Trump the dictator


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
Remember when everybody was saying Trump was going to be a dictator? It seems like with all of the panic he could declare a state of emergency and cancel/postpone elections. Why hasn't he taken this extreme measure of protecting the american people yet?
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Old person as they gasp their last breath after voting and catching coronavirus: socialissssssmmmm

We can't let this happen. We must protect our elders from electioncoronavirus
lol look at who responded to push the lie again. The derangement is off the charts.

No one with a non-senile mind would fail to understand that he was talking about their reaction and blame game, NOT the virus.

Please continue with your delusions.
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lol look at who responded to push the lie again. The derangement is off the charts.

No one with a non-senile mind would fail to understand that he was talking about their reaction and blame game, NOT the virus.

Please continue with your delusions.
Not only responded, but responded with a highly edited clip intended to serve confirmation bias and nothing else.
No one with a non-senile mind would fail to understand that he was talking about their reaction and blame game, NOT the virus.
Trump said it was the Democrats’ latest hoax. Everyone with a “non-senile mind” would know that using the word ‘hoax’ to describe the concerns being raised about his Administration’s handling of a health crisis was as inappropriate (screw PC: as sick and disgusting) as it gets. Jesus, this is the POTUS for crying out loud!
Trump said it was the Democrats’ latest hoax. Everyone with a “non-senile mind” would know that using the word ‘hoax’ to describe the concerns being raised about his Administration’s handling of a health crisis was as inappropriate (screw PC: as sick and disgusting) as it gets. Jesus, this is the POTUS for crying out loud!

You and the other lunatics on here simply want this to be true. It’s not.
Here is Snopes, calling you an imbecile and correctly asserting he did not call the virus itself a hoax

Yeah, let's be clear: Trump's hoax was regarding the widespread concerns being raised about his Administration's handling of the virus. Does that somehow make it BETTER??!?

Trump acted at that rally like he's stopped the virus at the border, congratulated himself on zero deaths (uh, at the time), and talked about the "mass hysteria" of the media. Using the word "hoax" while discussing a health crisis is mindboggingly stupid, particularly from a guy who is SUPPOSED to be our leader. What kind of responsible leader would say something like that?

Defend this kind of irresponsible language all you want. But it doesn't change the fact that some people went to public events and got the virus because they'd heard the virus was a hoax. Gee, I wonder where that got THAT from?
While on the subject of Snopes, I found an answer to my question.
Snopes: It’s true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others.


Yeah, let's be clear: Trump's hoax was regarding the widespread concerns being raised about his Administration's handling of the virus. Does that somehow make it BETTER??!?

Trump acted at that rally like he's stopped the virus at the border, congratulated himself on zero deaths (uh, at the time), and talked about the "mass hysteria" of the media. Using the word "hoax" while discussing a health crisis is mindboggingly stupid, particularly from a guy who is SUPPOSED to be our leader. What kind of responsible leader would say something like that?

Defend this kind of irresponsible language all you want. But it doesn't change the fact that some people went to public events and got the virus because they'd heard the virus was a hoax. Gee, I wonder where that got THAT from?

You are now just projecting endlessly. Just be a man for once in your life and admit that you lied and you’re wrong.
Just be a man for once in your life and admit that you lied and you’re wrong.