Trump just banned US cruise ships to Cuba

With an influx of American investors, Cuba has the potential to become the crown jewel of the Caribbean Islands. The growth in tourism would spark a wave of Capitalism and wealth that would literally change the lives of millions of Cubans and create a 'Must See' tourist destination for people throughout our country and abroad.

So, clearly, we can all agree that Trump was right to change course from the Obama Administration and keep the place a 3rd World sh*thole.

Your first paragraph was spot on. But your second paragraph is missing context. Why would we think that Cuba will ever become a thriving capitalist society when they align themselves with communist dictators? We aren't doing anything to make them into a third world shithole, they are.
I'm not saying it would happen overnight. But things have a way of changing when you put more money in people's hands.
Why do you do that? Selectively editing quotes to respond to isn't cool. I'm not saying that you changed the context, just curious why you edited my post instead of leaving it in its entirety?
Why do you do that? Selectively editing quotes to respond to isn't cool. I'm not saying that you changed the context, just curious why you edited my post instead of leaving it in its entirety?

Bro: real talk here: lay off the stupid juice.

Your IQ has tanked at least 20 points in the last 48 hours, I'm not sure what happened but holy shit it's pathetic.

DS didn't "selectively edit your quote" he showed which parts he is responding to. How does this need to be explained??? He's not pulling an 85 and actually changing your words to make it sound like you said something you didn't. This is like message board 101 stuff.
Bro: real talk here: lay off the stupid juice.

Your IQ has tanked at least 20 points in the last 48 hours, I'm not sure what happened but holy shit it's pathetic.

DS didn't "selectively edit your quote" he showed which parts he is responding to. How does this need to be explained??? He's not pulling an 85 and actually changing your words to make it sound like you said something you didn't. This is like message board 101 stuff.
Removing the 2nd half of a statement and then inserting the punctuation is selectively editing something. You really are a lost individual.
Removing the 2nd half of a statement and then inserting the punctuation is selectively editing something. You really are a lost individual.

You've gone from chugging stupid juice to butt chugging idiot water.

Holy shit we are witnessing the downfall of one of the once most average WC posters into yet another idiot red hat. Sad.
You've gone from chugging stupid juice to butt chugging idiot water.

Holy shit we are witnessing the downfall of one of the once most average WC posters into yet another idiot red hat. Sad.
At least I was average at one point. Something you should aspire towards.
Why do you do that? Selectively editing quotes to respond to isn't cool. I'm not saying that you changed the context, just curious why you edited my post instead of leaving it in its entirety?
You asked a question -- which I highlighted and then answered.
From Ninja: "You've gone from chugging stupid juice to butt chugging idiot water."

I have to say this one-liner was pretty funny. I gotta wonder if Airman Professor First Class Ninja is going through drill school.
Okay, I'll try again...

Why would we think that Cuba will ever become a thriving capitalist society when they align themselves with communist dictators?
Money has a way of changing the equation inside a communist regime---particularly for a poor country that experiences an infusion of big money from tourism.
Okay, I'll try again...

Money has a way of changing the equation inside a communist regime---particularly for a poor country that experiences an infusion of big money from tourism.

See, this is total nonsense. Utter nonsense.

Cuba has HAD a huge influx of tourism dollars for years now from Europe, Canada, and elsewhere. It hasn't change things a bit, aside from very marginal changes around the edges that were ONLY done since the State was failing so badly and had to make some reforms.

The only thing tourism income does for Cuba is prop up the Communist Regime and assure it's long term survival.
Okay, I'll try again...

Money has a way of changing the equation inside a communist regime---particularly for a poor country that experiences an infusion of big money from tourism.

You can go to any of a dozen other Caribbean countries and see that tourism dollars tend to stay with the rich (often not even on that island).... and the rest of the country is still a 3rd world craphole.

Cuba would be exactly the same.
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You can go to any of a dozen other Caribbean countries and see that tourism dollars tend to stay with the rich (often not even on that island).... and the rest of the country is still a 3rd world craphole.
Money helps raise the standard of living. All those resorts need laborers. I'm thinking a regular paycheck is better than no paycheck at all.
Money helps raise the standard of living. All those resorts need laborers. I'm thinking a regular paycheck is better than no paycheck at all.

Jesus dude. You are here still arguing this point while demonstrating that you have no idea how a communist system works and what actually goes on in Cuba. Those workers don't get jack shit from tourism or people spending money there - the Castro regimes does, and then they decide what scraps to funnel down the system to these people.

Those resorts exist and operate with the permission and at the discretion of the regime. Everyone working there is working for the Castros.

The fact that you think a worker in Cuba is in pretty much the same economic system as a worker in the Bahamas tells me just how ignorant you are here.
Jesus dude. You are here still arguing this point while demonstrating that you have no idea how a communist system works and what actually goes on in Cuba. Those workers don't get jack shit from tourism or people spending money there - the Castro regimes does, and then they decide what scraps to funnel down the system to these people.

Those resorts exist and operate with the permission and at the discretion of the regime. Everyone working there is working for the Castros.

The fact that you think a worker in Cuba is in pretty much the same economic system as a worker in the Bahamas tells me just how ignorant you are here.
Here's the rub:. Those resorts are going to still exist because there are plenty of other nations that are ok with their citizens spending money there. What they have in place will not change unless the people there are exposed to something new and different, which is what we can present to them.
Republicans – “We hate big government. I don’t want the gov’t telling me how to live my life”

Republicans – “Thank you Trump for BANNING Americans from traveling to Cuba. Americans shouldn’t have the FREEDOM to visit whatever country they want.”
Here's the rub:. Those resorts are going to still exist because there are plenty of other nations that are ok with their citizens spending money there. What they have in place will not change unless the people there are exposed to something new and different, which is what we can present to them.
Canada has been warning against such for while now, especially with further incidents in January and March of this year.

Republicans – “We hate big government. I don’t want the gov’t telling me how to live my life”
Republicans – “Thank you Trump for BANNING Americans from traveling to Cuba. Americans shouldn’t have the FREEDOM to visit whatever country they want.”
Actually, it's due to 'smaller government.'

"Cubans were dismayed on Thursday to learn the X embassy in Havana was no longer processing visa applications due to staffing cutbacks over unexplained health incidents among X and Y diplomats in the Cuban capital.
X, which in January reduced its embassy to skeletal staffing, announced on Wednesday it would no longer process applications for visitor and residence visas or work and study permits."

Y = US

Who is the X? ;)

im not sure this was the right thing to do ... i was pissed when they did something to our people at the embassy.
First off, it's still happening. The Canadians have had incidents reports in January and March.

That's why the Canadians have reduced staff as well. They are no longer issuing outbound visas for the same reasons, and have been warning their own about traveling to Cuba. This has 0 to do with Trump.
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Republicans – “We hate big government. I don’t want the gov’t telling me how to live my life”

Republicans – “Thank you Trump for BANNING Americans from traveling to Cuba. Americans shouldn’t have the FREEDOM to visit whatever country they want.”

Let’s just take a moment to recognize that not only does this idiot say stupid stuff, but we now have a “GatorBull” on our fuking site

The Nebraska folks are one thing but this is a level of feces too low

And of course, the Gator/Bull is a supremely dumb liberal
And of course, the Gator/Bull is a supremely dumb liberal
He's a new age Progressive, not a Liberal. At least Liberals don't leave half, the important half, out of a debate. He makes the US News Media proud.

Nobody cares about the people working in your planned parenthood office
I'm actually Pro-Choice, Pro-Planned Parenthood (although PP using funds to bus kids to borderline anti-2nd Amendment rallies is going to undermine their position, along with other hypocrisy), but damn this had me on the ground laughing.
He's a new age Progressive, not a Liberal. At least Liberals don't leave half, the important half, out of a debate. He makes the US News Media proud.

I'm actually Pro-Choice, Pro-Planned Parenthood (although PP using funds to bus kids to borderline anti-2nd Amendment rallies is going to undermine their position, along with other hypocrisy), but damn this had me on the ground laughing.
You’re a libertarian who is in favor of the government funded Planned Parenthood. Even taking the abortion issue out of the equation, you should not be for this organization that is so intertwined with Congress.
You’re a libertarian who is in favor of the government funded Planned Parenthood.
Say what?

If I had my way, we'd cut all public funding, and that means to a lot of things too. I only supported Planned Parenthood getting some of the public money because they used to be limited on what that funding was for, and they used to put it to good use, when a lot of other organizations were 'questionable' -- and the money was appropriated any way.

Planned Parenthood has lost my support for public funding the second they started busing kids to anti-2nd Amendment rallies. They have really f'd up this decade, and are no longer a good organization.

I only support their right to exist, and I support Roe v. Wade. But they are chronically f'ing up.

Even taking the abortion issue out of the equation, you should not be for this organization that is so intertwined with Congress.
I am for what they represent, just like I'm for what the NRA represents. But both have been f'ing up, repeatedly.

At least the USCCA is far more powerful than the NRA, and far better with their messages. But I fully expect they will 'be the next target' as they still sell that (demonization)killer insurance(demonization), and have gotten more laws passed than the NRA this decade.
Just heard from a family member of a tourist bus driver in Cuba

She said that her brother got a few measly dollars in tips and that the government keeps EVERY bit of tourist dollars that came from Americans visiting

What a shocker

That Trump is such a meanie!!
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