Trump to Intelligence Community: "You're Idiots"

They've shipped our manufacturing off to third-world countries to make more profits. They've practically frozen wages for the vast majority of Americans for the last 35+ years. They've cut pensions, health care, and other benefits. They've taken trillions of dollars from the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Government...

while they have record GDP, record profits, record salaries for their executives, and record stock prices...

and we need to cut their taxes and regulations so they will actually let that money finally start trickling down to the vast majority of Americans?

LOL. Like I said earlier: your point would be much easier to believe if it didn't have 35+ years of history to make it so laughable.

Why are you against making things in Mexico? Why are you such a RACIST? Don't Mexicans deserve jobs too? Your xenophobia is disgusting.

But LOL at your other points. They didn't "freeze wages". There is no such thing in the private sector, numbnuts. You pay people in accordance with your demand for those skills and the availability of labor to do that. If you have 20 open positions and 1,000 people applying with skills that will do, guess what? You aren't going to overpay for filling those spots. On the other hands, wages have skyrocketed for people with skills that meet the new needs of the economy.

This is why, despite your crying, Trump is going to pass tax repatriation for corporations that comes with a stipulation: you must invest in America and support investments that will support jobs. In other words, they won't be able to bring money back at a 5% tax just to hoard it, as the current liberal SJW's in the tech industry are doing.

You also still don't understand that stock prices are 100% tied to the Federal Reserve. Cheap money = inflated asset prices. Yet you still love the Fed policies.

Being the avowed socialist you are, I know you don't understand how business works. That's ok. Just understand that people who actually do understand all agree that major tax reform is needed and a new regulatory agenda is needed. Companies will invest cash domestically when there is opportunity to do so, not because socialists are whining about inequality.