Yes, when I defend Obama, I'm an idiot in the eyes of Conservatives.
And when I defend Trump, I'm an idiot I'm the eyes of Progressives.
That's why I really only care about critically thinking Liberals and Classic Liberals (pre-'70s Repblicans).
The media isn't the problem. One president being a bumbling moron and the other president being a consummate statesman is the real issue.
Have you ever heard one of Trump's full speeches, or just the sound bites? Both Obama and Trump read from teleprompters.
The difference is what the media plays.
Fox easily made Obama sound like a partisan asshat at times. The same is now true of Trump in the US media.
Perfect example: The US media is obsessed why Tillerson didn't come out and say whether he called Trump a "moron" to Pence.
Key point: The US media would not only be even more obsessed if Tillerson did deny it as he took the time to address it, but several generals called Obama similar things.
Trump's only, differentiating problem is Twitter. But his sound bites are constantly taken out-of-context, just like Fox used to take Obama's.