UCF mercilessly trolls College Football Playoff after perfect season

The more they get beat down the better. the nonsense of ranked opponents is dumb. Memphis , USF, and Navy were ranked during the season. UCF went 4-0 against those schools.
While mighty Ala beat a ranked FSu who ended up 6-5 with 2 wins over 1aa schools. Lost to Auburn, and maybe beat another low ranking top 25.
The more they get beat down the better. the nonsense of ranked opponents is dumb. Memphis , USF, and Navy were ranked during the season. UCF went 4-0 against those schools.
While mighty Ala beat a ranked FSu who ended up 6-5 with 2 wins over 1aa schools. Lost to Auburn, and maybe beat another low ranking top 25.

Hey! Mississippi State was a resume building win! Also they had a great quality loss!
Pundits: "UCF: You only beat a 3-loss team so you don't deserve anything."
Same Pundits: "Bama and UGA lost to Auburn but those are quality losses."
The rest of the world: "What??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
circular logic to explain the illogicial...

See what College education can do for you...
The more they get beat down the better. the nonsense of ranked opponents is dumb. Memphis , USF, and Navy were ranked during the season. UCF went 4-0 against those schools.
While mighty Ala beat a ranked FSu who ended up 6-5 with 2 wins over 1aa schools. Lost to Auburn, and maybe beat another low ranking top 25.