This is why the Progressive media is the Ministry of Truth ..

At least critically thinking Liberals recognize we Libertarians are not climate deniers, and have interesting ideas on how to reduce human impact, while Progressives calls us climate deniers, saying if we don't embrace their bills, we're just as bad as Conservatives.
This is the thing. For many it’s not whether there is change occurring or not, it’s about creating reactionary policies that cost billions and ruin industries domestically while foreign industries don’t have the same constraints. Or enacting bad policies based on ambiguous and negligible returns, or worse doing more harm than good.
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Hey man, I can’t help it that you’re obviously too ignorant about what LEOs have to go through or what liabilities they have to even know that you’re making a fool of yourself.
Scientific-y stuff like 112 genders and stuff.

if i had a quarter for every gender....
Ah yes Wayne, the undisputed scientific heavy weight in his field. Thanks so much for posting on a subject you are so incredibly knowledgeable about. I'm sure it detracted from your posting about condom sniffing, but it was a sacrifice well worth it.

Do we really need to relive the driver's license gender debacle for you? I remember you getting incredibly embarrassed in that thread when you were posting your similarily ignorant thoughts.
And you wanted to vote for one.
The one I voted for wasn't hateful.

What reason does Wayne have to be so passionate about people fitting into specific genders. How does he benefit from being harmful to a group of people that commit suicide at a rate much higher than the population. Don't You think that America would be better off if we didn't attack people who already have a rough life as it is?
The one I voted for wasn't hateful.

What reason does Wayne have to be so passionate about people fitting into specific genders. How does he benefit from being harmful to a group of people that commit suicide at a rate much higher than the population. Don't You think that America would be better off if we didn't attack people who already have a rough life as it is?

He wasn't attacking anyone. He was defending himself from an attack. A liberal mentioned dumb Republicans don't believe in science yet liberals reject science, morals, logic when it fits their agenda.
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I want to know what Wayne gains by just shitting on these people who literally feel like men or women but have the opposite genitalia. Their lives are damn hard as it is without half the population screaming and yelling that they aren't normal. They know they aren't normal but they are who they are and they can't help it. Why do we need to push them towards higher suicide rates? What gain is there for doing this?
He wasn't attacking anyone. He was defending himself from an attack. A liberal mentioned dumb Republicans don't believe in science yet liberals reject science, morals, logic when it fits their agenda.
He made a post that had no text and was just an image that said

You're a weirdo if you are the way you are

How is that defending himself?
there are only 2 genders. anything else is a mental health issue much like anorexia. id rather those individuals seek actual psychological help than play along with their delusions. then they could actually get over the problem and seek to lead a better life and lower their chance of suicide. we dont tell anorexic people that they are in fact fat and go along with their delusions.

Sadly it wouldn't surprise me if that's how you think science actually works.
do you have any scientifically backed research that shows definitive proof there are more than 2 genders? you know more than just those extreme anomalies of more than just xx and xy. something along the lines of the 50+ genders that people just happen to feel exists.
there are only 2 genders. anything else is a mental health issue much like anorexia. id rather those individuals seek actual psychological help than play along with their delusions. then they could actually get over the problem and seek to lead a better life and lower their chance of suicide. we dont tell anorexic people that they are in fact fat and go along with their delusions.
They're not delusions but I'll play along here.
Why not go along with their "delusions?"

I get it for anorexia They could die from malnutrition. What danger are these "mentally ill" people causing to anyone? The suicide rate is caused by people like you who constantly remind them of how abnormal they are. Let them feel normal and no one gets hurt and less people kill themselves.

What do you gain from attacking these people?
do you have any scientifically backed research that shows definitive proof there are more than 2 genders? you know more than just those extreme anomalies of more than just xx and xy. something along the lines of the 50+ genders that people just happen to feel exists.
This doesn't impact you in anyway. You just want to make life harder for people. It's messed up.
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there are only 2 genders. anything else is a mental health issue much like anorexia. id rather those individuals seek actual psychological help than play along with their delusions. then they could actually get over the problem and seek to lead a better life and lower their chance of suicide. we dont tell anorexic people that they are in fact fat and go along with their delusions.

Holy fuking shit you actually are a bigot. Have you ever considered maybe the fact these people have an elevated suicide risk is because backwards fuking disgusting bigots like yourself make their life a living hell instead of minding your own goddamn business.

do you have any scientifically backed research that shows definitive proof there are more than 2 genders? you know more than just those extreme anomalies of more than just xx and xy. something along the lines of the 50+ genders that people just happen to feel exists.

I truly wish you were smart enough to realize how you just contradicted yourself in the same post. You acknowledge that there is a percentage of people with different genders, yet dismiss them because it's an "extreme anomaly". Newsflash: if only .1% of people have this anomoly, that is literally MILLIONS of people that identify as something other than male or female. So you want MILLIONS of people to live a lie all because of why? Your snowflake feelings?
They're not delusions but I'll play along here.
Why not go along with their "delusions?"

I get it for anorexia They could die from malnutrition. What danger are these "mentally ill" people causing to anyone? The suicide rate is caused by people like you who constantly remind them of how abnormal they are. Let them feel normal and no one gets hurt and less people kill themselves.

What do you gain from attacking these people?
im not attacking them. its been proven that getting the surgeries and hormones they want dont actually reduce their suicide rate at all. in fact, ive stated i want them to get the right help which in turn will help lower their suicidal tendencies.
Hey man, I can’t help it that you’re obviously too ignorant about what LEOs have to go through or what liabilities they have to even know that you’re making a fool of yourself.
I see this was replied to the wrong thread.
Regardless, the 112 genders comes from gender fluid support.tumblr... and not something I pulled out of the air. I’m going to guess that is a left-leaning site but I didn’t really look into it. Regardless of if you want to define more than 2, I’m guessing the scientific consensus number should be less than 112.
I love how 85 can't make a single valid point without using the words "HILLARY!" or "ABORTION".

You really are the master of deflection.

Right. You clowns are in the process of calling wayne a horrible human being, wanting to destroy others' lives, etc etc etc yet apparently can't handle it when a simple clear case of irony is pointed out.

Your last line is simply too hilarious though, given that you are now avoiding TWO challenges from bob to justify idiotic things you've said, yet continue to run from.
Right. You clowns are in the process of calling wayne a horrible human being, wanting to destroy others' lives, etc etc etc yet apparently can't handle it when a simple clear case of irony is pointed out.

Your last line is simply too hilarious though, given that you are now avoiding TWO challenges from bob to justify idiotic things you've said, yet continue to run from.

Why aren't you demanding Bob explain where he got his insane claim for me wanting to kill all black women?
im not attacking them. its been proven that getting the surgeries and hormones they want dont actually reduce their suicide rate at all. in fact, ive stated i want them to get the right help which in turn will help lower their suicidal tendencies.
Because the suicide isn't from the hormones or the transition or the gender or the sex. It's from the bullying from adults who won't grow up. Thanks for making my point.
Because the suicide isn't from the hormones or the transition or the gender or the sex. It's from the bullying from adults who won't grow up. Thanks for making my point.
but even after they fully transition, which is supposed to make everything better, the suicide rate remains the same.

how is wanting them to seek a different form of treatment bullying?
but even after they fully transition, which is supposed to make everything better, the suicide rate remains the same.

how is wanting them to seek a different form of treatment bullying?
Because they continue to be bullied. The transition doesn't cause the suicide it's the bullying.
I doubt that 85's wife shares his batshit crazy ideas. She's probably wishing he would stop watching so much fox news and turn back into the man she married. Hes likely as oblivious to her needs in the marriage as he is to her needs in the bedroom.

Only a lowlife disgusting human talks about someone' spouse on here.

At least I know you're as worthless as a human as chemmie is. I've already documented that you're a liar.
I doubt that 85's wife shares his batshit crazy ideas. She's probably wishing he would stop watching so much fox news and turn back into the man she married. Hes likely as oblivious to her needs in the marriage as he is to her needs in the bedroom.

And there it is.