We better beat CU 😂

Not so ashamed of my recent beliefs that college is useless for many jobs. Useful for some, but what's driving the future, college is almost useless. I wish it was otherwise, but if you want to get into AI etc. and you go to college you're learning what others knew 2-5 years ago. It just is not suited for many future jobs.
I hear North Korea and China have some nice places, I still think they’re horrible countries does that mean I too have “horrible” taste?
Sounds as though you are only comparing ideologies and politics.
I was looking at moving out there but would have to get a job in Cheyenne so that’s a welcomed post lol
Just remember the entire population of the state is less that 600,000 which is smaller than many cities in other states. It's a different lifestyle and often a different way of thinking. Also remember that Colorado is far more liberal than Wyoming.
Just remember the entire population of the state is less that 600,000 which is smaller than many cities in other states. It's a different lifestyle and often a different way of thinking. Also remember that Colorado is far more liberal than Wyoming.
Yea I was thinking living in north Colorado and commuting to Cheyenne if they let me do a hybrid work schedule. It’s either that or New England!
It would be like comparing Jabba the Hut to Trump supporters. If you ever want to see a group of morbidly obese people go to a Trump rally. They should advertise blood pressure meds.
And you are telling me there are no fat people at a Harris rally? Come on now.
And you are telling me there are no fat people at a Harris rally? Come on now.
Anyone that goes to a rally and puts their faith in a politician is fat and dumb. Lucy is going to keep pulling that football, Charlie Brown.
Can we bring it back to beating Colorado? I have been there a few times . Pretty country. It's expensive in many places, but where isn't these days?

I want UCF to beat Colorado mainly because I want this to be our year . I want to beat Utah too but Utah is a beautiful state.

I think though the underlying rub in all this is the UCF chip I have been carrying all my life. I am sick of all the naysayers and such who count us out and put us down. We need to punk Colorado to earn respect and take our place atop the conference. We need to give Deion heart ache . We need to own the Bounce House . That's why we need to win.
UCF is a big diverse campus too ..we aren’t culturally like Ole Miss
I don't think you meant any ill will with your comment, Poolside, so I don't intend to bash what you said. However, I will say that I'm not a believer in diversity being a strength (not saying it's a weakness, either). It doesn't matter what race people are when the conversation is about merit and shared values. UCF could have all white people or all black people or whatever, but what matters most is do the people in a given population agree on some basic good values? Are those people in the positions they're in based on their abilities, their accomplishments, and not any factors that they can't control such as race or sex? Diversity of race is interesting, but it shouldn't be used as a standard by which we determine a university's worth. That's my two cents on that.
I don't think you meant any ill will with your comment, Poolside, so I don't intend to bash what you said. However, I will say that I'm not a believer in diversity being a strength (not saying it's a weakness, either). It doesn't matter what race people are when the conversation is about merit and shared values. UCF could have all white people or all black people or whatever, but what matters most is do the people in a given population agree on some basic good values? Are those people in the positions they're in based on their abilities, their accomplishments, and not any factors that they can't control such as race or sex? Diversity of race is interesting, but it shouldn't be used as a standard by which we determine a university's worth. That's my two cents on that.
You want a diversity of ideas more than diversity of appearance . You want merit and achievement through work and effort. We are in the mess we are in because we dont debate ideas. We shame and blame. I think university faculty have increasingly pushed only one viewpoint. How do we grow and expand as a society when that happens? You push one side long enough it becomes dogma. Free thinking expands knowledge and creativity which then benefits the human experience. That's what universities should be promoting. Many do not and that's just sad and will lead to our decline. Stagnant group think will lead to a stagnating culture .

Let's beat Colorado! We can all agree on this.
I don't think you meant any ill will with your comment, Poolside, so I don't intend to bash what you said. However, I will say that I'm not a believer in diversity being a strength (not saying it's a weakness, either).
Major universities like UCF are, by design, institutions of higher learning. Student diversity is one of their cornerstones.
It doesn't matter what race people are when the conversation is about merit and shared values.
The State of Florida's stance on DEI says otherwise.
Are those people in the positions they're in based on their abilities, their accomplishments, and not any factors that they can't control such as race or sex?
Race and gender -- you know, things individuals can't control -- have historically been admission factors for colleges and universities. Until the 19th century, women were effectively barred from higher education. And it's only been a little over 60 years since Brown v the Board of Education allowed minorities to attend.
Diversity of race is interesting, but it shouldn't be used as a standard by which we determine a university's worth. That's my two cents on that.
47% of UCF's 69,000 student population are Hispanic, Black, Asian, Multiracial, and International. One of the things that separate schools like the University of Central Florida from any podunk small college in Florida or elsewhere is its size and diversity (and that means a whole lot more than race.)

That's my two cents worth.
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