What is your most & least favorite country to drive in?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 18, 2007
And why

Favorite: Greece and Germany - Greece is awesome, no rules but somehow people for the most part don't drive like complete assholes. Speed limits aren't even a suggestion and people GTFO if you want to pass. Same for Germany, except for the rules part. I guess it comes down to people getting over if you want to pass, and of course driving a Mercedes on the Autobahn is just something that everyone needs to experience

honorable mention: japan. But just too weird driving on the left, super uncomfortable.

Worst: Qatar and UAE: absolute insanity. Total assholes. Italy was bad too, but nothing can top doha or dubai
germany is awesome.

the roads in ireland are shit and takes a bit to get used to driving on the other side. nothing like driving in a compact car down a street that is 1.5 lanes wide with a tourist bus coming at you full speed.
Since my experience is only 2 countries....

Worst: Florida

Best: Canada. At least when I was there many moons ago, if you approach someone going slower than you from behind, they will move into the emergency lane for you to pass. Very polite those Canadians.
All of those awful socialist countries that have better roads than us.

Actually, riding a scooter around Bali was possibly the most memorable driving I've ever done.
I really enjoyed the Lo countries. But that's the only place I've ever driven outside the US. I train all I can in Europe. I can drive a stick, but I really hate driving a stick on the left side of the road. I've never driven the few times I've been to Ireland and the UK for this reason.

Japan is one of those countries that should have stuck with us on driving on the right side of the road. Why they reverted, we'll never fully understand. Thank Napoleon for anyone else in the Commonwealth wanting to stick with the left. No, really!

Heck, it's why they stuck with their Imperial system in the 19th century when we in the US rebased their system on metric (hence why US Customary != UK Imperial) down to 5, later 7 and finally 9 significant digits, the same as metric itself.
Japan is growing on me. The right hand drive and incredibly narrow side streets are annoying, but people are ridiculously polite on the road. They move over/let you merge 100% of the time, and flash the hazards a couple times means "thank you". Plus while the right hand drive is annoying, there's not a shit ton of roundabouts like the UK so that's good. Also open container laws are a bonus for occupants. So much smarter than our laws (in most parts).
And why

Worst: Qatar and UAE: absolute insanity. Total assholes. Italy was bad too, but nothing can top doha or dubai

Not sure if it's still this way, but one of my professors at UCF said that it's custom in Italy that you leave your car unlocked with the keys in the ignition. It's common if someone wants to move or adjust your parked car for them to get in and move it like on street parking.
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New Zealand was pretty good when I was there, the roads through the mountains were smooth and fun to drive. Speed limits are a bit slow though.
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Not sure if it's still this way, but one of my professors at UCF said that it's custom in Italy that you leave your car unlocked with the keys in the ignition. It's common if someone wants to move or adjust your parked car for them to get in and move it like on street parking.

Yeah, I can see that. It is kind of the same here in Japan for some of the parking, you leave your keys with the attendant and they triple park you to cram the most cars in the small amount of land.
Driving around Chicago with a convertible is my least favorite.
Stopping at a "kill whitey light**" in DC with my Corvette top off was 'my moment' a few years back.

**Not my phrase, but the phrase of my African-American colleague who was following me in his car at the time, and text'd me to 'run it' ('run that kill whitey light')
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Sticking 100% with the developing world ...

France became my favorite in June, merely because the speed limits make freak'n sense -- everything's 50 (~35) and 90kph (~55mph), except when explicitly marked 30 and 70kph. It was also fun to rip a 6-speed manual Ford 5-door Euro-spec around some of those narrow and single lane country hills and curves.

I didn't drive in Paris except for the egress out and return ingress drop-off, and managed a mid-day selfie at the Arc de Triomphe when a van cut across from the near inside to all the way outside, and caused everyone to stop.

The UK would probably be my least favorite. I've avoided driving on the left side of the road, and will always take mass transit, especially since manuals are the standard issue in Europe. I have no problem with manuals, but the stick in the left hand would be way too weird for me.

That and UK highway laws are stupid, and almost self-defeating.

In the US ...

I still consider West Virginia to be the best state east of the mountain-time zones. 70mph highways and 55mph country roads, I've never had more fun driving a Corvette than in West Virginia. And yes, that includes versus the Carolinas, short of the 'Tail of the Dragon,' of course.
Favorite - Germany (I wanna go fast)
Least - Dominican Republic (Not really the whole country but Santo Domingo) Honorable mention for all south american countries
Favorite - Germany (I wanna go fast)
Other than remote portions of the autobaun, is this even possible these days?

Least - Dominican Republic (Not really the whole country but Santo Domingo) Honorable mention for all south american countries
Luckily I've always taken mass transit, although that can be scary in itself.
Other than remote portions of the autobaun, is this even possible these days?

Luckily I've always taken mass transit, although that can be scary in itself.

Especially if we're talking carro publico

As for Germany was there pre speed limit