Warren finally apologized to the Cherokee tribe for being a phony

odd that the people being investigated did the inaugurations for several past presidents and wasnt investigated then. almost like they looked the other way before but suddenly there is a witch hunt for all things trump.

this wouldnt be another one of those double standards would it?
Yeah I'm sure it's just all made up just like the Russia investigation that has created dozens of indictments.

"I'm not a tribal citizen," the Massachusetts Democrat told reporters. "My apology is an apology for not having been more sensitive about tribal citizenship and tribal sovereignty. I really want to underline the point, tribes and only tribes determine tribal citizenship."

It was at least the third time in a week that Warren – who is part of the large Democratic field running to unseat President Donald Trump in 2020 – has apologized for her past self-identification.

"I can’t go back," Warren told the Post in response to the story about her Texas bar registration. "But I am sorry for furthering confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and harm that resulted."

more salt for that crow.
Okay, let's get this straight ... (pretending to be Warren)
  • For 7 years, I didn't bother to talk to the Cherokee Nation at all
  • Instead, I used the backing of the US media that I was right
  • This is why I eventually ordered the DNA test, and proved I was Cherokee
  • That's when the Cherokee nation finally came to me
  • Not only because far less than 1/16th, but between 1/64 - 1/1,024
  • But a Cherokee is about membership and involvement
  • Including having to be far more Cherokee in the first place
  • And now I feel like a total idiot for not talking to them before
  • Because I not only do I not qualify as a Cherokee by genetics
  • But even if I did, I would still have to apply to be a member, and involved
  • Including understand all of their cultures and traditions, as a member
This is exactly why all sorts of minorities get pissed at white people, because it's about the creeds and cultures, not just the genetics! The genetics are just the 'front door.'

Warren couldn't even enter the house, and was continually ignorant ... for 7 years. Why? Because the US media didn't hold her accountable at all, and focused on Trump.

Finally the DNA test make it enough of an issue for the Cherokee Nation, and then went to her.
Yeah I'm sure it's just all made up just like the Russia investigation that has created dozens of indictments.
none of which are tied to actual russian collusion. im ok with people breaking the law and going to jail. i think youve put too many eggs in the russian collusion basket though. i dont think anything is going to come out of the investigation.
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none of which are tied to actual russian collusion. im ok with people breaking the law and going to jail. i think youve put too many eggs in the russian collusion basket though. i dont think anything is going to come out of the investigation.
I think some things will come out. But so far, we have nothing, absolutely nothing, than a pornstar and some money, as well as a building investment in a foreign country with no back stratching ties.

Kinda sounds like a repeat from Travelgate and Whitewater to Monica and others. Nothing to do with the other. As always ... we'll see.
none of which are tied to actual russian collusion. im ok with people breaking the law and going to jail. i think youve put too many eggs in the russian collusion basket though. i dont think anything is going to come out of the investigation.
Roger Stone indictment isn't tied to Russian collusion? That's fantastic.
I think some things will come out. But so far, we have nothing, absolutely nothing, than a pornstar and some money, as well as a building investment in a foreign country with no back stratching ties.

Kinda sounds like a repeat from Travelgate and Whitewater to Monica and others. Nothing to do with the other. As always ... we'll see.
Roger Stone is alleged to have communicated directly with Wikileaks to release illegally hacked emails that they got from Russia within 20 min of the Access Hollywood tape releasing and was told good job in a text from a trump campaign official immediately after the email dump.

Seem like nothing?
Donald Trump Jr met directly with Russian spy in Trump Tower to obtain illegally obtained dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Several people lied to congress about the ongoing negotiations of a Trump Tower in Moscow where Trump was supposedly given special financing deals to disrupt American politics.

Illegal campaign contributions were made and have been prosecuted

The NRA donated 30 Million dollars to Donald Trump. More than it ever had previously. The NRA also was infiltrated by a Russian spy who is currently in prison. Russian oligarchs also made multi million dollar donations to the NRA allegedly laundering that money to Donald Trump.

Russia was publicly named as the source of election interference and Donald Trump went on TV and said he believed Putin over his own IC.

Trump administration has failed to implement unanimous sanctions repeatedly and has actually lifted existing sanctions against companies owned by Russian oligarchs with no obvious reason to do so.

Trump met with Putin alone with no aides and destroyed all notes from the meeting afterwards. His staff still doesn't know what was discussed.

Nothing to see here. Taxes taxes taxes.
But tell me more about Liz Warrens great grandmother. That's going to be hard for dems to deal with. Haha
I’m insulting Asians and dealing in cultural aproppriation if I eat sushi but Liz Warren pretending to be Native American for decades to get ahead in life as a white person is A-OK

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This is exactly why all sorts of minorities get pissed at white people, because it's about the creeds and cultures, not just the genetics! The genetics are just the 'front door.'

Correct. We at the black delegation recently voted unanimously to extend membership to Gregg Poppovich and Michael Rappaport.
It should be pointed out that there are a whole lot of families across the country who are being forced to 'reassess' the oral histories that have been passed down to them over the generations based on the new DNA technology being used by companies like

The wife and I watched a genealogy show last night where George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones writer) discovered that he had zero Irish American blood after believing all of his life that he had a strong Irish American heritage.
LOL If only I had your iron balls, right? :)

First, I don't give a sh*t about Warren. She's the 2020 Presidential campaign's version of Gary Hart and Edmund Muskie.

Second, I'm supposed to believe you are concerned about leaders lying now? :rolleyes:
Let me get this straight:
Trump claims that Warren's native american heritage is bullsh*t and says he'll donate a million dollars to the charity of her choosing if she proves it...
Warren has a DNA test that proves she was right all along.....
Trump now says he never made the bet...
But Warren is "the biggest lying sack of poo on the face of the Earth"? Ooooooookay. [eyeroll]

I'm genuinely sorry for you if you believe Warren 'got ahead' because of the Indian heritage on her mother's side of the family. That lady has EARNED what she's gotten--as opposed to our blowhard, Richie Rich President.

Any reasonable person not clouded by partisanship would know that Elizabeth Warren got where she is today from where she started out in rural Oklahoma based on her abilities. She was told that her parents weren't allowed to marry because her mother was...gasp..."part injun." Turns out her racist future in-laws were, in fact, correct.

But, by all means, spin a new story that fits your narrative. We certainly wouldn't want 'a phony' running for President, right? :)

You gotta love the spins here. After the DNA test, the Usual Suspects flipped from: 'She's a liar---she's not part Indian' to 'She's mostly White.' :)

you still cant even admit you were wrong and move on.

you still cant even admit you were wrong and move on.

1/1024 is not American Indian heritage and claiming so is an embarrassment. Half of white are more native American than her.

Let it go. You're wrong so move on.
1/1024 is not American Indian heritage and claiming so is an embarrassment. Half of white are more native American than her.

Let it go. You're wrong so move on.
warren decided to leave her own sinking ship. dashuckster fancies himself the new captain for some odd reason. he has a history of doing this with the covington kids as well.

its pretty funny to watch it all unfold
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you just made me laugh out loud at work. thank you, really.

nothing like being stuck in a hole and continuing to dig deeper.
You have owned that trog @DaShuckster time and time again. He owes @fabknight an apology for wrongly accusing him.

As for Elizabeth "Fakeahontas" Warren, let us welcome her. She attracts just enough following to play the role of the commie from Vermont Bernie Sanders circa 2016. Ross Perot twice. All these people who are so convinced of their correctness simply do more to divide a party that, within, is far more cracked than it might seem. When districts become so clogged with one ethnic group of 'true believers' that they elect sjw commie fools such as Ocasio-Gomez, we can only hope that this sort of split continues. Then wait for the primary season and the blood flow. This year the Republican party, like him or not, already has a candidate so can work only for his reelection rather than try to find a candidate that has some possibility to even make a showing in a general election. Just now, who is there that has any wide spread appeal? I think we can eliminate such public figures as Maxine Waters or Sheila Jackson Lee....Let the effete of San Francisco keep electing Nancy, she's increasingly mired in idiots in her own party whom she cannot control.

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