes whites need their own media that reflects our own culture, history, and values.

I understand some of where you are coming from but it is important to not exchange one prejudice for another.

All I want is for the white male to not be looked down upon by the academia, elites, pundits, and left wing politicians - but I also don't want to have other races looked down upon as a trade off.

Every race has something good to contribute.
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So last week we show concrete proof that a Conservative media conglomerate is forcing hundreds of local news stations to air propaganda, and this happens regularly.

This was no big deal.

This week, you dopes are back to telling us how the progressive media is ruining us...with no concrete proof.
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I understand some of where you are coming from but it is important to not exchange one prejudice for another.

All I want is for the white male to not be looked down upon by the academia, elites, pundits, and left wing politicians - but I also don't want to have other races looked down upon as a trade off.

Every race has something good to contribute.

Oh, this is too good.
Here I made a list of races and I want you to type out what each one contributes.
Native American
Pacific Islander

Please be as detailed as you can on what they all contribute but focus on the main thing so it doesn't get too wordy.
We need a BS drinking game:

To start: Take the number of paragraphs he types: divide by 5: This is the number of drinks you must start with.

1) Every time he uses the words: Progressive or sheep, take a drink

2) For every underlined, bolded, or colored word used: take a drink

3) Every time he calls someone a sheep, or announces that he is a libertarian: take 2 drinks

4) Anytime he uses that stupid "spoiler" thing: finish your drink

5) Every time he says pistol rounds are deadlier than rifle rounds: Go to your nearest liquor store, buy a handle of bottom shelf vodka, open it in the aisle and chug
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Here's what I imagine your list looks like. You can make any changes you want.

White - Regular people
Black - run fast, gave us jazz
Asian - egg rolls
Native American - helped get America ready for us
Hispanic - J-Lo
Pacific Islander - Moana
Inuit - Klondike Bars
Here's what I imagine your list looks like. You can make any changes you want.

White - Regular people
Black - run fast, gave us jazz
Asian - egg rolls
Native American - helped get America ready for us
Hispanic - J-Lo
Pacific Islander - Moana
Inuit - Klondike Bars

And once again, a racist scum bag is exposed for the coward they are. That was almost too easy. They just can't resist making an ass of themselves....
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We need a BS drinking game:

To start: Take the number of paragraphs he types: divide by 5: This is the number of drinks you must start with.

1) Every time he uses the words: Progressive or sheep, take a drink

2) For every underlined, bolded, or colored word used: take a drink

3) Every time he calls someone a sheep, or announces that he is a libertarian: take 2 drinks

4) Anytime he uses that stupid "spoiler" thing: finish your drink

5) Every time he says pistol rounds are deadlier than rifle rounds: Go to your nearest liquor store, buy a handle of bottom shelf vodka, open it in the aisle and chug

I’d be dead one paragraph in to every manifesto written.
And once again, a racist scum bag is exposed for the coward they are. That was almost too easy. They just can't resist making an ass of themselves....
Oh, no. I think you misunderstood. You're the one who said all races have something to contribute. I think they are just people living in America. I want to know what race you think contributes what.
Oh, no. I think you misunderstood. You're the one who said all races have something to contribute. I think they are just people living in America. I want to know what race you think contributes what.

We all know it would look like your list. But I do want to hear him say it as well.
First off, if I didn't post this in the Cooler, that was my mistake, and unintentional. Thanx to @Brandon for moving it to the Cooler, and my sincerest apologies to everyone, if that was the case.

Secondly ...
So last week we show concrete proof that a Conservative media conglomerate is forcing hundreds of local news stations to air propaganda, and this happens regularly.
This was no big deal.
This week, you dopes are back to telling us how the progressive media is ruining us...with no concrete proof.
No, you're missing my point.

The US Mainstream Media (MSM) is completely Progressive, and here are the facts.

  • Cambridge Analytica's Christopher Wylie whistleblows about at least 50M users who had their data taken outside of the scope of the academia agreement, and used to fill various commercial interests.
    • NOTE: The debate on the timing of Cambridge Analytica's involvement with the Trump campaign is suspect, since they dropped Cambridge around this same time -- but for all intents an purposes, let's go ahead and assume they used it
  • Carol Davidson, the woman behind 2 of Obama's software aggregators, came out and confirmed you didn't have to do anything to be completely profiled by the Obama campaign to the same "whole social graph," including all 2B+ accounts, just from the over 1M Obama campaign opt-ins
  • Carol Davidson confirmed Facebook, after-the-fact, confronted her team, noting Facebook security detected them accessing all Facebook accounts via this method, against policies, and stated Facebook would not normally allow it (and definitely would not allow it in 2016), eventually condoned their use of the "whole social graph" for political reasons
Very Early April:
  • Facebook admits to Cambridge Analytica's misuse of 87M accounts for non-academic purposes, in 2015, confirming Christopher Wylie's account
  • 2 Days Later, Facebook confirms, without using Davidsen's name, that all records be accessed via their APIs to get the "whole social graph," exactly as she said, for the purposes she said, and they have changed that over time, and will do a better job of tracking it
    • NOTE: Facebook omits they've always been able to track it, but traditionally allowed/disallowed it based on political alignment and related use
And here we are. You can have a total, objective, 1st hand source that tries to call out the hypocrisy, and the MSM will ignore it.

The MSM keeps talking about "illegal" as if that is some fixed term, and how people "opted in" regarding the 2012 usage, not realizing it was the exact same problem ... people who did not "opt in" having their entire accounts access, the "whole social graph."

Now ... I'm really tired of this load of BS Progressive bias. I have purposely avoided the right-wing media, and there are a lot of moderate, business and financial news out there -- the ones more concerned with "legality" and "legitmacy" (especially when it comes to the fiscal viability of entities) -- than this left-right political wrangling.

So ... when are the Progressives going to finally join us Libertarians and true Liberals on calling out what the MSM is doing to our freedom and privacy? Or do you only care when it's Trump and the Republicans?

I don't expect they will. But I fully expect Trump's new "Ministry of Truth" division in DHS to be near full capabilities once the next Democratic administration comes into power. Just like W.'s "federal watch lists" were setup by the time the Obama administration came to power. And just like the Obama administration with the "watch lists," I fully expect the next administration to use them 10x over.

That's what scares me to death, but the Progressives won't talk about that. Just like they don't to talk about how all guns kill, because they want to outlaw all guys by saying just one type, when it applies to all guns.
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yeah...we just wreck everything with our science and data backed solutions, logical thinking, care for the environment, care for animals, and moral values. :)
The problem is that Progressives are ruining the environment with popular environmentalism. That's just as wrong as the climate deniers.

Everyone is taking it on blind faith and claiming "science." Doesn't require religion to have blind faith.

E.g., I'm still amazed how much Progressives don't understand about electrical engines, power generation and transmission, battery and charging technologies, etc... let alone the logistics involved. When they call me "biased," and go "yes, I have an EE degree."

We need solutions, not games like cap'n trade, emission limitations, etc... Start taxing impact and forcing consumers to care, instead of blaming corporations.

Even the Swiss do that. The Germans are looking at that more and more.

But if you're like me, and point that out, I'm an alleged right-winger and a climate denier. Same thing on healthcare and immigration, if "you're not with us, you're against us."

A lot of moderates and true Liberals, along with us Libertarians, get alienated. Progressives aren't the only ones calling for environmental, healthcare, immigration and other reforms -- we just thing the Progressives are dead wrong in their assertions.

We Libertarians want the government to stop controlling things, and be a regulator and taxer of things. But that prevents Progressive special interest from taking control, just like on "free trade" too (which has been special interest).
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Scientific-y stuff like 112 genders and stuff.
Don't cut them short on those data backed solutions and moral values like socialism and killing 17,000 kids a day.
Lmao @ you calling my last post ignorant when you post absolute garbage like this. Too much irony to handle.
Even though you have a point @NinjaKnight , several of you do prompt a lot of this based on your answers.

My main problem with the modern, Democratic party is what they are basically inferring (overboard, of course, but still, to the point ...) is how much the "Progressives" are making issues, and "drowning out" critical thinking Liberals.

Electric cars and power are my main issues, as I can have an intelligent conversation with Liberals on "reduced impact" technologies and consumerism, all while "Progressives" go off on "0 impact" and "save the Earth" loads of BS that are "being held back by evil corporations" that are exceedingly difficult to even break through so I can talk to them.

At least critically thinking Liberals recognize we Libertarians are not climate deniers, and have interesting ideas on how to reduce human impact, while Progressives calls us climate deniers, saying if we don't embrace their bills, we're just as bad as Conservatives.
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Lmao @ you calling my last post ignorant when you post absolute garbage like this. Too much irony to handle.
This post was a flippant joke. I just left the asterisk off. Your other post about LEO liability was exactly what I said it was.
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