Well, that's good for +2 Republicans come November ...


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
The one person who shouldn't speak up, just did ...

"Clinton says Trump remarks at Kavanaugh swearing-in undermine Supreme Court"

The latest CNN polls show the former more upset with the Democrats, than Republicans, on how the Kavanaugh situation was handled. I'd say independents and moderates will give the Republicans another +2 in November now that the Clintons have spoke.

Talk about the people speaking out when they have had far more credible accusations thrown at them than Kavanaugh, with far greater assault claims!
The one person who shouldn't speak up, just did ...

"Clinton says Trump remarks at Kavanaugh swearing-in undermine Supreme Court"

The latest CNN polls show the former more upset with the Democrats, than Republicans, on how the Kavanaugh situation was handled. I'd say independents and moderates will give the Republicans another +2 in November now that the Clintons have spoke.

Talk about the people speaking out when they have had far more credible accusations thrown at them than Kavanaugh, with far greater assault claims!
beer kavanaugh and frump are the most classless human beings on the planet. They used last night for political gain......with lies of course.
beer kavanaugh and frump are the most classless human beings on the planet. They used last night for political gain......with lies of course.
And the Clintons?

You do understand that #metoo didn't start until 2017, and Hollywood had a good fraction of a century more of sexual assault and extortion than the rest of the nation. Why is that? Hmmm ... did it have something to do with the Clintons still being politically active, and the hypocrisy of Hillary attacking all of Bill's accusers, and with the sexually predatory media industry's money and influence?
And the Clintons?

You do understand that #metoo didn't start until 2017, and Hollywood had a good fraction of a century more of sexual assault and extortion than the rest of the nation. Why is that? Hmmm ... did it have something to do with the Clintons still being politically active, and the hypocrisy of Hillary attacking all of Bill's accusers, and with the sexually predatory media industry's money and influence?
Not a good fraction, an entire century. The casting couch has been a thing since the advent of moving pictures.
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Not a good fraction, an entire century. The casting couch has been a thing since the advent of moving pictures.
Yes, but I meant a good fraction of a century since the rest of the American business culture moved on and finally dealt with it.
Who are you to judge Justice Kavanaugh? He’s never been charged, convicted or even credibly accused of anything. You?
He’s someone ruled by his emotions who falls prey to misinformation and exaggeration.
A woman wrote to me saying that @fried-chicken sexually assaulted her 10 years ago.

Do I have anyone to corroborate? No. But she told me it happened.

@fried-chicken is a rapist

See how that works?
While I strongly refute these claims as I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life I think it's important that the accuser gets closure on their traumatic life altering experience. I welcome a FBI investigation and look forward to helping them in anyway I can.

See how that works?
A woman wrote to me saying that @fried-chicken sexually assaulted her 10 years ago.

Do I have anyone to corroborate? No. But she told me it happened.

@fried-chicken is a rapist

See how that works?
Police roll up on domestic calls regularly where someone makes a false claim of physical abuse. In Florida, if there are signs or battery or a claim of battery, one of the parties is going to jail so that the parties are separated. So, in many of these cases, the officer shows up at the residence and both parties are hostile. The police tell them to calm down and suggest one goes somewhere else. Upon learning that the police aren’t going to do anything, someone says the other hit them. Now, there’s no sign of violence but the claim is made. So the officer reminds them that filing a false report is a crime. But if the accuser presses the issue then someone is now tied up in the criminal justice system over a vindictive lie. It happens all the time, with adults and teens and children.
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While I strongly refute these claims as I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life I think it's important that the accuser gets closure on their traumatic life altering experience. I welcome a FBI investigation and look forward to helping them in anyway I can.

See how that works?
sounds just like a rapist. i dont believe you.
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While I strongly refute these claims as I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life I think it's important that the accuser gets closure on their traumatic life altering experience. I welcome a FBI investigation and look forward to helping them in anyway I can.

See how that works?
Please file a police report and your claims will be investigated. That's how that works.
Police roll up on domestic calls regularly where someone makes a false claim of physical abuse. In Florida, if there are signs or battery or a claim of battery, one of the parties is going to jail so that the parties are separated. So, in many of these cases, the officer shows up at the residence and both parties are hostile. The police tell them to calm down and suggest one goes somewhere else. Upon learning that the police aren’t going to do anything, someone says the other hit them. Now, there’s no sign of violence but the claim is made. So the officer reminds them that filing a false report is a crime. But if the accuser presses the issue then someone is now tied up in the criminal justice system over a vindictive lie. It happens all the time, with adults and teens and children.
^ I've known too many people over the years that have been caught up in this. In a few cases, the women got caught up in a self-fulling lie, after years of re-enforcement from others, and the fact that recanting it would result in them being guilty of a crime.

The system is now setup so even when a woman honestly wants to recant, they literally can't.

Yes, so much violence against women goes under-reported, far more. But the current environment where women don't hold women accountable is part of the reason why this entire issue still continues. This includes in the court system, where women refuse to turn in other women who are taking advantage of ex-husbands in various ways, and falsifying complaints or instigating situations to gain additional, financial advantage.

They need to remove the financial incentives of doing so, and focus on just the criminal aspects.

Once women start holding women accountable, then and only then will get start prosecuting the guilty -- criminally -- and stop destroying the lives of the innocent -- especially the non-criminal, civil/fiscal aspects.
While I strongly refute these claims as I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life I think it's important that the accuser gets closure on their traumatic life altering experience. I welcome a FBI investigation and look forward to helping them in anyway I can.

See how that works?

FBI found nothing but you’re still a rapist because this woman said so.

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While I strongly refute these claims as I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life I think it's important that the accuser gets closure on their traumatic life altering experience. I welcome a FBI investigation and look forward to helping them in anyway I can.
See how that works?
Have you ever been inebriated?
If so, how could you remember what you did?
And decades ago?
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A woman wrote to me saying that @fried-chicken sexually assaulted her 10 years ago.

Do I have anyone to corroborate? No. But she told me it happened.

@fried-chicken is a rapist

See how that works?
sounds just like a rapist. i dont believe you.
FBI found nothing but you’re still a rapist because this woman said so.

Why does @fried-chicken not believe his accuser?

Should we talk about him being a rapist? This woman said so!
Reminder: @fried-chicken is a rapist
These posts are unacceptable and I have collected them here for proper moderation. Thank you.
When is this happening, by the way? Wasn't that a campaign promise?
i agree he totally dropped the ball on going after her. i still wish he would. anyone else wouldve been thrown in a jail cell immediately. i think shes just got too much dirt on everyone, both sides, and no one wants to be dragged down with her.
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i agree he totally dropped the ball on going after her. i still wish he would. anyone else wouldve been thrown in a jail cell immediately. i think shes just got too much dirt on everyone, both sides, and no one wants to be dragged down with her.
Trump said he wasn't going to go after her after he'd won the election. Said the loss was punishment enough. Up until now, she hasn't poked the angry bear too much.
^ I've known too many people over the years that have been caught up in this. In a few cases, the women got caught up in a self-fulling lie, after years of re-enforcement from others, and the fact that recanting it would result in them being guilty of a crime.
When you say youve know too many people, do you agree with this then?

With the cooperation of the police agency of a small metropolitan community, 45 consecutive, disposed, false rape allegations covering a 9 year period were studied. These false rape allegations constitute 41% the total forcible rape cases (n = 109) reported during this period.
While I strongly refute these claims as I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life I think it's important that the accuser gets closure on their traumatic life altering experience. I welcome a FBI investigation and look forward to helping them in anyway I can.

See how that works?
In the mean time you are suspended from work, your family will be harassed and ridiculed in the streets and you and your loved ones are shouted down anywhere in public just for defending yourself. Does that sound like equal justice under the law. Mind you the women accusing you has no proof and no corroborating evidence and can’t really remember the crime itself.
When you say youve know too many people, do you agree with this then?

With the cooperation of the police agency of a small metropolitan community, 45 consecutive, disposed, false rape allegations covering a 9 year period were studied. These false rape allegations constitute 41% the total forcible rape cases (n = 109) reported during this period.
That's an awful high number. I'm guessing that's a statistical outlier when there are more studies conducted. The Pentagon did a study and placed the number closer to 25% for unsupported accusations within it's purview (although that doesn't mean they're all false accusations; a portion of those occurred but there isn't enough evidence). It's still a large number.

The number that isn't true is the 2% number that is bandied around. I believe that came from a group that estimated between 2% and 10% of rape accusations were false. Many criminologists believe these numbers were fabrications, but they stuck in the public conscience.