TV news reporter and cameraman shot and killed during live broadcast in VA


Todd's Tiki Bar
Oct 19, 2006

"A TV news reporter and cameraman were killed Wednesday morning in a shooting captured in a live broadcast, and the gunman remains at large, police said.

The scene of sudden shock and horror at a pedestrian plaza in Moneta, Va. was captured during a routine news story on WBDJ, a station in Roanake.

In the video, reporter Alison Parker is interviewing a woman at Bridgewater Plaza about tourism in the area. As they talk, about seven shots ring out, as Parker and the woman scream and take cover."
So I heard the VA governor say they have no background checks for guns? How is that even possible?
Apparently the shooter posted a video he took of the shooting on facebook. SMH

No, I have not seen it... And no, I have no desire to find it.
Apparently the shooter posted a video he took of the shooting on facebook. SMH

No, I have not seen it... And no, I have no desire to find it.

You won't have the opportunity, stuff goes up & is immediately taken down...

Amazing to see social media scrub the the shooters stuff since this story doesn't fit any lame stream media/social conditioning narratives, so it's gotta go...
...and the white mans defense to all of this? Pussification this. Black man is a racist. You think your ancestors from two generations ago would let this go by? They'd burn the city down, find this guy and drag him to the nearest tree.

Can you depart the Cooler already? There are trolls on here who are at least ironic or humorous from time to time; you're just severely annoying.
Watch how fast the media will label this murderer "sick" Instead of being a racist. What symbol can we get rid of because of this?
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Its virginia. I hope the shooter doesn't have a high school name after him. Julianne Moore won't like it.

This sucks. Both of them were just getting there lives started and were engaged to other people. The irony is that this is the type of tragedy that their line of business feeds on.
Watch how fast the media will label this murderer "sick" Instead of being a racist. What symbol can we get rid of because of this?
yeah but just because you are racist doesnt mean you shoot two people and then shoot yourself...if you have no fear of taking your own life, even if you are religious you are sick...there is something in your brain that is ignoring every basic instinct that every animal on this planet has that it wants to survive...

the only exception I can think of is selfless people protecting other people (parent protecting their child, soldier protecting other soldiers)

so yeah, ill go with sick on this...if he had just killed those people and didnt kill himself, i could see racist...
It is a sad world we live in..

How long until the next mass shooting.. something needs to change,
We cannot live in a society where everyone has to be chained for the protection of others..
yeah but just because you are racist doesnt mean you shoot two people and then shoot yourself...if you have no fear of taking your own life, even if you are religious you are sick...there is something in your brain that is ignoring every basic instinct that every animal on this planet has that it wants to survive...

the only exception I can think of is selfless people protecting other people (parent protecting their child, soldier protecting other soldiers)

so yeah, ill go with sick on this...if he had just killed those people and didnt kill himself, i could see racist...
Won't argue that, it's meant to more of a news thing. Remember how fast the Charleston shootings were labeled racist(which it obviously was). Now in my mind being racist is a sign of mental illness but Dillon Roof's state of mind was never considered, he was racist and he was racist because of the confederate flag.

This piece of shit goes off and shoots two people, writes about how he wants a race war and he is being called a disgruntled employee. It is simply amazing.

Want to know why Donald Trump is leading in the polls, not because he is a great candidate or even a decent human being, he is leading because he does not play games with his words. People are tired of political correctness. Let's call this murder what it was, an assassination by a black guy who did not like white people.
Businesses are going to take a hit with this as well. His job history is going to bank roll some legislation that adds couseling/grief treatment to unemployment costs for businesses.
Won't argue that, it's meant to more of a news thing. Remember how fast the Charleston shootings were labeled racist(which it obviously was). Now in my mind being racist is a sign of mental illness but Dillon Roof's state of mind was never considered, he was racist and he was racist because of the confederate flag.

This piece of shit goes off and shoots two people, writes about how he wants a race war and he is being called a disgruntled employee. It is simply amazing.

Want to know why Donald Trump is leading in the polls, not because he is a great candidate or even a decent human being, he is leading because he does not play games with his words. People are tired of political correctness. Let's call this murder what it was, an assassination by a black guy who did not like white people.

You do realize he didn't just hate white people right?
It came out today from BATF that the guy passed not 1 but 2 background checks, one on a Federal level and one run by Virginia itself, and completed the 1 week waiting period that Virginia has. The guy had no prior felonies, arrests, and no diagnosed history of mental health issues from a medical professional.

He also sat around for 2 months after purchasing his pistol, planning how to use the weapon of social media to glorify his murder.

So I'd be very curious how Hillary Clinton and the other people who rush to Twitter after events like this would have stopped this with "new gun laws". Other than insisting Pre-Crime is actually real and can be applied to every gun sale, I'd love to hear how this could have been mitigated as she and Obama claimed yesterday.
It came out today from BATF that the guy passed not 1 but 2 background checks, one on a Federal level and one run by Virginia itself, and completed the 1 week waiting period that Virginia has. The guy had no prior felonies, arrests, and no diagnosed history of mental health issues from a medical professional.

He also sat around for 2 months after purchasing his pistol, planning how to use the weapon of social media to glorify his murder.

So I'd be very curious how Hillary Clinton and the other people who rush to Twitter after events like this would have stopped this with "new gun laws". Other than insisting Pre-Crime is actually real and can be applied to every gun sale, I'd love to hear how this could have been mitigated as she and Obama claimed yesterday.
Obviously since he went through legal measures to obtain the gun, if we simply made it illegal to obtain the gun, none of this would have happened.
Yes, I can't track political leanings for everyone and there are people on this board who would say what you did with a straight face.
Did he say it with a gay face? I can't keep track of everyone's sexual leanings.

These types of killings are have a deeper root in our culture than just the access to guns. I think that is obvious. Gun laws are a band-aid on a gaping head wound. The problems that cause killings are spirtual, mental, economical and educational just to name a few. This argument is very nuanced and difficult to make and I'm on a phone and too lazy/not informed enough to do it.
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