as someone intimately familiar with the subject, this is blatantly false. there is no plethora of Mexican Engineering graduates working manual labor. even if there were, the concept of someone willingly making $8/hr when they have the education requirement to make ~$80-100k/year flies in the face of reality at Mach 1 speed.
but lets pretend its not. if energy companies knew there was a bevy of Engineering talent willing to make less than ~$20k/year this would've been capitalized on long ago.
No offense, but I feel like you're talking about a personal anecdote based on probably one person. I worked in a restaurant with a kid from Mexico about the same age as me in 2015. Said he had an Engineering degree. Dug a little deeper, turned out he studied Engineering at IPN for a year or so before deciding to come to America. Kept in touch with the fella all these years because it helps me stay brushed up on my Spanish. He moved back to Mexico, doesn't have to work a day in his life, never did because his family is ridiculously loaded.
Now that's a helluva story, don't you think? A true one too, but certainly not enough to say "this is how it is for all Mexicans".