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So wait, did he need a lung transplant because of covid? But we are going to somehow blame this on the vaccine and not the fact that covid destroyed his lungs?
Freaking hilarious, right? Imagine a disease that primarily effects the lungs causing lung damage vs a vaccine that doesn’t in any trial

Twitter knows all!!
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So wait, did he need a lung transplant because of covid? But we are going to somehow blame this on the vaccine and not the fact that covid destroyed his lungs?
Is one scenario better than the other?
Is one scenario better than the other?

I dont think it is a matter of "better", it is a matter of being truthful. Someone who needs a lung transplant obviously has severly damaged lungs, so it is quite the leap to blame it on the vaccine and not the disease that caused his lungs to be severely damaged in the first place. We obviously dont have all the details other than a biased tweet, but seems pretty convenient to just ignore the fact the guy needed new lungs and blame it on the vaccine instead.
I dont think it is a matter of "better", it is a matter of being truthful. Someone who needs a lung transplant obviously has severly damaged lungs, so it is quite the leap to blame it on the vaccine and not the disease that caused his lungs to be severely damaged in the first place. We obviously dont have all the details other than a biased tweet, but seems pretty convenient to just ignore the fact the guy needed new lungs and blame it on the vaccine instead.
Seems to me like the operative part of the story is that he had already had covid and they still required him to get vaccinated.
Seems to me like the operative part of the story is that he had already had covid and they still required him to get vaccinated.

Yes, because most any organ transplant is going to weaken your immune system for a while, that isnt something that is new. But no, I think the operative part of the story is that his lungs were destroyed (either by covid or something else, we dont know), so glossing over that fact to blame it on the vaccine seems pretty convenient.
So wait, did he need a lung transplant because of covid? But we are going to somehow blame this on the vaccine and not the fact that covid destroyed his lungs?
Yes, considering many people recovered before vaccines were available for their age group. But even if not ...

Your argument is what we call a self-fulfiling prophecy. He's already recovered, there was no reason to increase his health risk by giving him a vaccine. I hope he sues for malpractice, because this is one perfect example why one should never push vaccines (or medicines for that matter) where they increase health risk of a patient.

@Boston.Knight is trying to point out the obvious, and the total issue with politicians interfering with the 'do no harm' ethos of doctors.

That's dumb policy, and then there's deadly policy of over-riding the political decisions of what was correct for the patient. This wasn't just dumb as ****, but actually deadly.

Sorry, but anyone advocating this is just asking for plausible malpractice lawsuit should something go wrong.
Yes, considering many people recovered before vaccines were available for their age group. But even if not ...

Your argument is what we call a self-fulfiling prophecy. He's already recovered, there was no reason to increase his health risk by giving him a vaccine. I hope he sues for malpractice, because this is one perfect example why one should never push vaccines (or medicines for that matter) where they increase health risk of a patient.

@Boston.Knight is trying to point out the obvious, and the total issue with politicians interfering with the 'do no harm' ethos of doctors.

That's dumb policy, and then there's deadly policy of over-riding the political decisions of what was correct for the patient. This wasn't just dumb as ****, but actually deadly.

Sorry, but anyone advocating this is just asking for plausible malpractice lawsuit should something go wrong.
Yeah, and most people who recovered didnt need long transplants either, you guys are just ignoring the fact his lungs were obviously in terrible shape.
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Yeah, and most people who recovered didnt need long transplants either, you guys are just ignoring the fact his lungs were obviously in terrible shape.

Here's the story, FWIW. Apparently they were looking at a lung transplant prior to him catching the virus.
Yeah, and most people who recovered didnt need long transplants either, you guys are just ignoring the fact his lungs were obviously in terrible shape.
Your love of vaccine mandates and other statism has not only allowed you to reach a new level of total asshole logic, but feel justified and even acting like society is benefitting. I've never seen so many people ****ed by that attitude than right now, utterly ignoring medical exceptions and common sense ... and why? Just because.

And you're the guys saying death is on my hands?! It's the people mandating -- and those supporting them -- at utter odds with medical reality that are the cause, not the solution! When did allegedly saving people's lives override actually saving people's lives? This is literally failing the most basic of Libertarian tests.

It's a justification for control, not actual benefit, in fact, it's illiberal logic resulting in harm and no benefit whatsoever. Why? Because we label someone without looking at the details and the individual case. ****'em, they deserved it. Deserved what?! They were clearly at risk, and we pushed a group policy over individual reality.

That's the Soviet system right there, period. Even the European socialists don't do this.
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Your love of vaccine mandates and other statism has not only allowed you to reach a new level of total asshole logic, but feel justified and even acting like society is benefitting. I've never seen so many people ****ed by that attitude than right now, utterly ignoring medical exceptions and common sense ... and why? Just because.

And you're the guys saying death is on my hands?! It's the people mandating -- and those supporting them -- at utter odds with medical reality that are the cause, not the solution! When did allegedly saving people's lives override actually saving people's lives? This is literally failing the most basic of Libertarian tests.

It's a justification for control, not actual benefit, in fact, it's illiberal logic resulting in harm and no benefit whatsoever. Why? Because we label someone without looking at the details and the individual case. ****'em, they deserved it. Deserved what?! They were clearly at risk, and we pushed a group policy over individual reality.

That's the Soviet system right there, period. Even the European socialists don't do this.

I have no idea what this has to do with my post or what the hell you are talking about. I didnt say anything about death being on yours hands, or praising a Russia system, or anything else. I was pointing out the fact you guys are glossing over that this was a guy whose lungs were in terrible shape, and you have absolutely no idea if the vaccine is what caused his death.
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Here's the story, FWIW. Apparently they were looking at a lung transplant prior to him catching the virus.

WHich doesnt change anything in regards to his lungs obviously being in terrible shape, and he obviously had a lot of health issues. It is pure speculation and nothing more to blame his death on the vaccine.
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WHich doesnt change anything in regards to his lungs obviously being in terrible shape, and he obviously had a lot of health issues. It is pure speculation and nothing more to blame his death on the vaccine.
Why can't you understand our point...

That doctors didn't want to introduce any new risks, but because of political - not medical - policy, because we have an unrelenting set of various mandates that doesn't allow for medical exceptions...

It's about ignoring risk, and ****ing people as a result.
Why can't you understand our point...

That doctors didn't want to introduce any new risks, but because of political - not medical - policy, because we have an unrelenting set of various mandates that doesn't allow for medical exceptions...

It's about ignoring risk, and ****ing people as a result.

Good lord dude, my point is that you dont know whether the vaccine is what caused his issue or not. Read the article that crazy posted, this guy unfortunately had a list of medical issues a mile long, so to turn that into the idea that the vaccine is what killed him is complete conjecture. .
Good lord dude, my point is that you dont know whether the vaccine is what caused his issue or not. Read the article that crazy posted, this guy unfortunately had a list of medical issues a mile long, so to turn that into the idea that the vaccine is what killed him is complete conjecture. .
And you missed my point ... it's that he was forced to be vaccinated, despite the risks. 'No exceptions' is killing people. We literally need to stop ignoring medical exemptions.

I.e., the people that should not be vaccinated are still getting vaccinated, and that's where nearly all the complications and even deaths are coming from! If we exclude them, then those statistics would go way down!

But, nope, unlike every other developed nation ... ****'em! No exceptions! 1st jab cause a well-known heart complication that even the Israelis use to grant an exception? Too bad, ****'em! That's the American way!

Stop overriding excemptions!

KnightHatter2020 is in the dungeon telling everyone he is glad SDK is dead from covid and mocking him. Thought it was fitting to add another report of hysteria to the collection. Crazy Mike and 85 are in good company it seems. In fact, I think this one is Mrs. Crazy Mike :rolleyes:

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@nightHatter2020 is in the dungeon telling everyone he is glad SDK is dead from covid and mocking him. Thought it was fitting to add another report of hysteria to the collection. Crazy Mike and 85 are in good company it seems. :rolleyes:

You’re such a fukcing tool that you can’t even get the name right. Give it up dude
You’re an IT loser with no life
Did you pay her for sex or pay for her to leave?
This retard is posting stuff that a poster said about the Dungeon guy that died from COVID over 4 months ago. The post wasn’t even that bad

He’s a little insecure nerd looking for attention He couldn’t even get his handle right. He used someone that posts regularly and is alive 😂
This retard is posting stuff that a poster said about the Dungeon guy that died from COVID over 4 months ago. The post wasn’t even that bad

He’s a little insecure nerd looking for attention He couldn’t even get his handle right. He used someone that posts regularly and is alive 😂
So you paid her to leave. Good call…
Yeah, and most people who recovered didnt need long transplants either, you guys are just ignoring the fact his lungs were obviously in terrible shape.
So wouldn’t making him wait to treat a problem that might happen but is not likely while ignoring his very real primary problem malpractice? I mean, it’s like going in for a gunshot wound but they won’t treat you because you’re not vaccinated. They greatly increased his chance of death treating a condition that he did not have and wasn’t likely to get. And he died while waiting for a treatment for something that he didn’t have because they didn’t treat his primary and big red problem issue that he did have first. It’s absolute horseshit and anyone that defends it has lost their mind.
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Imagine still calling it a "bad cold" when it killed a 30 something year old member of this board, and very nearly killed Wayne.

You people are too goddamn stupid to live. We are watching Darwin in action.
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Imagine still calling it a "bad cold" when it killed a 30 something year old member of this board, and very nearly killed Wayne.

You people are too goddamn stupid to live. We are watching Darwin in action.
Darwin took out SCK. Weird that you would invoke his name in this particular case.
Another good one, Merck’s molnupiravir high risk to make cov2 into a superbug. Stuff doesn’t even work, causes cancer and birth defects, but docs are already rx’ing like candy. 💰🤦‍♀️

We have got to be near a top of peak vaccine insanity. 30% awake is now 45% awake as everyone vaccinated gets covid. Pandemic of unvaccinated is a dead narrative as Fauci and all the Federal lapdogs pivot and flip

I think they know a losing hand when they see one. Next will be molnupiravir and paxlovin time to bank coin.

We have got to be near a top of peak vaccine insanity. 30% awake is now 45% awake as everyone vaccinated gets covid. Pandemic of unvaccinated is a dead narrative as Fauci and all the Federal lapdogs pivot and flip

I think they know a losing hand when they see one. Next will be molnupiravir and paxlovin time to bank coin.

This is what happens when you blend politics with Healthcare. It cannot be about personal health with politicians, it's about a one-size-fits-all public health approach. Plus, they love the control. That's just the nature of the business.

In order for you to enter the museum that will explain to you what "papers please" means, you will have to show your papers, please.
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@Boston.Knight you have time to play idiot doctor on Twitter, but no time to respond to our repeated requests about just how wrong you were about gold.

Everyone else: Boston is suffering from an actual medical condition. He believes every single conspiracy theory out there, from chemtrails to flat earth to vaccines cause autism. He has been shilling gold for a decade, and he suffered at least 350 THOUSAND dollars in lost gains because he fell for a conspiracy theory about money.

If you trust him with your financials, you will lose your life savings. If you trust him with your health, you will lose your life. Just ask @spacecoastknight (oh wait, you can't, because he was a 30 something year old unvaccinated knight fan who died from covid).